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Galadriel55 03-25-2020 08:32 AM

6. Incanus = cain + sun

Galadriel55 03-25-2020 08:37 AM

Don't tell me the password is Book Eight. :p

Pervinca Took 03-25-2020 08:47 AM

BAUGLIR: In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
2. Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
3. Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!
4. Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
5. A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
INCANUS: See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
7. Note fea in great trouble for him.
8. An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
9. For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

Well done! I thought that was possibly the hardest of the nine clues.

EDIT: Just seen your response to clue 6.

Galadriel55 03-25-2020 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721948)
Well done! I thought that was possibly the hardest of the nine clues.

EDIT: Just seen your response to clue 6.

Thanks! But is the password Book Eight? ;)

Pervinca Took 03-25-2020 12:19 PM

No. There isn't a Book Eight! ;)

Unless you know of one in the fanfic universe, of course. :D

Galadriel55 03-25-2020 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721950)
No. There isn't a Book Eight!

Unless you know of one in the fanfic universe, of course. :D

Thankfully! We actually have to find letters and not just fit the right number! :p

(Also, I clearly lost track of the book numbers. :o)

Urwen 03-25-2020 01:10 PM

It can't be that, because Bauglir isn't in LOTR, as far as I am aware.

Pervinca Took 03-25-2020 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 721951)
Thankfully! We actually have to find letters and not just fit the right number! :p

(Also, I clearly lost track of the book numbers. :o)

Thankfully? I'd read 2 more books of LOTR, provided they contained lots of Frodo and more elves. :)

Huinesoron 03-27-2020 09:27 AM

Aha! For #4, would you moan in NAMO's Halls?

For #8, I'm very pleased that Little Women only has four names on the cover... I'm not sure ELBERETH would be too keen on being associated with 'BETH LEER', but there we are. ^_~

As for 'Book Eight'... obviously the best Book Eight, and Book Seven for that matter, would be just the Epilogue write large, with Sam telling endless stories to his kids, and the kids being appallingly charming.


Originally Posted by The Epilogue
Elanor stood up, and passed her hand lightly through Sam's curling brown hair, already flecked with grey. "Good night, Sam-dad. But."

"I don't want good night but," said Sam.

"But won't you show it me first? I was going to say."

"Show you what, dear?"

"The King's letter, of course. You have had it now more than a week."

Sam sat up. "Good gracious!" he said. "How stories do repeat themselves! And you get paid back in your own coin and all. How we spied on poor Mr. Frodo! And now our own spy on us, meaning no more harm than we did, I hope."


Originally Posted by The Epilogue
The stars were shining in a clear dark sky. It was the second day of the bright and cloudless spell that came every year to the Shire towards the end of March, and was every year welcomed and praised as something surprising for the season. All the children were now in bed. It was late, but here and there lights were still glimmering in Hobbiton, and in houses dotted about the night-folded countryside.

Master Samwise stood at the door and looked away eastward. He drew Mistress Rose to him, and set his arm about her.

"March the twenty-fifth!" he said. "This day seventeen years ago, Rose wife. I didn't think I should ever see thee again. But I kept on hoping."

"I never hoped at all, Sam," she said, "not until that very day; and then suddenly I did. About noon, it was, and I felt so glad that I began singing. And mother said: 'Quiet, lass! There's ruffians about.' And I said: 'Let them come! Their time will soon be over. Sam's coming back.' And you came."

"I did," said Sam. "To the most belovedest place in all the world. To my Rose and my garden."

They went in, and Sam shut the door. But even as he did so, he heard suddenly, deep and unstilled, the sigh and murmur of the Sea upon the shores of Middle-earth.


Pervinca Took 03-27-2020 11:44 AM

BAUGLIR: In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
2. Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
3. Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!
NAMO: Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
5. A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
INCANUS: See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
7. Note fea in great trouble for him.
ELBERETH: An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
9. For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

Indeed - and 'a little woman' can also be read in two ways, because Beth is also a 'little' version of Elizabeth. (Beth March herself is 'in full' Elizabeth March, and I think one of L M Alcott's sisters was an (Eliza)beth too. The one Beth is based on, I believe).

Huinesoron 03-27-2020 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721966)
Indeed - and 'a little woman' can also be read in two ways, because Beth is also a 'little' version of Elizabeth. (Beth March herself is 'in full' Elizabeth March, and I think one of L M Alcott's sisters was an (Eliza)beth too. The one Beth is based on, I believe).

Now that's a lovely double-barrelled clue that I completely missed. ^_^

#2: given that it has to start with a vowel (there's no B- consonant clusters I can think of!), and will contain an M (hello, Romans!), there's only so many options... Ori + M = IRMO Lorien, to get both of the Feanturi in there.

... ah, and is #7 SULIMO, from SOUL + MI?


The password isn't BIGNOISES, is it? Referring to the role of all these Ainur in the Song?

If so, that would probably make #9 SARUMAN, from SARn Ford and... someone.


Urwen 03-27-2020 12:26 PM

2. Irmo (Ori+M)

Pervinca Took 03-27-2020 12:56 PM

Well Done!
BAUGLIR: In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
IRMO: Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
G: Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!

