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Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 01:00 AM

Is 9 Bilbo, and a reference to the arrivals at the Unexpected Party?

(Also a guess at Hornburg for the trumpet one, on the last page).

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 04:24 AM

No to both, though horn is the start to two. 9 is the most obscure

1. See With centers of activity would reveal these overweight friends
2. Brass Players are always welcome guests.
3. None to be had unless speaking on 4.
4. A piece of boiled leaf is quite the venture.
5. Truly a pleasure if one replaces their pleas with trees.
6. Very Matt Smith-Like with a little extra to follow
7. A dedication of direction that goes on and on.
8. A Single Disgusting expression
9. If you could see multiple raps at the door the long of the short of it, it would be this incredulous fellow.
10. On the whole this whole affair could be said to be awaited to use a similar term.

2. Hornblowers
5. Treasure
6. Eleventy-one
7. Road

Urwen 08-28-2019 04:51 AM

7: Road?

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 05:04 AM

Aye it is.
R + Ode
Also I edited 1 I had “with” twice and in case that was throwing anyone off.

Urwen 08-28-2019 05:30 AM


Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 05:31 AM

Horns of the Rohirrim? They were pretty welcome, when they arrived.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 05:32 AM

Is 5 'treasure?' TR, trees instead of pleas.

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 05:53 AM

Treasure is correct

Number 2 is very straightforward don’t overthink it. If the password is revealed before it I guarantee it’ll be super obvious.

Huinesoron 08-28-2019 06:33 AM

Since Matt Smith was the Eleventh Doctor, I can't not suggest ELEVENTY-ONE for #6. ('One' being the smallest amount of extra you can add.)


Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 06:48 AM

Is 1 GIANTS - I for see; ants are very active.

I came to this guess because I thought the first word might be GREATER, but then HORN------- wouldn't work.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 07:04 AM

Is 2 HORNETS because there were some huge ones near Beorn's?

Is the theme THE HOBBIT?

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 07:27 AM

Shorter way? (Password).

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 07:46 AM

Eleventy-One is correct (honestly my favorite clue in this.)

No to the rest.

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 08:12 AM

On the second I will say Brass and Players are the two halves of the answer.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 11:00 AM

Of course ... HORNBLOWERS! And they were amongst Bilbo's party guests.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 11:04 AM

CHAPTER ONE for the password!


So ...


1. CHUBBS (hubs/chubby).

8. ONE GROSS (Used to describe the amount of people invited to the special part of the party, with the farewell speech). (Considered a vulgar expression by many of the guests ('like goods in a package'), even without the modern usage of 'gross.'

Is 9 NOKES (slightly similar to knocks). One of the regulars at the Green Dragon. Maybe incredulity refers to the rumours surrounding Bilbo's adventures and/or purported wealth?

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 11:05 AM

So they are!

1. See With centers of activity would reveal these overweight friends
2. Brass Players are always welcome guests.
3. None to be had unless speaking on 4.
4. A piece of boiled leaf is quite the venture.
5. Truly a pleasure if one replaces their pleas with trees.
6. Very Matt Smith-Like with a little extra to follow
7. A dedication of direction that goes on and on.
8. A Single Disgusting expression
9. If you could see multiple raps at the door the long of the short of it, it would be this incredulous fellow.
10. On the whole this whole affair could be said to be awaited to use a similar term.

1. Chubbs
2. Hornblowers
3. Admittance
4. Party Business
5. Treasure
6. Eleventy-one
7. Road
8.One Gross
9. Noakes
10. Expected

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 11:19 AM

1, 8, 9 and 10 also guessed (above).

I just edited my last post, because I didn't know you were online.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 11:21 AM

3 and 4: ATTENTION and PIPE?

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 11:26 AM

Sadly no.

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 11:34 AM

Sorry cross post missed your other post of answers All correct

Noakes was in my mind the hardest one.

Two left :)

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 11:44 AM


Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 11:50 AM

No, I’ll say these two clues are so linked they appear in the same sentence. In fact you could put the clues together for that sentence.

Huinesoron 08-28-2019 03:08 PM

Surely a piece of boiled leaf must be PART TEA == PARTY?

And what the sign said you couldn't have except on party business was... ADMITTANCE? I think? I Don't Have My Books With Me.


Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 03:10 PM

Indeed! Pervinca has the floor

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 03:31 PM

Well done, Hs! I was stuck on boiled athelas and how there isn't any in this chapter!

Bilbo does blow on a pipe/other instrument for attention too, though, and you can't, perhaps, have adventures without peril. ;)

Another brilliant and original password from Morsul.

Just 3 clues to write. Will post the next one soon.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 04:01 PM

OK, here goes:

1. See, hear, a conduit in confusion for him.
2. They are grey, and beardless, but slightly changed.
3. Its mellow fruitfulness suits a Ringbearer's wanderlust.
4. Suffering, a land loses its first scenery.
5. For this ordeal, an article is added, on a German dream.
6. Winding road, alternatively, reveals her.
7. Call carriers for them!
8. A land in Berlin, with a road beneath, we hear?
9. Move along two! This one has a lid, and probably a hinge, too.
10. Empire builders swallow Northern Ukraine for him, initially.
11. French valley sighs in confusion for him.

Enjoy! :)

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 05:04 PM

5. Not exactly the most Tolkien of words but Trauma an article added on to traum.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2019 05:13 PM

1. See, hear, a conduit in confusion for him.
2. They are grey, and beardless, but slightly changed.
3. Its mellow fruitfulness suits a Ringbearer's wanderlust.
4. Suffering, a land loses its first scenery.
TRAUMA: For this ordeal, an article is added, on a German dream.
6. Winding road, alternatively, reveals her.
7. Call carriers for them!
8. A land in Berlin, with a road beneath, we hear?
9. Move along two! This one has a lid, and probably a hinge, too.
10. Empire builders swallow Northern Ukraine for him, initially.
11. French valley sighs in confusion for him.

Morsul the Dark 08-28-2019 05:35 PM

Is 2 Gray Havens? Grey Shaven slightly altered

Pervinca Took 08-29-2019 12:05 AM

1. See, hear, a conduit in confusion for him.
HAVENS: They are grey, and beardless, but slightly changed.
3. Its mellow fruitfulness suits a Ringbearer's wanderlust.
4. Suffering, a land loses its first scenery.
TRAUMA: For this ordeal, an article is added, on a German dream.
6. Winding road, alternatively, reveals her.
7. Call carriers for them!
8. A land in Berlin, with a road beneath, we hear?
9. Move along two! This one has a lid, and probably a hinge, too.
10. Empire builders swallow Northern Ukraine for him, initially.
11. French valley sighs in confusion for him.

Indeed so.

Sorry, there was a typo in the last clue. Now corrected.

Urwen 08-29-2019 01:26 AM

11. Elrohir (Loire+Oh)

Pervinca Took 08-29-2019 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 720025)
11. Elrohir (Loire+Oh)

Close! Right valley; wrong sigh.

Urwen 08-29-2019 02:11 AM

Sighs: Ah, Uh, Eh....

Pervinca Took 08-29-2019 02:13 AM

Yes, one of those. ;)

Urwen 08-29-2019 02:30 AM

Can't see it.

Urwen 08-29-2019 02:33 AM

There is Lorien, but I don't think N is a sigh.

Urwen 08-29-2019 02:39 AM

Password: Chapter four :D

Pervinca Took 08-29-2019 02:44 AM

It is a chapter, but not 4.

Urwen 08-29-2019 02:49 AM

Chapter nine?

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