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Kath 04-22-2020 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722571)
You're doing great! Want to get a password of your own ready?

I'm very certain I'm not that confident! :D

Could 1 be Orcrist from Auk-wrist? Though I don't know what would then belong to it. Maybe Glamdring - its mate?

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 09:43 AM

1. Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus.
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
6. A Numenorean’s centaur?
7. In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it.
8. An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these.

Correct seabird. The answer is indeed something that Orcrist has. Not a mate/Glamdring, although that is an excellent idea. Something to do with its appearance.

Urwen 04-22-2020 09:57 AM

Jewelled hilt? Or decorated scabbard?

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 10:00 AM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
6. A Numenorean’s centaur?
7. In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it.
8. An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these.

Right first time, Urwen, and with the exact phrase, too! Well done.

Galadriel55 04-22-2020 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 722577)
I'm very certain I'm not that confident! :D

I wanna echo Pervinca - do please try your hand at these! The good thing about this game is that you don't have to follow any particular style when making your clues, as long as there is a password. Many passwords tend to be cryptic, but they don't have to be! Besides, it's super fun to be the riddler every now and again.

I don't at the moment have ideas for the current one. I'll keep working at it.

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 11:43 AM

Also, Kath, we've been making passwords themed for quite a while now, because they're more fun that way, but at the beginning and for many years that wasn't the case, so you don't have to make a themed one if you don't want to.

But if you're happier just joining in the figuring for now, that's fine too! And you might catch the bug of writing them later.

Huinesoron 04-22-2020 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 722581)
I wanna echo Pervinca - do please try your hand at these! The good thing about this game is that you don't have to follow any particular style when making your clues, as long as there is a password.

I'm going to echo the echo, and add that having different styles actually adds to the fun! Otherwise we all get stuck in our ruts, and know exactly how each others' passwords work. It's good to get more people involved!

As for this one: I love the 'Numenorean centaur' clue for its sheer incomprehensibility. Hmm... a soundalike for Ar-Chiron, maybe? Nothing springs to mind as to what it could be, but maybe someone else will be inspired.


Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 02:41 PM

Try finding a particular centaur. ;)

Damn. Where's a centaur emoji when you want one? :D

Urwen 04-22-2020 02:52 PM

Any of these?

Pervinca Took 04-22-2020 03:34 PM


Not named in classical mythology, as far as I am aware.

Galadriel55 04-22-2020 05:05 PM

I was working with 7, trying to get sound alikes from Nowthane and Nowking. But the only thing that sounds alike is, nothing. :p Is NOW the right element?

Also, extremely intrigued by the centaur.

Edit: is it perhaps a Harry Potter centaur? Firenze? And there was another one - Bane or something like that?

Kath 04-22-2020 05:31 PM

I'll stick to guessing for now!

6. A Numenorean's centaur

I can only think of Harry Potter centaurs if it's not a classical one, which made me think of Bane. So a Numenorean's bane ... Isildur's bane? Which would presumably make it the one ring.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 02:28 AM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
ISILDUR'S BANE: A Numenorean’s centaur? (The One Ring)
7. In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it.
8. An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these.

That's the one! (Or should I say the One?)

There was no straight clue, but I think that's defensible on this occasion.

Galadriel, NOW is indeed the right starting element for 7. Macbeth has alternative names, or should I say titles? ;)

Urwen 04-23-2020 02:51 AM

Right, so 7 is Nauglamir (Nau+Glamis-s+R)

Urwen 04-23-2020 02:55 AM

Password: Jeweling?

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 03:46 AM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
ISILDUR'S BANE: A Numenorean’s centaur? (The One Ring)
NAUGLAMIR: In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it. (The famous necklace)
8. An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these.

All hail to thee, Macbeth, Thane of Glamis!

No to 'Jeweling.'

Urwen 04-23-2020 03:55 AM

Anglo-Saxon spear is GAR and lacework is NET. Garnet or Garnets?

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 03:57 AM

Yes, and for an extra merit point, which king had garnets in his crown?

The clue originally had a second sentence at the end: 'A kingly adornment.' But I thought that made it too easy.

Urwen 04-23-2020 04:18 AM

Morlin's uncle did.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 05:51 AM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
4. Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall.
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
ISILDUR'S BANE: A Numenorean’s centaur? (The One Ring)
NAUGLAMIR: In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it. (The famous necklace)
GARNETS: An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these. (In Turgon's crown)

Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.

Urwen 04-23-2020 06:55 AM

Why is it not 'jeweling'? It fits so perfectly....

Urwen 04-23-2020 06:56 AM

Jingling, maybe?