NAMO: Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
O: A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
INCANUS: See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
SULIMO: Note fea in great trouble for him.
ELBERETH: An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
SARUMAN: For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

The singer is Gary NUMAN, very big in the 80s and known for using lots of electronic sounds. I did think of mentioning that he and SARN lose the *same* direction. But it flowed better without.

It IS 'BIG NOISES,' but not because of the Music of the Ainur, (I didn't think of that). It's simply because a 'big noise' is slang for a person with a lot of power/authority/influence.

P.S. It WAS a vowel you needed, as it happens, but you forgot the consonant clusters BR and BL! ;)

This is the Gary Numan song I remember most clearly:

(Are YouTube links allowed?)

Huinesoron 03-28-2020 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 721969)
P.S. It WAS a vowel you needed, as it happens, but you forgot the consonant clusters BR and BL! ;)

Utter blather; you must think I have no brain at all to claim such nonsensical clusters exist! (Or did you just bring your bluster?)

Aaaaanyway, is G GILTHONIEL? 'Gilt' can mean fair, and, um... 'honiel' is an anagram of 'helion', which could be a variant of 'hellion' = rowdy person, which is kind of like disgruntled? I dunno, I only had the first half. :)

Then again, Varda already made one appearance, so it's probably not her anyway.


Pervinca Took 03-28-2020 04:26 PM

Not Gilthoniel. A big clue would be to say that this clue is the reason 'Big Noises' does not refer to the Music of the Ainur. (Well, one of the reasons. The main reason is that I never thought of it, as I said before).

Urwen 03-29-2020 04:35 AM

3. Galadriel (GALA+RILED) - Fair as in a festival, rather than a quality.

Pervinca Took 03-29-2020 04:44 AM

BAUGLIR: In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
IRMO: Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
GALADRIEL: Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!

NAMO: Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
O: A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
INCANUS: See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
SULIMO: Note fea in great trouble for him.
ELBERETH: An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
SARUMAN: For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

Absolutely correct! :)

And just so that it's fair, the amateur astronomer you're looking for was very famous in Britain, but perhaps not outside Britain.

Urwen 03-29-2020 04:56 AM

So Orome (from Moore).

Pervinca Took 03-29-2020 05:32 AM

BAUGLIR: In German, I believe we will find him, if we lose a revolutionary leader, grasp the way and spin.
IRMO: Dwarf gains a thousand for him, despite the turmoil.
GALADRIEL: Fair disgruntled, she is, and a little discombobulated too!

NAMO: Well may you do this, in great perturbation, in his halls.
OROME: A confused astronomer will lead you to him.
INCANUS: See him where a muddled murderer meets a burning sphere returning.
SULIMO: Note fea in great trouble for him.
ELBERETH: An evil look meets a little woman. She shakes it up.
SARUMAN: For him, a ford and an eighties singer each lose direction, and meet.

Indeed. Amateur astronomer and xylophonist Patrick Moore, of 'The Sky At Night.'

Over to Huinesoron!

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 06:16 AM

Oh, Patrick Moore! Good catch, Urwen. And great password, Pervinca.

1. - A Proudfoot, vacant but cut short by one and a bit, is wealthy.
2. - I hear you run before a herb, copper.
3. - A beast beyond the circle? I'm uncertain it's inscribed.
4. - Lend one ear to the shortest war, briefly and back, with a signet.
5. - Love lace and flatfish? Like a ring!
6. - A peaceful station in a flipped garland is a jewel.
7. - Race a saint indefinitely for a green jewel.
8. - A venerated elver - her, English? Heavy metal.
9. - Gee, Eastwood's topped and tailed (duh, you hear me?), but he's dark and tough.
10. - A title worn.
11. - He' not greater, but gifted.
12. - Listen: a pirate girl be backwards around silver.
13. - Between Béma and Glorfindel is gold.

One warning: there are straight clues in all of the hints, but don't interpret them too strictly.


Urwen 03-30-2020 06:22 AM

11. Elessar (LESSER)

Urwen 03-30-2020 06:22 AM

13. Maglor

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 06:33 AM

1. - A Proudfoot, vacant but cut short by one and a bit, is wealthy.
2. - I hear you run before a herb, copper.
3. - A beast beyond the circle? I'm uncertain it's inscribed.
4. - Lend one ear to the shortest war, briefly and back, with a signet.
5. - Love lace and flatfish? Like a ring!
6. - A peaceful station in a flipped garland is a jewel.
7. - Race a saint indefinitely for a green jewel.
8. - A venerated elver - her, English? Heavy metal.
9. - Gee, Eastwood's topped and tailed (duh, you hear me?), but he's dark and tough.
10. - A title worn.
ELESSAR - He' not greater, but gifted.
12. - Listen: a pirate girl be backwards around silver.
MAGLOR - Between Béma and Glorfindel is gold.

'e lesser, indeed.


