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Wait, no, A clue is Arvegil (VEG swallowed by a LIAR)
I'll give you MAGLOR, because you tried to give me the reasoning.
However. GLOAM is another word for twilight. Blend it and add R (R and L are classed as liquids). I expect a bit more than 'because I've got the first letter' to explain Samwise, though. :D |
Yes! Well done on Arvegil. LIAR swallows VEG, leaving it whole and intact, but is fractured itself.
HUOR: Laureate? Last of a score! Disturb her sonnet for a brave man.
ARVEGIL: Does he eat his veg? No! A deceiver swallows it for him! (Whole). (But not the deceiver). MAGLOR: He’s an elf of the twilight, blended and liquid. FEANOR: No fear. Perturbed? Well, it sums him up, really. ARVELEG: Reveal, after much spin, a velar consonant – and the man himself. S: A donkey, a Shropshire town, and a perfect square! Mix them together, and whom do you see? TUOR: He’s a teacher in Gondolin, but he’s suffered dental loss. THEME: FATHERS & SONS |
Well, let's start with SAMWISE
If we remove donkey, we are left with M W I E Now if we remove the Shropshire town, we are left with I. I is a roman numeral of 1, and when you square 1, you get 1, making it a perfect square. So it's [A$$]+WEM+I rearranged (and it seems it won't let me use that word, so I have to improvise....) |
And this is the first one that I've solved in less than a day (And all by myself too, unless we count William's ninja - but I figured out that one without help in spite of that)
Oh, and the last line of that sonnet is apt for Huor (and the rest of Hador's house too), if I do so say so myself.
HUOR: Laureate? Last of a score! Disturb her sonnet for a brave man.
ARVEGIL: Does he eat his veg? No! A deceiver swallows it for him! (Whole). (But not the deceiver). MAGLOR: He’s an elf of the twilight, blended and liquid. FEANOR: No fear. Perturbed? Well, it sums him up, really. ARVELEG: Reveal, after much spin, a velar consonant – and the man himself. SAMWISE: A donkey, a Shropshire town, and a perfect square! Mix them together, and whom do you see? TUOR: He’s a teacher in Gondolin, but he’s suffered dental loss. THEME: FATHERS & SONS I have now done mothers and sons, mothers and daughters, fathers and daughters and fathers and sons, (written before G55's stunning B-fathers one, but not posted until after it). And two 'couples' ones. Excellent work, Urwen! Over to you. |
I was planning to do 'Mothers and daughters' next, but you've already done it. *puts her thinking cap on* |
I had done 'Untimely Deaths' as well, but it doesn't matter. :D
Pairs of females are really hard, though, because there are not that many females and we often don't know many of the people they're related to. Although when I wrote that one, I think we mostly did first-letter passwords, or diagonals, or all 3rd letter or whatever. We've now done so many that we often need random letter positions to make new ones ... especially if they're to have a theme. |
Here is another one which hasn't been done until now.
1. Add liquid to the king of fruits for this. 2. Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. 4. A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. 5. To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. 7. A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. (Admittedly, this one has been inspired by several of the riddles we've had recently. ;) I'll do mother/daughter one on my next turn, unless I come up with something better) |
4: Thingol's sword ARANRUTH, ANAR + RUTH
1. Add liquid to the king of fruits for this.
2. Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. 5. To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. 7. A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. |
7: HE + RUG + RIM, Theoden's sword HERUGRIM
1. Add liquid to the king of fruits for this.
2. Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. 5. To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. |
2. STING, no games
I just realized that I forgot to include one crucial element. This has now been rectified.
1. Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this. STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. 5. To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. |
1. The "King of fruits" is the stinky DURIAN, + L = ANDURIL
theme is either SWORDS or more generally WEAPONS
ANDURIL: Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this.
STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. 5. To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. THEME: SWORDS |
5. is the RING plus LIthium: RINGIL
ANDURIL: Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this.
STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. 3. Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. RIINGIL: To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. THEME: SWORDS |
3: The peculiarly German note H, with GUT, implies GURTHANG but I can't get any kind of drink out of RANG
Never mind! 3 is Eomer's sword GUT + H + WINE, GUTHWINE
ANDURIL: Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this.
STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. GUTHWINE: Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. RIINGIL: To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). 6. A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. 8. Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. THEME: SWORDS |
ANGUIREL for the password?
ANDURIL: Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this.
STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. GUTHWINE: Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. RIINGIL: To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). ?????R: A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. ANGLACHEL: Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. THEME: SWORDS |
DAGMOR. Dogma + R. Beren's sword.
ANDURIL: Add liquid to the (confused) king of fruits for this.
STING: Its name is what you'll feel if you be its enemy. GUTHWINE: Belly, a German note, and a beverage. Combine them for this. ARANRUTH: A biblical woman comes after a disturbed sun for this. RIINGIL: To find it, add an element to Sauron's power source (without a number). DAGMOR: A code of beliefs gains direction for this. HERUGRIM: A pronoun, a carpet and an edge combine for this. ANGLACHEL: Look quickly at unfinished room, and see this. THEME: SWORDS Over to you. |
Sorry, I was busy during the swords one, but I do acknowledge the fact that William did nearly all of the work.
OK ... this is my second one in rhyming couplets. It also goes to a tune: 'Sing a song of sixpence.' 1. Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here! 2. Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer. 3. By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone – 4. And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown. 5. Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball, 6. Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall. 7. Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes - 8. And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose! |
8. Shire?
It's the names of places somewhere.....
1. Brandy Hall (Brandy for spirit)?
BRANDY HALL: Sing a song of Tolkien: strong’s the spirit here!
2. Pain in neck and empty? Nomenclature is queer. 3. By this may you live, since it’s not by bread alone – 4. And here’s a place where (fancifully) hob-nobs could be grown. 5. Here’s the way that you must serve a tennis ball, 6. Here dwelt one whose stories, (many thought), were tall. 7. Here have fun and paddle, but do not prick your toes - 8. And here big grins abound, they say, and none are lachrymose! |
Theme: Locations in Shire (I think you used the same one once before, but you also used the 'council' ones thrice, so it's not a stretch to assume you'd do it again)
But it is THE Shire! :D |
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