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Huinesoron 11-02-2020 10:06 AM

Ah! It's #3, right? Liver = organs = offal?

And #6: RING OF AIR? It's 78% nitrogen, after all... :D


Pervinca Took 11-02-2020 10:30 AM

Bien fait!
1. Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise.
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin.
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment?
4. Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear).
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo.
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich?
7. Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems!
8. Garb of Pheriannath.
9. Graces the pages of a hefty tome.
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised?
10. Desired for a lunar tiara?

Huinesoron 11-03-2020 03:13 AM

Well, my brain is still not being helpful with the rest of the clues, but at least it's told me that one synonym for 'Hobbit clothes' would be Curtmantle ("short-robe").

The only Tolkien synonym I was able to come up with was "hobbit-cloak" (as dropped by the Nazgul in... Bree, maybe?); I think I'm probably being too literal.


Pervinca Took 11-03-2020 10:37 AM

These clues are a bit weird because of how they all fit the theme and the password.

You need two separate synonyms. One for garb and one for Pheriannath.

Galadriel55 11-03-2020 02:32 PM

For 9, if it's not the runes of the Book of Mazarbul, perhaps it's the TITLES of the Red Book?

Pervinca Took 11-03-2020 05:39 PM

1. Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise.
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin.
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment?
4. Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear).
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo.
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich?
7. Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems!
8. Garb of Pheriannath.
INK IN THE RED BOOK: Graces the pages of a hefty tome.
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised?
10. Desired for a lunar tiara?

Near enough. Good work.

7 and 10 both refer to a poem/song. The same poem/song.

Huinesoron 11-04-2020 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729384)
7 and 10 both refer to a poem/song. The same poem/song.

Ah! At the risk of being too literal, I took a look at the Other Man in the Moon poem, which I've never really learnt any of the words to. Sure enough:

#7: "He would dare any peril for ruby and beryl"

#10: "For new diadems of lustrous gems,
emerald and sapphire."

(Dude was going through some stuff. "To Mandos with white and silver: I'm gonna dress up like a rainbow!")


Pervinca Took 11-04-2020 11:07 AM

1. Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise.
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin.
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment?
4. Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear).
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo.
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich?
PERIL (FOR RUBY & BERYL): Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems!
8. Garb of Pheriannath.
INK IN THE RED BOOK: Graces the pages of a hefty tome.
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised?
SAPPHIRE & EMERALD: Desired for a lunar tiara?


Ruby Wax and Beryl Reid again. :)

Urwen 11-04-2020 11:13 AM

4. Dernhelm? (meaning 'secret')

Pervinca Took 11-04-2020 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729392)
4. Dernhelm? (meaning 'secret')

No. Like I said, not that kind of headgear.

Huinesoron 11-04-2020 01:34 PM

Aha! I spotted 'COLOUR' a while back, but the latter half had me stumped. But is it COLOUR PAIRS for the password?


Pervinca Took 11-04-2020 08:05 PM

C: Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise.
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin. (Silver & blue)
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment? (Black & silver)
O: Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear).
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo. (White & silver)
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich? (Blue & gold)

PERIL (FOR RUBY & BERYL): Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems! (Red & green)
A: Garb of Pheriannath.
INK IN THE RED BOOK: Graces the pages of a hefty tome. (Red & black)
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised? (Green & white)
SAPPHIRE & EMERALD: Desired for a lunar tiara? (Blue & green)

Colour pairs indeed.

Huinesoron 11-05-2020 03:03 AM

Phew! THat was a tough password; hopefully finally figuring out the theme will help with the last clues.

For instance: with 'arrived together', O sounds like a couple of Thorin's dwarves, with the headgear their hoods. A quick browse of the book show that ORI AND OIN actually showed up together at Bilbo's (along with their various relatives), so that's a Right > North shift and a little disorder.


Pervinca Took 11-05-2020 06:21 AM

C: Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise.
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin. (Silver & blue)
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment? (Black & silver)
ORI & OIN: Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear). (Grey & brown)
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo. (White & silver)
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich? (Blue & gold)

PERIL (FOR RUBY & BERYL): Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems! (Red & green)
A: Garb of Pheriannath.
INK IN THE RED BOOK: Graces the pages of a hefty tome. (Red & black)
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised? (Green & white)
SAPPHIRE & EMERALD: Desired for a lunar tiara? (Blue & green)

Just give me a word meaning 'garb' that begins with A, and I'll let you have that answer.

