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Urwen 05-10-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by William Cloud Hicklin (Post 716350)
Um, no. What the heck is a gorm?

Gorm from 'Gormsson', the middle name of King Harold 'Gormsson' Bluetooth of Scandinavia, from whom the modern Bluetooth technology derived its name.

Urwen 05-10-2019 11:55 AM

DOOF is one side of DOOFUS. We just need R.....

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716354)
Gorm from 'Gormsson', the middle name of King Harold 'Gormsson' Bluetooth of Scandinavia, from whom the modern Bluetooth technology derived its name.

OK, you're actually on the right track. But it ain't Morgoth

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716355)
DOOF is one side of DOOFUS. We just need R.....

Come on- how many sides does a person have.....?

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 11:57 AM

New page repost
1. GRISHNAKH: Arab handmaid ate Jewish pastry- the upset without 440 produced a fiend (sword-hand pierced by an arrow)
2. SAURON: Get out? Nein! He's backwards! (dactylectomy by Isildur)
3. BEREN: Remember England; he was in there. (wolf with the munchies)
4. ???T???: Bluetooth gets garbled after tea, so you'll have to unscramble him
5. MAEDHROS: He's like, "Crazy beach, crazy!" (hand amputated by Fingon, *and* burned by a Silmaril)
6. MAGLOR: Glam rocker without even thinking- he was the first and might be the last (burned by a Silmaril)
7. ???N???: Key crew! Activity will reveal him
8. ???D???: He's a dunce on one side

Urwen 05-10-2019 11:58 AM

Two, Left and right

So Frodo (Doof+R)

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:00 PM

Harold + T as in for T.

It gives Tharold. Is there a character named Tharold?

Or maybe Hurin injured his hand somehow.....

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:02 PM

1. GRISHNAKH: Arab handmaid ate Jewish pastry- the upset without 440 produced a fiend (sword-hand pierced by an arrow)
2. SAURON: Get out? Nein! He's backwards! (dactylectomy by Isildur)
3. BEREN: Remember England; he was in there. (wolf with the munchies)
4. ???T???: Bluetooth gets garbled after tea, so you'll have to unscramble him
5. ???????: Black. Black clothes, black outlook
6. MAEDHROS: He's like, "Crazy beach, crazy!" (hand amputated by Fingon, *and* burned by a Silmaril)
7. MAGLOR: Glam rocker without even thinking- he was the first and might be the last (burned by a Silmaril)
8. ???N???: Key crew! Activity will reveal him
9. ???D???: He's a dunce on one side
10. ???S???: The moon, duh?

Added two gimmes just to keep the class complete. Two guys I overlooked

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716360)
Harold + T as in for T.

It gives Tharold. Is there a character named Tharold?

Or maybe Hurin injured his hand somehow.....

How would King Bluetooth (or his scribes) have spelt his name?

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:09 PM

10. Isildur (Isil+Dur)
5. Morgoth (Mor+Goth)

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:10 PM

Harald Blatand, that's how.

Pervinca Took 05-10-2019 12:11 PM

Wasn't it Morgoth's foot that was hurt? The elements fit, though.

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:12 PM

Or Haraldr, but I don't see how the Tea part of the clue fits there.....

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716365)
Wasn't it Morgoth's foot that was hurt? The elements fit, though.

His hands were burned when he stole the Silmarili.

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:14 PM

Maybe 'Haradrim'?

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:19 PM

Frodo is not correct?

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:23 PM

1. GRISHNAKH: Arab handmaid ate Jewish pastry- the upset without 440 produced a fiend (sword-hand pierced by an arrow)
2. SAURON: Get out? Nein! He's backwards! (dactylectomy by Isildur)
3. BEREN: Remember England; he was in there. (wolf with the munchies)
4. ???T???: Bluetooth gets garbled after tea, so you'll have to unscramble him
5. MORGOTH: Black. Black clothes, black outlook (burned by Silmarils)
6. MAEDHROS: He's like, "Crazy beach, crazy!" (hand amputated by Fingon, *and* burned by a Silmaril)
7. MAGLOR: Glam rocker without even thinking- he was the first and might be the last (burned by a Silmaril)
8. ???N???: Key crew! Activity will reveal him
9. FRODO: He's a dunce on one side (dactylectomy by Gollum)
10. ISILDUR: The moon, duh? (burned by the Ring)

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:23 PM

Can't recall any other characters with injured hands.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716366)
Or Haraldr, but I don't see how the Tea part of the clue fits there.....

