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It is not the right answer. And you do not have the right theme.
But what other theme could possibly connect Turin and Niniel?
Copying it over.
???T???: French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him. ???U???: A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her. ???R???: After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine will reveal her. NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl. FINWE: Spouse around a way for him. |
???? |
I'm not telling you the answer!
I wanted to find a new theme, and a less obvious one. |
Dual names maybe?
In which case, 3 would be Nienor, and 1 would be Turambar |
Is forty-nine a roman numeral?
Re: Dual names
Good idea, but no. It would make far more sense to actually solve the clues. |
Let's see. DIRE-E = DIR. In a muddle = IDR
Forty-nine = IL It gives us Idril. |
???T???: French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him. ???U???: A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her. IDRIL: After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine will reveal her. NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl. FINWE: Spouse around a way for him. |
And I still have no idea what the theme is.....
Handle is a knob and French for 'one' is UN or UNE......
2. Luthien (HILT+UNE)
???T???: French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
LUTHIEN: A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her. IDRIL: After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine will reveal her. NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl. FINWE: Spouse around a way for him. |
Maybe a hint for #1......?
I've tried everything to solve it. Synonyms, French translations, everything, and nothing gives me a Tolkien character. |
It's a pretty famous French valley.
And lingerie?
Well, yes. Choose an item of it!
So Loire+Bra
One of those is right, and that's all I'm saying for now.
I am assuming that the last character has an initial 'T'.
Theme: People in the same family. Turin and Nienor are great-grandchildren of Bregolas, brother of Barahir, father of Beren, who married Luthien.
Not Tar-Aldarion. Not members of the same family. How about Finwe? |
Well, nothing fits. I've tried removing Loir (LOIRE-E) from the names of several characters I've found and I was left with things that don't fit each time......
Unless I leave 'Loire' intact and remove 'R' from bra instead.....
I said no way, not no valley.
But nothing fits.
I've tried various names, and nothing fits....... aaaaaa...... >.> |
I did say only one of LOIRE and BRA was correct.
I will also add that the particular lingerie item is one that I would personally never wear. Even when I was younger and thinner. (Revoltingly unhygienic, in my opinion). |
Thorongil (THONG+LOIR)
THORONGIL: French valley lingerie? No way! Mix it up for him.
LUTHIEN: A handle and the French one are in turmoil for her. IDRIL: After an awful, unsung muddle, forty-nine will reveal her. NINIEL: She sounds like a silly one, the Spanish girl. FINWE: Spouse around a way for him. THEME: Tolkien characters loved romantically by two people, not just one. Well done. Please go ahead and post the next password. I'm *hoping* I've just answered correctly in 'One thing in common,' and I want to put those names in there, unless you guess my theme before Huinesoron confirms yes or no. EDIT: I have! So the theme is now the current question in that thread. FURTHER EDIT: Now guessed in the other thread, so I will post it above too. |
But I want to know the theme.......
Okay, so here you are.
1. Ancient letter in the spin. A middle way, and she is revealed. 2. An admirer of spinning mineral, he is. Heh. |
Oh, and for those who want me to 'complete' this set before playing, it is completed.
Well, RUNE + W gives URWEN for #1.
hS |
URWEN: Ancient letter in the spin. A middle way, and she is revealed.
2. An admirer of spinning mineral, he is. |
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