Pervinca Took 03-30-2020 06:48 AM

10. Elfstone?

Urwen 03-30-2020 06:52 AM

9. Glindur (G from Gee, Lin from Clint without the beginning or the end, and dur, which sounds like 'duh'). ;)

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722003)
10. Elfstone?



Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722004)
9. Glindur (G from Gee, Lin from Clint without the beginning or the end, and dur, which sounds like 'duh'). ;)

And yup, exactly that.

1. - A Proudfoot, vacant but cut short by one and a bit, is wealthy.
2. - I hear you run before a herb, copper.
3. - A beast beyond the circle? I'm uncertain it's inscribed.
4. - Lend one ear to the shortest war, briefly and back, with a signet.
5. - Love lace and flatfish? Like a ring!
6. - A peaceful station in a flipped garland is a jewel.
7. - Race a saint indefinitely for a green jewel.
8. - A venerated elver - her, English? Heavy metal.
GLINDUR - Gee, Eastwood's topped and tailed (duh, you hear me?), but he's dark and tough.
10. - A title worn.
ELESSAR - He' not greater, but gifted.
12. - Listen: a pirate girl be backwards around silver.
MAGLOR - Between Béma and Glorfindel is gold.


Pervinca Took 03-30-2020 07:19 AM

I got GLIN but couldn't find the rest. Who was Glindur? I can't seem to find him.

Urwen 03-30-2020 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722007)
I got GLIN but couldn't find the rest. Who was Glindur? I can't seem to find him.

Glindur is a nice chap. Not naughty at all. ;)

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722007)
I got GLIN but couldn't find the rest. Who was Glindur? I can't seem to find him.

It was a very transient name for Maeglin, from the 'what if his dad named him after his favourite metal' period. It's in HoME XI, I believe.


Urwen 03-30-2020 07:49 AM

Well, for 6, if we flip 'LEI' we get IEL.

Now, MIR is 'Peace' in Russian.

So Mir+Iel = Miriel

And that concludes our business. Pleasure doing business with you.

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722014)
Well, for 6, if we flip 'LEI' we get IEL.

Now, MIR is 'Peace' in Russian.

So Mir+Iel = Miriel

And that concludes our business. Pleasure doing business with you.

You're most welcome. :)

1. - A Proudfoot, vacant but cut short by one and a bit, is wealthy.
2. - I hear you run before a herb, copper.
3. - A beast beyond the circle? I'm uncertain it's inscribed.
4. - Lend one ear to the shortest war, briefly and back, with a signet.
5. - Love lace and flatfish? Like a ring!
MIRIEL - A peaceful station in a flipped garland is a jewel.
7. - Race a saint indefinitely for a green jewel.
8. - A venerated elver - her, English? Heavy metal.
GLINDUR - Gee, Eastwood's topped and tailed (duh, you hear me?), but he's dark and tough.
10. - A title worn.
ELESSAR - He' not greater, but gifted.
12. - Listen: a pirate girl be backwards around silver.
MAGLOR - Between Béma and Glorfindel is gold.


Urwen 03-30-2020 08:08 AM

Something tells me that 'green jewel' is also 'Elessar'

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722016)
Something tells me that 'green jewel' is also 'Elessar'

The term 'green jewel' does indicate the Elessar (probably the second one, in context), but that's not the answer to #7.


Urwen 03-30-2020 08:12 AM

So it's Elvish.

Pervinca Took 03-30-2020 08:24 AM

Where is the peaceful station in Miriel?

Although I do remember 'mir' being jewel or gem.

Huinesoron 03-30-2020 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722018)
So it's Elvish.

It is not Edhelharn either, no.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722019)
Where is the peaceful station in Miriel?

Although I do remember 'mir' being jewel or gem.

The name of Space Station Mir is translated 'peace' (or 'world', as Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter remembered to great effect in their Time Odyssey).

'Mir' is indeed the jewel of the clue. :)


Urwen 03-31-2020 04:26 AM

These seem difficult, at least for me. And judging by her absence, for Pervinca as well.

Huinesoron 03-31-2020 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 722027)
These seem difficult, at least for me. And judging by her absence, for Pervinca as well.

I'm sorry to hear that. In the absence of any attempts at answers, I can't really give clues, but I guess I can showcase how my thinking works?

If the cryptic clue read "Sam's bed is not backwards", you'd need to break that down as Sam | bed | not backwards. You'd then look for synonyms for the first two components - in this case Gamgee for the first, and cot for the second - and see whether 'NOT backwards' was a) an instruction for the whole thing (makes no sense), b) needed a synonym (eg 'un' reversed = NU), or c) could be taken literally - NOT, backwards = TON, with the whole answer being GAMGEE COTTON.

If you want to try breaking up some of the clues, I can tell you whether you're on the right track; in this example, if you said 'Sam's | bed is not | backwards', I'd be able to give you a nice big NOPE straight away, rather than you going down a blind alley of knotted flowerbeds or something.


Pervinca Took 03-31-2020 11:51 AM

10. Black Sword?

Huinesoron 03-31-2020 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 722037)
10. Black Sword?

Nope. Not that sort of title. :)


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