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Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 05:14 AM

UR, meaning warmth?

Urwen 06-14-2019 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718235)
UR, meaning warmth?

It means 'flame' in Sindarin. Not that anyone acknowledges Sindarin, though.....

It's always Gnomish this and Gnomish that, despite the fact that Sindarin is the official language in Beleriand.

Urwen 06-14-2019 05:22 AM

URWEN: Ancient letter in the spin. A middle way, and she is revealed.
FEANOR: An admirer of spinning mineral, he is.

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718236)
It means 'flame' in Sindarin. Not that anyone acknowledges Sindarin, though.....

It's always Gnomish this and Gnomish that, despite the fact that Sindarin is the official language in Beleriand.

I knew someone once who preferred Sindarin, and even taught workshops on it. But she has passed beyond the Sundering Seas. :(

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 05:42 AM

Ag is tempting for the mineral.

Ragnor, Ragnir?

But 'admirer' is hard to make work. Only FAN and LOVER occur to me, and they don't seem to appear in any R-initial names.

Urwen 06-14-2019 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718241)
Ag is tempting for the mineral.

Ragnor, Ragnir?

But 'admirer' is hard to make work. Only FAN and LOVER occur to me, and they don't seem to appear in any R-initial names.

And who says it's a R-initial name?:smokin:

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 05:58 AM

Well, that's a bit naughty. I'd put ???'s in if it wasn't. And if it just happened to be a first letter answer in a puzzle of random ones.


Themewise, it should be FEANOR.

Let's see.


Yes. That'll do.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718243)
Well, that's a bit naughty. I'd put ???'s in if it wasn't. And if it just happened to be a first letter answer in a puzzle of random ones.

Well, I asked you whether T was the first letter of the first clue in your previous puzzle, and you didn't say yes or not, so I am not obliged to either.

But yes.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:05 AM

URWEN: Ancient letter in the spin. A middle way, and she is revealed.
FEANOR: An admirer of spinning mineral, he is.

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 06:10 AM

No, that's different. If they're all initial, they're posted as such. If they're random, including some possible firsts, like Thorongil, they're posted as random. It's the type of password that decides it. Anyway, I've always said that in a random position one of mine, it could be first, last or middle.

Anyway, you pestered me until I said Thorongil might be!

Oh. You never actually put Urwen in.


Are you going to post the completed password?

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718247)
No, that's different. If they're all initial, they're posted as such. If they're random, including some possible firsts, like Thorongil, they're posted as random. It's the type of password that decides it. Anyway, I've always said that in a random position one of mine, ig could be first, last or middle.

Anyway, you pestered me until I said it might be!

But you never said 'yes' or 'no', so I don't see why I should tell you whether it's a first letter or not, given that you did not.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:13 AM

Anyway, the turn is yours.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:14 AM

URWEN: Ancient letter in the spin. A middle way, and she is revealed.
FEANOR: An admirer of spinning mineral, he is.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:18 AM

Also, why isn't anyone trying to solve the riddle game?

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718248)
But you never said 'yes' or 'no', so I don't see why I should tell you whether it's a first letter or not, given that you did not.

That's just petty. I have said before that if all are initial, I will indicate such. If the positions are random, they remain so until guessed. If it's a diagonal, or all are 3rd or last letter or something, none are highlighted and you look for the pattern. That's how a proper puzzle works.


1. As an Elf said to a Balrog. And it hadn't even trodden on his toe.

Yes, I've finished. And it might be my best one yet. It's certainly the most succinct.

Urwen 06-14-2019 06:42 AM

I don't recall any Elf saying anything to a Balrog. I could be wrong, though......

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718254)
I don't recall any Elf saying anything to a Balrog. I could be wrong, though......

What, you don't remember Ecthelion's famous line, "Ah'm gonna stab ye with mah hat!"?

(Ecthelion is an angry Glaswegian. It's in HoME XIII: The Weird Bits.)


Urwen 06-14-2019 06:54 AM

No, I don't have that book.

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 718258)
No, I don't have that book.

No, you wouldn't. ;)

I assume the answer isn't "Ai!".


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 718256)
What, you don't remember Ecthelion's famous line, "Ah'm gonna stab ye with mah hat!"?

(Ecthelion is an angry Glaswegian. It's in HoME XIII: The Weird Bits.)


