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Urwen 07-21-2020 02:11 AM

Nandor? Avari? Vanyar? Falathrim? Silvan? Wood-elves?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728203)
Nandor? Avari? Vanyar? Falathrim? Silvan? Wood-elves?

Oh, I see where I've been unclear. When I was pointing back to this:


Originally Posted by Me
Well, yes, in that the answer is some subset of elves, but no.

I meant 'in the same way, the answer is some subset of [your answer]'.

EDIT: For the new page:

1. - Monstrous craven lord
2. - A dullard slow
3. - Faithless lords untrue
4. - Robber
5. - Poor rejected beggar
6. - Fickle folk
7. - Wrought of lies and guile


Urwen 07-21-2020 03:12 AM

So some subset of Noldor and Teleri? Silvan or Wood-Elves are the only ones that are an off-shoot branch of both.

Alternatively, both Noldor and Sindar (a subset of Teleri) eventually settled into Middle Earth. Then there is Glindur, who had both Noldor and Teleri blood. Or Orcs, who were presumably enslaved indiscriminately...

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728206)
So some subset of Noldor and Teleri? Silvan or Wood-Elves are the only ones that are an off-shoot branch of both.

Alternatively, both Noldor and Sindar (a subset of Teleri) eventually settled into Middle Earth. Then there is Glindur, who had both Noldor and Teleri blood. Or Orcs, who were presumably enslaved indiscriminately...

I think you're taking 'subset' too literally (or not literally enough?). 'Gwindor and Beleg' would be a subset of both Noldor and Sindar, as would 'the population of Rivendell'.

There is a very, very strong theme to this password; I suspect they'll all fall in rapid succession.


Urwen 07-21-2020 07:04 AM

How about those Elves that Frodo and Sam saw that were returning to Aman?

Or maybe Gondolindrim, who were all about keeping the new arrivals there, but allowed dad and uncle to leave freely?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728210)
How about those Elves that Frodo and Sam saw that were returning to Aman?

Or maybe Gondolindrim, who were all about keeping the new arrivals there, but allowed dad and uncle to leave freely?

No, but you're getting closer.

I will offer a probably-useless hint and tell you that #6 is in the author's voice.


Urwen 07-21-2020 07:50 AM

I would continue, but I don't know which guess is 'getting closer', the people of Gondolin or the departing Elves.

Unless it's them...

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728213)
I would continue, but I don't know which guess is 'getting closer', the people of Gondolin or the departing Elves.

Both, though in different ways.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728213)
Unless it's them...

It is not.


Urwen 07-21-2020 09:24 AM

Galdor and Glorfindel?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728217)
Galdor and Glorfindel?

Ah, yes, from the famous quote in the Council of Elrond:


Originally Posted by FotR
Beside Glorfindel there were several other fickle folk of Elrond's household, of whom Erestor was the chief; and with him was Galdor, an Elf from the Grey Havens who had come on an errand from Círdan the Shipwright, and was indeed as fickle as the rest of them. Fickleness was in fashion in Imladris at that time, and well-nigh all of Elrond's folk had turned to it.

Or maybe not. ;)


Urwen 07-21-2020 11:54 AM

So you're saying that this subset were described as fickle in the text?

Well, time to turn to my old friend, TG search box...

Urwen 07-21-2020 11:59 AM

2. Orodreth
3. Celegorm and Curufin?
6. Elves of Lorien?

Urwen 07-21-2020 12:01 PM

5. Gwindor or Brandir, possibly?

Urwen 07-21-2020 12:04 PM

1. Morgoth?

In which case, the password could be 'mocking' or 'mockery'.

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728226)
2. Orodreth
3. Celegorm and Curufin?
6. Elves of Lorien?


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728227)
5. Gwindor or Brandir, possibly?


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728228)
1. Morgoth?

In which case, the password could be 'mocking' or 'mockery'.

Yes, yes, no, no, yes, yes. :)

MORGOTH - Monstrous craven lord (per Fingolfin)
ORODRETH - A dullard slow (per Curufin)
CELEGORM & CURUFIN - Faithless lords untrue (per the people of Nargothrond)
4. K - Robber
5. I - Poor rejected beggar
6. N - Fickle folk
7. G - Wrought of lies and guile


Urwen 07-21-2020 12:53 PM

And there is a snag. No 'K' characters are described as 'robber' in the text...

