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Urwen 05-20-2019 03:04 PM

7. Elurin (RUNE+LI)

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:06 PM

FOLCRED: For him, a liquid and a fricative blend with sweet Italian!
ELROHIR: The Spanish pull the oars in this place, we hear. Now see him.
HALETH: He initially turns a machine for her.
???A???: Ugh, he dropped one! Slightly sibilant, and mildly unsettling!
ELURED: He enticed him, we hear (in slightly improper English).
HALDAR: Barnet youth loses one, but see him reform.
ELURIN: Ancient letter – elemental! Mix to find him.

It's HALETH, but it's H + LATHE (turned).

To drop one over here is to ... er ... release gas from ....

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:08 PM

I think the remaining answers are Fastred and Haldad, but I can't figure out how they fit.

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:10 PM

One of those is right.

'Dropped one' may only exist in British slang ....

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:10 PM

Wait, is 3 Haleth (Hal + He + T)

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:15 PM

I could only find 'drop a clanger', but it doesn't fit with Fastred.....

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:23 PM

Sorry, I accidentally edited instead of quoting, so here it us again:

FOLCRED: For him, a liquid and a fricative blend with sweet Italian!
ELROHIR: The Spanish pull the oars in this place, we hear. Now see him.
HALETH: He initially turns a machine for her.
???A???: Ugh, he dropped one! Slightly sibilant, and mildly unsettling!
ELURED: He enticed him, we hear (in slightly improper English).
HALDAR: Barnet youth loses one, but see him reform.
ELURIN: Ancient letter – elemental! Mix to find him.

It's HALETH, but it's H + LATHE (turned = anagram indicator, but a lathe is also a turning machine).

To drop one over here is to ... er ... release gas from ....

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:29 PM

Huey will know it. He has young children. :D

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:37 PM

From rectum?

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:39 PM

Generally, yes. (In a normal, healthy person). :)

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:40 PM

Oh, I see. Fastred (Fart+Se+D)

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:46 PM

Past tense.

Farted + s (slightly sibilant), and shaken up, but only a little, (mildly unsettling).

Hwaet! We have heard of Fastred the Flatulent
And Folcred the Fragrant, twins tenacious
In battle bravery.

(Often sung in Meduseld).

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 03:50 PM

FOLCRED: For him, a liquid and a fricative blend with sweet Italian!
ELROHIR: The Spanish pull the oars in this place, we hear. Now see him.
HALETH: He initially turns a machine for her.
FASTRED: Ugh, he dropped one! Slightly sibilant, and mildly unsettling!
ELURED: He enticed him, we hear (in slightly improper English).
HALDAR: Barnet youth loses one, but see him reform.
ELURIN: Ancient letter – elemental! Mix to find him.


Over to Urwen!

Urwen 05-20-2019 03:59 PM


Urwen 05-20-2019 05:12 PM

I am not sure what to do next.

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 05:21 PM

We can't advise, or we'd know the answers. ;)

Galadriel55 05-20-2019 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717072)
I am not sure what to do next.

Just do what you feel like. :)

Urwen 05-20-2019 05:29 PM

Yes, but too few of options meet this particular criteria I've chosen. X is one of them.

Galadriel55 05-20-2019 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 717076)
Yes, but too few of options meet this particular criteria I've chosen. X is one of them.

What if you modify your criteria, or go for a less strict theme/pattern?

Pervinca Took 05-20-2019 05:40 PM

For example, I really wanted to fit all of Feanor's sons and nothing else into a password, but it wasn't possible, so I made it all the sons plus Feanor and Nerdanel. I'm sure you can come up with another great password if you relax the criteria, as Galadriel suggested.

Urwen 05-21-2019 01:31 AM

I finally made it! This one also has a theme.

1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
2. He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it.
3. Rearrange the mythical monster for him
4. In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one
5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end
6. Elemental destruction? Turn it around for him


Urwen 05-21-2019 07:24 AM

Just in case the new puzzle wasn't seen.

Pervinca Took 05-21-2019 07:40 AM

Seen, and trying, honest! :)

Urwen 05-21-2019 07:51 AM

Modified one of the clues slightly
1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
2. He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it.
3. Rearrange the mythical monster for him
4. In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one
5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end
6. Elemental destruction? Turn it around for him

Nerwen 05-21-2019 09:09 AM

Is #4 FËANOR? ("Fore" + N for direction, but I can't account for the "a").

Nerwen 05-21-2019 09:12 AM

And is #3 ANGROD? (Anagram of "dragon").

Urwen 05-21-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717087)
Is #4 FËANOR? ("Fore" + N for direction, but I can't account for the "a").

It's AFORE+N, actually.

Urwen 05-21-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 717088)
And is #3 ANGROD? (Anagram of "dragon").

Nope, but you have the right idea.

Urwen 05-21-2019 09:15 AM

1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
2. He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it.
3. Rearrange the mythical monster for him
FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one
5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end
6. Elemental destruction? Spin it for him

Urwen 05-21-2019 02:32 PM

Hint for 2: [It] is a popular thing on the interwebz and even beyond, and if you think/talk about [it], you lose [it].

The term could also be used for cunning maneuvers, and this is the way [he] played (and lost) [it].

Nerwen 05-22-2019 01:21 AM

MAEGLIN? ("game" + "nil").

Pervinca Took 05-22-2019 03:07 AM

Oh yes ... LIN(E) for endless queue?

Urwen 05-22-2019 03:14 AM

Indeed so
1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it.
3. Rearrange the mythical monster for him
FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one
5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end
6. Elemental destruction? Spin it for him

Try figuring out the rest. It's easier than you think....

Urwen 05-22-2019 03:19 AM

Hint for 3: Nerwen guessed the right creature, it's just that there are two characters in Tolkien Legendarium whose names are an anagram of 'dragon', and they're both from the first age. If it's not Angrod, it's......

Pervinca Took 05-22-2019 05:19 AM

ANDROG the outlaw.

Urwen 05-22-2019 05:26 AM

1. Moody, with a direction? In confusion, he is revealed
MAEGLIN: He played one in endless queue (mixed up), and he lost it.
ANDROG: Rearrange the mythical monster for him
FEANOR: In the front, with direction? Mix it up for the fiery one
5. Initially, he is taking secretion, without end
6. Elemental destruction? Spin it for him

Urwen 05-22-2019 05:28 AM

Some hints

For 1, find a synonym for 'moody'.
For 5, what do you secrete when you pee?
For 4, find a synonym for 'destruction'.

Pervinca Took 05-22-2019 05:41 AM

Maybe AMARIE for the password?

Pervinca Took 05-22-2019 05:45 AM


H (initial of HE) plus URIN(E).

Urwen 05-22-2019 06:04 AM

Nope, 5 isn't Hurin ;)

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