And the Aberdonian Balrog answered: 'Is that so, yer wee gob****e?' :D

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 07:31 AM

AI: As an Elf said to a Balrog. And it hadn't even trodden on his toe.

Of course it is!

Now, what's the password?

And what's the theme?

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718265)
AI: As an Elf said to a Balrog. And it hadn't even trodden on his toe.

Of course it is!

Now, what's the password?

And what's the theme?

'Vowels that can be indicated in Quenya-style Tengwar using only straight lines'. :D


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 07:34 AM

Too sophisticated.

This was thought up in five seconds in response to 'UR!'

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 07:45 AM

OK then. ;)

AI: As an Elf said to a Balrog. And it hadn't even trodden on his toe.



A Elbereth! Ai! Ai! A Balrog!

Over to Huinesoron.

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 07:48 AM

Well, if we're doing this:

0. Shagrat's guide to the correct pronunciation of Sauron's name.


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 07:59 AM

Um. I don't remember any orc saying Sauron's name. Saruman-glob and the White Hand, yes. But I don't recall even a Smelly Sauron or Four-fingered Douchebag, or even Gorthaur Greypants or Ole Red Eye.

So is the answer an empty line, as suggested by 0?

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718271)
Um. I don't remember any orc saying Sauron's name. Saruman-glob and the White Hand, yes. But I don't recall even a Smelly Sauron or Four-fingered Greypants or Ole Red Eye.

So is the answer an empty line, as suggested by 0?

" " - Shagrat's guide to the correct pronunciation of Sauron's name.

"Neither does he use his right name, nor permit it to be spelt or spoken," said Aragorn.

The password is 'the correct pronunciation of the Name of the One outside of certain ceremonies', and the theme is 'unspoken names'.

Right, that's the silliness out of my system. :D Back to you, Pervinca.


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 08:10 AM

I am trounced, indeed. (Bows).


What, I have to write some sensible clues?

(Grumble, grumble, tries to think of a password with minus 6 letters).

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 718272)
" " - Shagrat's guide to the correct pronunciation of Sauron's name.

"Neither does he use his right name, nor permit it to be spelt or spoken," said Aragorn.

The password is 'the correct pronunciation of the Name of the One outside of certain ceremonies', and the theme is 'unspoken names'.

Right, that's the silliness out of my system. :D Back to you, Pervinca.


The One? The Dark Lord, surely?

Huinesoron 06-14-2019 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718274)
The One? The Dark Lord, surely?

Surely you didn't think I'd make the password and the clue identical?! The password is " ", which is how you say the true Name of Iluvatar when you're not getting married, performing one of the three annual prayers of Numenor, or condemning yourself and your family to a wild gem-hunt. (Or, in other words: you don't.)


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 08:44 AM

Recent passwords:

[ nothing ]

And we've had 4 letter ones too. Plenty of 'em.


I will untrounce myself. I will!

Nerwen 06-14-2019 09:01 AM

*reads last couple of pages*


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 10:45 AM

You should read a few pages before, Nerwen. It got even dafter!

But now, the new password, and a friendly riposte to Huinesoron:

1. The Spanish alien is in turmoil for him.
2. Impolite? It's the opposite! A way of walking, a pronoun ... all mingled!
3. Rocky?
4. Mess it up, but for something warm?
5. Huge drawback to him, but it sure turns out OK!
6. 'Tis rare in Mordor.
7. Behold ... seize ... spin ... it's there!
8. Batman has one!
9. Sounds like a pub, or pub's speciality - this trifle of Sauron's, according to Galdor.
10. One vowel-shift away from a palindrome! See it. Wear it!
11. Sounds like a disrespectful name for the Professor in a particularly tart mood.

Urwen 06-14-2019 11:02 AM

1. Feanor (From Foraneo)

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 11:09 AM


As a hint, it's a particular alien. Not a synonym.

Urwen 06-14-2019 11:11 AM

The only alien I know is E.T

Is that it?

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 11:17 AM

No. There's a comedic one, but probably before your time.

Nerwen might know who I mean, if she's still up.

Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 12:23 PM

Nanou nanou ....

Urwen 06-14-2019 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 718285)
Nanou nanou ....


Pervinca Took 06-14-2019 12:44 PM


Nanu nanu.

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