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TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
2. Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil) 3. Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo). 4. A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien). DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo). 6. Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn). 7. Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir). 8. Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves). 9. Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo) 10. Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). * 11. A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo). VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves). MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain). 14. Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin). * Probably/possibly |
11. The Shire?
6. Cerin Amroth
No and no.
You have to make the cryptic bits work. |
1. Crimson Hall for red room?
Never heard of a Crimson Hall.
What about this quote:
https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/408...ding-still-and Why is this quote incorrect? |
Oh wait, I see. 6 is Mordor (Red room - E)
11. Gondor (Condor - C + G)
The ANSWER, though, is incorrect for this puzzle, where you have to fulfil the cryptic parts of the clue as well as the straight and themed parts. And there could be several places to which a character did not go or did not return. There is a specific, text-referenced reason for each answer, though. For example, Gloin at the feast in Rivendell tells Frodo he must go and see Dale now that it is restored to glory. Frodo says he will, if he ever gets the chance, but as we know, he never does. |
TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil) 3. Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo). 4. A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien). DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo). MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn). 7. Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir). 8. Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves). 9. Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo) 10. Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). * GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo). VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves). MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain). 14. Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin). * Probably/possibly THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation). The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna or Valinor. Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he'd invented a very powerful snorkel). Frodo never visited Dale, although Gloin invited him to. Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed). Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west. I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.* * Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria? |
I cannot find any synonyms for partition or linger which work. I also assume that the quaint fruit is fig.
You need a synonym for quaint, then a kind of fruit. Open Google and type in 'partition synonyms.' It will take you to a dictionary definition, but with synonyms underneath. |
Partition synonyms: fence, wall, divider, barrier, separator......
Ah ....
If you google the word I want for synonyms you get partition, but it doesn't work the other way round. |
Then how am I supposed to know which word you want....?
Through common sense.
You can often work out clues if you take a little time away and come back to them fresh, instead of trying to bludgeon them all to death at once. I used to do cryptic crosswords before going to sleep. There would nearly always be a few I couldn't do. Then I'd look at them the next evening when I wasn't so tired, or in the morning if it was a weekend, see the answer, and think 'Of course!' But if you MUST solve it instantly, what did India acquire between itself and Pakistan and (then) East Pakistan when she was partitioned? |
I can't read your mind, no matter how long I wait.
Line? Lindon?
If you travelled from India to Pakistan, what would you cross?
Wagah border?
Just border. ;)
But there is one other word in that clue that you need a synonym of, before you mix everything together. |
Linger = stay, remain?
Hyarrostar (Sarah - A + O + Tarry)?
Oh dear … I've performed my old, unintended party trick and edited instead of quoted the last 'solved bits so far' version of the password. Well, never mind. I'll quote it now.
TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves). HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil) 3. Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo). 4. A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien). DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo). MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn). 7. Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir). 8. Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves). 9. Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo) 10. Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). * GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo). VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves). MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain). 14. Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin). * Probably/possibly THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation). - The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna or Valinor. - Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel). - Frodo never visited Dale, although Gloin invited him. - Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed). - Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west. - I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.* * Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria? |
The border clue still eludes me.....
10. Shire (from Buckinghamshire)?
Look up the name of the studios where the Carry On films were shot.
BORDER - remove one of the letters that could be a note, replace it with another note, and scramble it. |
But there is no place in ME called that. |
I see.
3. Erebor (Border-D+E) |
'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.'
I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods? 'Severally' just means make PINEWOOD (as in Studios) plural. |
TUNA: A dark fish for a hill? (Dark Elves).
HYARROSTAR: Linger, wife of Abraham! Switch an exclamation, and take a turn about here! (Elendil) EREBOR: Partition switches note and meanders. (Frodo). 4. A German baptism unit and a spy, note! How it all twists around here! (Tolkien). DALE: Note boy returning here, (or show surprise to him, in Yorkshire!) (Frodo). MORDOR: Disemvowelled red room in a mess around here! (Aragorn). 7. Leave him in singularly dire straits, when they all mingle here? (Boromir). 8. Sweetly old-fashioned tile broken here? (Dark Elves). 9. Rob thin person? No, place. Confused? (Frodo) PINE-WOODS: Place to shoot Carry On films, severally. (Frodo). * GONDOR: A bird changes its note here. (Bilbo & Frodo). VALINOR: The first of November! Behold, heraldic fur! Scramble for it! (Dark Elves). MORIA: A dwarf in his rightful place, with his mother surrounding him? (Thrain). 14. Note quaint fruit with an unusual core, after an article here. (Pippin). * Probably/possibly THEME: Places one or more people (fairly notably/significantly) did not go or return to, (either on a particular occasion or ever, and sometimes in spite of intention and/or invitation). The Dark Elves never sailed west, so did not visit Tuna or Valinor. Elendil could not go back to any part of Numenor once it was under the sea (unless he invented a very powerful snorkel). Frodo never visited Dale or Erebor, although Gloin invited him. Aragorn never went to Mordor (at least, not before the Ring was destroyed), although he would have gone there with Frodo had Merry and Pippin not needed rescuing (as it seemed). 'Good morning!' said Bilbo. `Feel ready for the great council?' `I feel ready for anything,' answered Frodo. `But most of all I should like to go walking today and explore the valley. I should like to get into those pine-woods up there.' He pointed away far up the side of Rivendell to the north. 'You may have a chance later,' said Gandalf. `But we cannot make any plans yet.' … I suppose he never went in the end. He might have, but once the weight of Middle-earth was truly on his shoulders …? It's said that he spent as much time as possible with Bilbo. Would Bilbo have been up to exploring pine woods? Bilbo never visited Gondor, although he was, of course, invited to A and A's wedding (too old; packing such a bother). Frodo would always have been welcome back there, but he was too deeply hurt and sailed west. I believe Thrain meant to enter Moria, but he was waylaid and died in the pits of Dol Guldur.* * Have I got this right? The bit about Thrain and Moria? |
Actually, he did go to Mordor once. He was there at the challenge before the Black Gate.
Not into it, though, so I think my clue still holds.
Also, the theme is broad and can also mean people not going somewhere at a particular, notable time, or not going back there for a reason. After all, Frodo DID go to Gondor. |
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