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 07:09 AM


Try to guess a couple more clues first.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722601)
Why is it not 'jeweling'? It fits so perfectly....

Jeweling isn't a word!

I suppose if it had two L's it could be a metaphorical word, with poetic licence. But it doesn't.


OK, apologies. It's a slang term. But it isn't the answer.

It's actually a *different* slang term with double L, too.

I have learned quite a lot today! :D

Galadriel55 04-23-2020 07:57 AM

4. RELY + B = BERYL, which don't fall lightly on the bridges between Rivendell and the Shire.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 08:08 AM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
BERYL: Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall. (Glorfindel dropped one)
5. Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction.
ISILDUR'S BANE: A Numenorean’s centaur? (The One Ring)
NAUGLAMIR: In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it. (The famous necklace)
GARNETS: An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these. (In Turgon's crown)

Indeed they don't. Glorfindel dropped one on purpose.

Hee hee, Glorfindel dropped one! And on purpose, as well! Fragrant, ethereal elf my *bottom.*

(I always think a nice bit of lavatory humour makes a day so much better. Especially a day in lockdown!) :D

Galadriel55 04-23-2020 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722608)
(I always think a nice bit of lavatory humour makes a day so much better. Especially a day in lockdown!) :D

Without a bit of lavatory humour the whole day might as well go down the drain. :cool:

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 08:19 AM


As a hint, because that made me smile, BERYL *could* have been the answer to one of the other clues as well, if it had the right initial, (which it doesn't), and if another thing wasn't the answer, (which it is).

Galadriel55 04-23-2020 10:20 AM

Is 5 somehow ELESSAR, from yells + ???, the straight clue being Aragorn?

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 722614)
Is 5 somehow ELESSAR, from yells + ???, the straight clue being Aragorn?

It involves Elessar, but Elessar is not the answer.

Not 'yells.' A different synonym.

Urwen 04-23-2020 03:59 PM

It could be LESSER RINGS (Rings = calls), but A is not a direction...

Galadriel55 04-23-2020 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722617)
It could be LESSER RINGS (Rings = calls), but A is not a direction...

But E is. Sounds like Elessar, without the first E. I think you have it.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 05:11 PM

JEWELLED HILT: Belongs to a thing sounding like a seabird’s carpus. (On Orcrist)
2. Whatever the danger, one man desired this.
3. It sounds like a Scottish circle.
BERYL: Note and depend in confusion, for a thing allowed to fall. (Glorfindel dropped one)
LESSER RINGS: Aragorn calls for them, we hear, without direction. (Essays in the craft)
ISILDUR'S BANE: A Numenorean’s centaur? (The One Ring)
NAUGLAMIR: In the present, Macbeth, one might say, changes direction for it. (The famous necklace)
GARNETS: An Anglo-Saxon spear driven into lacework will produce these. (In Turgon's crown)

Exactly. And 'we hear' deals with the A / the 'wrong' spelling.

Urwen 04-23-2020 05:34 PM

Jumbling for the Password?

Urwen 04-23-2020 05:36 PM

Scottish circle is 'cearcall', I believe.

Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 07:25 PM

Not jumbling, and not a word for circle in another language or dialect.

Galadriel55 04-23-2020 07:36 PM

Well, it is clearly Macround, the secret fourth Silmaril which Gil-Galad carried hidden in his underpants and which earned him the nickname...


Pervinca Took 04-23-2020 08:36 PM

Damn! Now I won't sleep until I've found a rude sobriquet for Rodnor! :D

I am up at 3.39 because I worked very late, then became engrossed in writing another password and its clues.

Regarding the Scottish thing ... get geographical. ;)

Urwen 04-24-2020 02:50 AM


Pervinca Took 04-24-2020 04:09 AM

No. You have clearly really tried hard to answer this clue. And I am also in a good mood, because I woke early as well as retiring very late, with a drive to complete yet another password I'd been thinking of for a while ... and complete it I just have! So two more added to my stock in less than seven hours, about four of which were spent asleep. :)

There's nothing to really catch you out in the two remaining clues. They are the same kinds of answers as the ones already there.

One of them you would first think of by another name, but I wanted to keep to first letters for the password if at all possible. However, the name I *have* used is not obscure, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I believe it is used exactly as many times as the one people would tend to think of first!

For the 'Scottish' clue, what I would do is try another 'thing' like the 'things' that are already answers in this puzzle, then consider the 'Scottish' connection, keeping the words 'sounds like' in mind.

The other one could equally have had BERYL as the answer, but I wanted Glorfindel to have his moment and I needed an answer in this position that didn't begin with B, but with another letter.

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