C refers to someone who made shiny things. And two of the shiny things he made. ;)

Galadriel55 11-05-2020 06:57 AM

... Attire?

... Celebrimbor?

Pervinca Took 11-05-2020 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729399)
... Attire?

... Celebrimbor?

No and no. ;)

Huinesoron 11-05-2020 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729400)
No and no. ;)

Huh, not Celebrimbor? I was sure it was going to be Narya and Nenya as 'Celebrimbor's Other Rings' or something.

So... Feanor made shiny things, which could be said to have spirits of fire, and contain two colours (gold and silver). CRYSTALS is possible, or CURUFINWE'S JEWELS, but he is noted to have made more than two.

The internet suggests 'array' or 'accoutrements' as garb-synonyms. Of course! It is known to the Wise that a 3x3 array of hobbits will fluoresce in both red and green, as famously seen at the Free Fair of 1427. It's all in the Hostetter book.


Pervinca Took 11-05-2020 12:06 PM

What would Curufinwe need when Melkor's heavy metal jamming put the grid out and caused a power cut? ;)

And the A word is the last word of a Blake poem called 'The Little Vagabond.'

Urwen 11-06-2020 04:40 AM


Huinesoron 11-06-2020 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729403)
What would Curufinwe need when Melkor's heavy metal jamming put the grid out and caused a power cut? ;)


Wait, did he make those crystal lanterns of the Noldor that show up once in Tuor's journey and are never mentioned again?

Still no idea where 'Apparel of the Halflings' is going.


Pervinca Took 11-06-2020 06:42 PM

CURUFINWE'S LAMPS: Radiant belongings or imitations of his epesse, nomenclature-wise. (Blue & white)
OCEAN & SWAN: Emblematic of a Gondorian prince and his kin. (Silver & blue)
LIVERY OF GONDOR: An offal-like person of the South Kingdom, or his raiment? (Black & silver)
ORI & OIN: Arrived together, and the same but for changed direction and slight disorder. (The secret’s in the headgear). (Grey & brown)
UNDOMIEL'S GIFT: Precious but kind jewellery, for Frodo. (White & silver)
RING OF AIR: Circular band of something nitrogen-rich? (Blue & gold)

PERIL (FOR RUBY & BERYL): Any can be dared for two comedy actresses – they’re priceless gems! (Red & green)
APPAREL OF HOBBITS: Garb of Pheriannath. (Green & yellow)
INK IN THE RED BOOK: Graces the pages of a hefty tome. (Red & black)
ROHAN'S FLAG: Galloper on grass, emblemised? (Green & white)
SAPPHIRE & EMERALD: Desired for a lunar tiara? (Blue & green)

I can't remember where Curufinwe's lamps are mentioned. I just needed another, different, colour pair. And 'spirit of fire' kind of describes a lamp, especially in a world that isn't using electricity.

Hobbits are fond of dressing in green and yellow. 'Garb of Pheriannath' was just a straight clue to get the colour pair.

Sam wonders if his and Frodo's story will ever be read out from a huge book with black and red letters in it. That's where that colour pair came from, (although I guess the book had a red cover, too, as well as red and black ink on its pages).

Sorry some of the colour pairs are a bit contrived, like the chain and the gem of Frodo's necklace, and the band and the stone of Vilya. There aren't that many really neat colour pairs like the black/sable and silver of Gondor's livery.

Well done, and over to Huinesoron!

Galadriel55 11-06-2020 08:20 PM

That was a tough one, but a very neat theme! I am impressed that you found so many things to fit - it must have taken a lot of book scanning to come up with all of these colour pairs!

Huinesoron 11-09-2020 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729411)
Sorry some of the colour pairs are a bit contrived, like the chain and the gem of Frodo's necklace, and the band and the stone of Vilya. There aren't that many really neat colour pairs like the black/sable and silver of Gondor's livery.