Oh, come on. "Tea" is the easiest bit in the whole table!

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716371)
Can't recall any other characters with injured hands.

You listed one early on....

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:26 PM

Key crew activity is steering.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:28 PM

All right: both of the characters remaining appear as characters in the main text of the Silmarillion and/or Lord of the Rings. But the specific bits required for this puzzle are found elsewhere (not HME, in case you were worried)

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:28 PM

Feanor and Tuor.

But which of these fits the clue?

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716376)
Feanor and Tuor.

But which of these fits the clue?

Nope. As far as I can tell, neither ever required a hand surgeon.

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:34 PM

They're the only ones I've listed early on. Apart from Thingol, that is.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716378)
They're the only ones I've listed early on. Apart from Thingol, that is.

Sorry, it was Pervinca's guess. Somebody listed him, anyway

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:47 PM

The only others that were listed early are Fingolfin and Finarfin......and 'Fingolfin' contains 'log' in his name.....

Pervinca Took 05-10-2019 12:54 PM

Sam's hand got hurt after he tried cutting Shelob's web and the one strand he managed to sever whipped his hand. ;)

My only guesses were Frodo, Isildur and Gollum, and neither Gollum nor Smeagol have either of the red letters still required.

Unless you use one of Sam's nicknames for him: SLINKER or STINKER.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:54 PM

4 is T + an anagram of HARALD. All you have to do is get the reference.

8 refers to a sport

Urwen 05-10-2019 12:57 PM


William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:59 PM

No. It's a sport probably bigger in England than over here, but the term involved is (I believe) Yank-only. It's also particularly associated with Oxford (and Cambridge)

Pervinca Took 05-10-2019 12:59 PM

Is Trahald Gollum?

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716381)
Sam's hand got hurt after he tried cutting Shelob's web and the one strand he managed to sever whipped his hand. ;)

My only guesses were Frodo, Isildur and Gollum, and neither Gollum nor Smeagol have either of the red letters still required.

Unless you use one of Sam's nicknames for him: SLINKER or STINKER.

Keep going..... As I said, the key datum doesn't appear in the main text

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716385)
Is Trahald Gollum?

Yes! Appendix F. Trahald was Smeagol in "real" Westron.

1. GRISHNAKH: Arab handmaid ate Jewish pastry- the upset without 440 produced a fiend (sword-hand pierced by an arrow)
2. SAURON: Get out? Nein! He's backwards! (dactylectomy by Isildur)
3. BEREN: Remember England; he was in there. (wolf with the munchies)
4. TRAHALD: Bluetooth gets garbled after tea, so you'll have to unscramble him (hands hurt by Sauron's torturers)
5. MORGOTH: Black. Black clothes, black outlook (burned by Silmarils)
6. MAEDHROS: He's like, "Crazy beach, crazy!" (hand amputated by Fingon, *and* burned by a Silmaril)
7. MAGLOR: Glam rocker without even thinking- he was the first and might be the last (burned by a Silmaril)
8. ???N???: Key crew! Activity will reveal him
9. FRODO: He's a dunce on one side (dactylectomy by Gollum)
10. ISILDUR: The moon, duh? (burned by the Ring)

Pervinca Took 05-10-2019 01:02 PM

It was buried somewhere in my memory. I couldn't remember where I might have read it.

Urwen 05-10-2019 01:02 PM

4. Stinker?

Pervinca Took 05-10-2019 01:04 PM

I guess the sport would be rowing. Punting is just a leisure activity, not a sport.

William Cloud Hicklin 05-10-2019 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716390)
I guess the sport would be rowing. Punting is just a leisure activity, not a sport.

There we go. In America, but not Britain, rowing is usually referred to as "crew."

Urwen 05-10-2019 01:07 PM

and the key is a computer key, right?

Urwen 05-10-2019 01:09 PM

Wait, is 8 GWINDOR (ROWING + D)?

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