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No, not Turin. But it is something that each of the words has in common ...
Edit: As we have started a new page, I will repeat the clues here. 1. Falas - Feanor’s first cry of sorrow on finding place of havens. 2. Uinen - You heard nine agitating for calming influence. 3. Morwen - Young queen backs up state-of the-art storage medium. 4. Brandir - Disadvantaged lord makes mark initially in Rohan. 5. Sirion - It is charged by knight before flower emerges. |
Association with water? Tol Morwen and Tol Brandir are both islands...
Desperation setting in....
Obscure brands of car...? I know that there is a Daihatsu Sirion.... there was probably a SSang-yong Uinen 4WD, the Audi Morwen would with grim germanic efficiency give you 8 hours warning of its demise... the Brandir would have perpetual balancing issues whereas the Falas would be designed to boost the egos of really insecure men...
Water? Ulmo? We've got havens with water on one side, a water Maia, two islands, and a river; I can't think of anything more specific than that.
Taking a very wild stab here...
Tol? |
Tol Falas - A large island that stood beyond the Ethir Anduin in the Bay of Belfalas. Tol Uninen - A small island that stood off the coasts of Númenor, in the bay of Rómenna. Tol Morwen - An island that stood off the coasts of Middle-earth after the drowning of Beleriand at the end of the First Age. Tol Brandir - The tall, sheer-sided isle that stood in the River Anduin between the hills of Amon Hen and Amon Lhaw, above the Falls of Rauros. Tol Sirion - The island on the upper reaches of the River Sirion where Finrod Felagund built the tower of Minas Tirith, renamed Tol-in-Gaurhoth after its capture by Sauron. The thread is yours. |
I would relish some cryptic clues to solve, but it's up to you. :) |
Actually I like the jaguar estate.. fine looking car - but even mercs and beamers look almost acceptable in estate version. And I love some jaguars - my grandfather designed the engine for the SK 120 but in all honesty I have to say there have been a few horrors to disgrace the marque ...
all bonnet and no substance |
In apology for my tardiness in coming up with this, it's a longer one. If it's too easy, too hard, or doesn't adhere to the rules, I do apologize. All of them are cryptic but the first one.
1. If he'd been named Meriwether, maybe he wouldn't have had such a devil of a time trying to woo the woman of his dreams. 2. Nessa - Lady buried in one's sadness 3. Golfimbul - Foe enjoys sport within kine, we hear. 4. Varda - The element precedes the creation, says the queen. 5. Gil-galad - Unnetted hero and boy become king 6. Teleri - Sailors back up anger, permitted. 7. Argon - Noble Noldo |
The rules seem to have changed since the beginning of this thread, where it was said that the first letter of each answer forms the password. But here (the previous riddle) the first word of each answer (Tol) was the password. What don't I understand?
Look at rule #5.
To make matters worse, "Tol" was not the first word of each clue. It just happened that if you stuck "Tol" before each clue it made a canonical island. Also, if you've had little experience with cryptic crosswords I suggest you do some reading on how they're done. They're fun, but quite infuriating. :D |
6. Sailors back up anger, permitted - Teleri (renowned for shipbuilding and sailing and it is ire (anger) and let (permitted) reversed (backed up).
Yup. ^_^
2. Lady buried in one's sadness
Nessa Her name is buried in one's sadness. |
Not at all confident but is 7 Artanis? Father-name of Galadriel meaning Royal woman?
I'm fairly lost in trying to figure out how to do this type of riddle, but could 5 be Elessar/Aragorn/Strider?
Well he did become king but I don't see a connection to the rest of the clue. Not that that means anything...
Sorry Mugwump.. you have just set me on what I am confident is the right path.
5. Unnetted hero and boy become king - Gil-galad Boy made me think of lad which led to thinking Gilgalad for the king. So then I was left with Gilga... and thought of Gilgamesh. Lose the mesh or net and ... bingo. |
No thank you... :D I believe that the US and the UK have different cryptic conventions. And we may have corrupted Mnemo in that respect... this is the starter guide to my own choice of daily masochism....
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/3...tic-Clues.html |
7. is, I'm afraid, wrong. The clue is cryptic even if it's only two words.
5., however, is right on the money. Mugwump, please do join me in corruption! We have a lovely old time here, I assure you. ETA: And, Mith, if by "different cryptic conventions," you mean "the U.S. has no cryptic conventions" you're about right. Yes, I've read up on the stuff on wikipedia, and apparently there are different rules for the cryptics that we do have; but almost no one in the States (at least, the Midwest) knows what you're talking about when you mention "cryptic crosswords" or "cryptic anything." About the closest we ever get are the clues in our conventional crosswords that end in question marks. |
I thought there had to be more to it than a translation.. but I had to eliminate before I could progress...have a mind that tends to fixate alas...
Surely there must be some more guesses out there?... |
Stabbing in the dark again ... if the first is a relatively "straight" clue... Aldarion... he is the only character I can think of off the top of my head who really had to woo his lady and the only Meriwether I can find spellt thus was an explorer.... it could also mean a happy sheep which would fit with Erendis' Emerwen (shepherdess) nickname.
Afraid not. You have to look outside Tolkien to get clues for #1.
But the answer IS within Tolkien?
Yes. The answer itself is within Tolkien; in order to get there you have to combine knowledge of Tolkien's stuff with other stuff. This will give you an answer that's valid with said "other stuff" but also happens to be Tolkienian. Like a cryptic, in that sense; only not on the verbal level.
Gosh, that was complicated. A clue as to where you need to look can be found in the word "devil." |
Having been puzzling over these quietly in the background, I believe that I may have found one ...
Foe enjoys sport within kine, we hear. Golfimbul An Orc-chieftain, and so a foe, and his name we might hear as golf-in-bull. :D |
Like the terrorist attack at the cattle show .... abominable...
Bwahaha! That is indeed correct, Sauce!
More to bump up the thread than because I have any confidence I'll try Argon for No 7 . Noble gas and fourth son of Fingolfin unrecorded in the standard Silmarillion.
I <3 Chemistry...
Seriously? I don't believe it? Do you realise how little chemistry I have done? One year decades ago which was somewhat insubstantial due to the teacher having a breakdown after about three weeks... what does I <3 Chemistry mean?
And should I rummage further in the periodic table for 4? |
Maybe, but you'd be better off focusing on the other clues and then letting seeing if what remains fits or not.
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