Contrivance is fun! No, seriously, I have no problem with contrived themes or answers, so long as the clues are guessable regardless. (Which "garb of Pheriannath", for instance, totally was - we were just all missing the obvious.) This was a good, challenging but not hyper-frustrating password. :D


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729411)
Well done, and over to Huinesoron!

Okay, here goes:

1. - Wizard, more nectar? Shift that silence to me and stop to aspirate!
2. - Much longer than twig days - but how long?
3. - Sounds like the bosun rides on the back of a log, rides on the back of a log
4. - Half a drum explodes a (cut) herb, but it's still better than the poetry.
5. - On the tip of... not my tongue, I'm a little sick. Like Ulysses, but brighter.
6. - Serious party-going lady swaps to the second half of Elvish exclamation, and sends her daughter out gathering.
7. - Look back at the hidden valley: yes, Spaniard, it's a spotted dog with no prepositions.
8. - Shipwrecked, he calls, "Er, I..." "Lo!" the elves call back.
9. - Her(?) bed was made by a really, really irritated oyster.

(I will note that punctuation is not used in any systematic way; mostly it's just there for grammar purposes. And all the clues have some form of cryptic and straight elements.)


Pervinca Took 11-09-2020 12:15 PM

7. I think this is IMLADRIS, because I think we start with DALMATIAN and lose AT and IN. SI is Spanish for yes. DALM goes backwards. Not sure about the remaining R and I.

Huinesoron 11-09-2020 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729423)
7. I think this is IMLADRIS, because I think we start with DALMATIAN and lose AT and IN. SI is Spanish for yes. DALM goes backwards. Not sure about the remaining R and I.

Correct but I can't spell. :D No idea what happened to the R, and I thought dalmatian ended with -on (hence remove AT and On, leaving I.)

1. - Wizard, more nectar? Shift that silence to me and stop to aspirate!
2. - Much longer than twig days - but how long?
3. - Sounds like the bosun rides on the back of a log, rides on the back of a log
4. - Half a drum explodes a (cut) herb, but it's still better than the poetry.
5. - On the tip of... not my tongue, I'm a little sick. Like Ulysses, but brighter.
6. - Serious party-going lady swaps to the second half of Elvish exclamation, and sends her daughter out gathering.
IMLADRIS - Look back at the hidden valley: yes, Spaniard, it's a spotted dog with no prepositions.
8. - Shipwrecked, he calls, "Er, I..." "Lo!" the elves call back.
9. - Her(?) bed was made by a really, really irritated oyster.


Galadriel55 11-09-2020 05:05 PM

9 points to pearls of some sort as her(?) bed. Which probably refers to some direct quote about something (rather than someone, maybe) on a pearly bed or something. A reference I cannot place. The only direct thing I can think of off the top of my head is "on sand of pearls in Elvenland", but the thing on these sands is "the sighing of the Sea". Anything or any place you can think of that was said to be on top of pearls?

Huinesoron 11-09-2020 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729426)
9 points to pearls of some sort as her(?) bed. Which probably refers to some direct quote about something (rather than someone, maybe) on a pearly bed or something. A reference I cannot place. The only direct thing I can think of off the top of my head is "on sand of pearls in Elvenland", but the thing on these sands is "the sighing of the Sea". Anything or any place you can think of that was said to be on top of pearls?

It is indeed about pearls. :) But not from the Lay of Leithian.


Pervinca Took 11-09-2020 06:08 PM

Nimphelos? 'Cos it was a *huge* pearl.

Unless it's a reference to Pearl Took disposing of Lalia!

Galadriel55 11-09-2020 06:29 PM

I'm still fixated the idea of the pearls being the bed. River Ascar? Or a city that legend says stands on some pretty looking hill - Gondolin? Tirion? I am throwing around wild guesses, I know. I just can't remember any particular thing being specifically said to be in a bed of pearls, and it so7nds like there should be something.

Pervinca Took 11-10-2020 12:21 AM

But it says 'her bed,' seeming to indicating that the pearl itself is the answer? And you'd need a very irritated oyster for a pearl as big as Nimphelos.

Huinesoron 11-10-2020 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729428)
Nimphelos? 'Cos it was a *huge* pearl.

Oh, much much bigger than that.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729428)
Unless it's a reference to Pearl Took disposing of Lalia!

