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But that has nothing to do with 'ma' or with 'colander'.
Translate it!
I do see two final bits, but not 'goodness me' bit. |
CORMACOLINDO: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds. MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially). ???R???: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony. IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him! PASSWORD: MAURA THEME: FRODO COR! (An expression of surprise. Is it just a British expression, I wonder?) Just knock the end off to get the singular. 'Cormacolindor' on the Field of Cormallen referred to both Frodo and Sam as The Ringbearers. |
Is the last one Bronwe Athan Harthad (Tara+Wan+Heat; the only thing missing is the fireplace.....)
You up for making a new riddle, btw?
CORMACOLINDO: ‘Goodness me, my lettuce-draining implement!’ we seem to hear him cry, (roughly speaking).
DAUR: He’s not nearly as stern as he sounds. MR UNDERHILL: He failed to meet her, we hear, beneath Henry Irving’s lissom larches. (Initially). BRONWE ATHAN HARTHAD: For him: an actress from ‘Alfie’ – pale warmth circulates - and a fireplace sings differently, and in disharmony. IORHAEL: French king returns – hear a word of praise for him! PASSWORD: MAURA THEME: FRODO The elements, though, are (Eleanor) BRON + WAN + HEAT + A + HEARTH - E + D (sings a different note/tune - change note letter for a different note). (I meant the original 'Alfie,' with Michael Caine). ;) The original password was FRODO, but I'd have had to get the F from ELF-FRIEND, which is good and true, but perhaps not quite as specific as CORMACOLINDOR/RINGBEARER. Over to you! Well done. I can't make another riddle just now, I'm afraid. |
My well of themed passwords is quickly drying up. It'll be a while until I make the next one.
1. Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically). 3. A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him. 4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil. |
HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically). 3. A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him. 4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil. |
Pervinca, where u at?
All I see is a bunch of anagrams I can't get anything out of.
#2 seems likely to include 'loan', and #3 is probably talon + n, but I'd have to resort to brute-force attacking them with a searchable database to get anything else out of them. I don't really want to do that; it feels like cheating. (Which is why I personally usually try to give a moderately specific straight clue. Different clue styles, &c &c. This is fine and probably cleverer clues than mine. :)) hS |
I am at the same stage as Huinesoron - stuck at loan and talon.
Only possibility I see for the password is HUAN, but maybe it's an elvish word and not Huan at all. |
What if it's TALON+M?
I tried that but didn't come up with anything.
... TOLMAN? |
HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
2. Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically). TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him. 4. Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil. |
Is the theme heads of families/dynasties?
No. Something easier.
Or they share their names with minor Star Wars characters, just like the obscure Elvish word HOTH? (Wait, that's not actually obscure at all...) hS |
Huinesoron is close with HOTH, if you do some vowel-swappin'.
HATH is Primitive Elvish for treat kindly/help to cure.
Not that. |
HITH (mist) seems even less likely.
HETH is sibling. Is it sibling pairs?
Right answer. |
HARD + LA For number 4. |
HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
E: Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically). TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him. HALDAR: Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil. |
ELANOR has loan.
ER, though? Loaner? |
Yea. |
HALETH: Her physical condition is haywire.
ELANOR: Temporary provision of money reveals her (chaotically). TOLMAN: A nasal in the middle of fractured bird claw, for him. HALDAR: Note, he is unyielding, in turmoil. |
Sorry if it was lame.
Also, both are youngest-and-oldest-sibling pairs. ;)
Over to you.
1. Note, more lowly he sounds.
2. Befuddled elephant sings differently for him. 3. Events a royal initially disturbs, ever so slightly, reveal her. 4. Jaws's unsung spying organ? Not just a hungry predator, though. Actually evil. 5. Send the remainder back! Surround the pen fluid! Adjust very slightly for him. 6. Elver's parent sings at this time, although a little out of sync, for her. 7. He joins Elizabeth Windsor, once one jumps out to the front. |
2. Sharkey (Shark+Eye-E)
3. Evenstar (EVENTs+A+Royal+So) |
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