Urwen 07-21-2020 12:54 PM

Anyway, 7: Gurthang?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728235)
And there is a snag. No 'K' characters are described as 'robber' in the text...

I admit that one had to be pushed a bit for the letter, but I promise it's there.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728236)
Anyway, 7: Gurthang?



Urwen 07-21-2020 12:59 PM

If we go by first letter, then Khamul is the best fit. If we go by non-first letter, then Lobelia is...

And wrought could also mean 'born'...

Urwen 07-21-2020 01:01 PM

Lies and guile makes me think of Melkor's lies to the Noldor leaders, so is the word 'GULF' by any chance?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728238)
If we go by first letter, then Khamul is the best fit. If we go by non-first letter, then Lobelia is...

Nope and nope.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728238)
And wrought could also mean 'born'...

In this case it technically means neither.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728239)
Lies and guile makes me think of Melkor's lies to the Noldor leaders, so is the word 'GULF' by any chance?

Nope, though you're thinking down the right sort of lines.


Urwen 07-21-2020 01:11 PM


Pervinca Took 07-21-2020 01:44 PM

4. Bill Ferny?

Urwen 07-21-2020 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728243)
4. Bill Ferny?


Huinesoron 07-21-2020 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728241)

Not those right sort of lines.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 728243)
4. Bill Ferny?

Nope. This particular person being accused of being a Robber is generally seen as a goodie.


Urwen 07-21-2020 03:11 PM

And it doesn't have the letter K in it either. :facepalm:

Urwen 07-21-2020 03:16 PM

Anyway, Kili?

Huinesoron 07-21-2020 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728248)
Anyway, Kili?


The K is a title; you need the title and a person attached to it.


Urwen 07-21-2020 04:42 PM

Thingol (according to SoF)

Huinesoron 07-22-2020 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728252)
Thingol (according to SoF)

Right answer, wrong attribution!

MORGOTH - Monstrous craven lord (per Fingolfin)
ORODRETH - A dullard slow (per Curufin)
CELEGORM & CURUFIN - Faithless lords untrue (per the people of Nargothrond)
KING THINGOL - Robber (per Sauron)
5. I - Poor rejected beggar
6. N - Fickle folk
7. G - Wrought of lies and guile


Originally Posted by Lay of Leithian: Canto VII
"Boldog, I hear, was lately slain
warring on the borders of that domain
where Robber Thingol and outlaw folk
cringe and crawl beneath elm and oak
in drear Doriath.


Urwen 07-22-2020 04:53 AM

5. Incanus?

Huinesoron 07-22-2020 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728255)
5. Incanus?


The theme is not just 'mocking'. It is much stronger than that.


Urwen 07-22-2020 08:20 AM

Are the remaining letters first letters of answers, or not?

Huinesoron 07-22-2020 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728259)
Are the remaining letters first letters of answers, or not?

They are. #6 is a denonym for a group, while #5 and #7 are single-word personal names.


Urwen 07-22-2020 09:59 AM

6. Nandor (it's the only remaining group beginning with N)

Huinesoron 07-22-2020 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728266)
6. Nandor (it's the only remaining group beginning with N)

No it isn't.


Urwen 07-22-2020 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728270)
No it isn't.


This says otherwise.

Galadriel55 07-22-2020 11:39 AM

I am ashamed to say I that my memory of these direct quotes is sadly lacking. I feel like 7 might be applicable to Glaurung, but I also have a feeling that he doesn't quite fit the theme.

Huinesoron 07-22-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728271)

Oh! Well, I must not have written a clue starting with N and using a direct quote referring directly to a group of Elves.

Or -- maybe I did.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728272)
I am ashamed to say I that my memory of these direct quotes is sadly lacking. I feel like 7 might be applicable to Glaurung, but I also have a feeling that he doesn't quite fit the theme.

You're going to feel very silly.

Not Glaurung.


Urwen 07-22-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728274)
Oh! Well, I must not have written a clue starting with N and using a direct quote referring directly to a group of Elves.

Then how do you explain this group not being on TG? Everything there is to know is on there, so why isn't it?

Furthermore, I only have core books (e.g. LOTR, Hobbit, Silm, CoH) and FoG. Things like Lay of Leithian and all that are not in my possession, so if you expect me to get the clues from anything I don't own, then know that it won't happen.

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