Next password: all pearls, all the time! :D


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 729429)
I'm still fixated the idea of the pearls being the bed. River Ascar? Or a city that legend says stands on some pretty looking hill - Gondolin? Tirion? I am throwing around wild guesses, I know. I just can't remember any particular thing being specifically said to be in a bed of pearls, and it so7nds like there should be something.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729430)
But it says 'her bed,' seeming to indicating that the pearl itself is the answer? And you'd need a very irritated oyster for a pearl as big as Nimphelos.

Gondolin and Tirion come closest, though they're not that close. It's not so much about the bed as about what she(?) does in it.


Huinesoron 11-13-2020 08:24 AM

So it's been a few days, here's a general hint:

A lot of these (3, 5, 6, 8, arguably 4 and 1) have really specific straight clues. How specific? I've only 'arguably' included #1 in that list, for which the straight clue is 'wizard', a term used of six whole people (if you include Sauron on the list; it's not him, though that gives me an idea for another password).


Urwen 11-13-2020 01:00 PM

3. Gollum?

Urwen 11-13-2020 01:02 PM

8. Eriol?

Urwen 11-13-2020 01:02 PM

6. Galadriel?

Huinesoron 11-14-2020 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729453)
3. Gollum?

Veeeeeery nearly. :)


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729454)
8. Eriol?

Yes - Er + I + lo backwards.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729455)
6. Galadriel?

No (did have a daughter, not not noted for said daughter gathering anything).

1. - Wizard, more nectar? Shift that silence to me and stop to aspirate!
2. - Much longer than twig days - but how long?
3. - Sounds like the bosun rides on the back of a log, rides on the back of a log
4. - Half a drum explodes a (cut) herb, but it's still better than the poetry.
5. - On the tip of... not my tongue, I'm a little sick. Like Ulysses, but brighter.
6. - Serious party-going lady swaps to the second half of Elvish exclamation, and sends her daughter out gathering.
IMLADRIS - Look back at the hidden valley: yes, Spaniard, it's a spotted dog with no prepositions.
ERIOL - Shipwrecked, he calls, "Er, I..." "Lo!" the elves call back.
9. - Her(?) bed was made by a really, really irritated oyster.


Urwen 11-14-2020 01:38 PM

3. Smeagol, then?

Huinesoron 11-14-2020 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 729461)
3. Smeagol, then?

Correct (SMEE + LOG backwards) ; will add tomorrow.


1. - Wizard, more nectar? Shift that silence to me and stop to aspirate!
2. - Much longer than twig days - but how long?
SMEAGOL - Sounds like the bosun rides on the back of a log, rides on the back of a log
4. - Half a drum explodes a (cut) herb, but it's still better than the poetry.
5. - On the tip of... not my tongue, I'm a little sick. Like Ulysses, but brighter.
6. - Serious party-going lady swaps to the second half of Elvish exclamation, and sends her daughter out gathering.
IMLADRIS - Look back at the hidden valley: yes, Spaniard, it's a spotted dog with no prepositions.
ERIOL - Shipwrecked, he calls, "Er, I..." "Lo!" the elves call back.
9. - Her(?) bed was made by a really, really irritated oyster.


Pervinca Took 11-15-2020 09:38 AM

A wild, wild guess at the password:


Huinesoron 11-16-2020 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 729464)
A wild, wild guess at the password:


... is correct!

1. M - Wizard, more nectar? Shift that silence to me and stop to aspirate!
2. Y - Much longer than twig days - but how long?
SMEAGOL - Sounds like the bosun rides on the back of a log, rides on the back of a log (His origins - solved by Gandalf)
4. T - Half a drum explodes a (cut) herb, but it's still better than the poetry.
5. E - On the tip of... not my tongue, I'm a little sick. Like Ulysses, but brighter.
6. R - Serious party-going lady swaps to the second half of Elvish exclamation, and sends her daughter out gathering.
IMLADRIS - Look back at the hidden valley: yes, Spaniard, it's a spotted dog with no prepositions. (Secret location)
ERIOL - Shipwrecked, he calls, "Er, I..." "Lo!" the elves call back. (Tolkien undecided on his story)
9. S - Her(?) bed was made by a really, really irritated oyster.

Covering both in-universe and out-of-universe mysteries.


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