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Huinesoron 09-25-2018 02:42 AM

1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. - Before they were grey, they served still.

The Conspiracy (in Chapter 5) has four members: Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Fredegar Bolger, poor neglected chap.

For #3, you actually have the right door! But not the right answer. :) And no on Bree or the password.


Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 03:29 AM

Ah ... the chapter number. I thought 5 was Sam, Merry, Pippin, Fredegar and Folco, then those minus Sam when Sam was terrified of being turned into a spotted toad.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 03:36 AM

11. Eol?

Huinesoron 09-25-2018 03:54 AM

I don't think I'd count Folco as a member of the Conspiracy; if he had been, I imagine he'd have joined the others in Crickhollow.

And not Eol, I'm afraid. You're actually looking for the 'without his name' version in #11.


Galadriel55 09-25-2018 05:38 AM

4. Rivendell?

Huinesoron 09-25-2018 05:39 AM

Not Rivendell. The meetings, glances, and farewells are all from different people, and quite some time apart.


Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 05:57 AM

Is 11 Smeagol as the nameless terror- the ghost that drank blood - and the stalker of the Ringbearer?

Huinesoron 09-25-2018 06:46 AM

Nice thought, but no. 'Sing' is relevant here.

Also I might be being a little unfair with 'stalker', but... not by much. (Serial harasser, for sure.)


Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 11:47 AM


16. Gimli's socks? :D

Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 11:51 AM

Is 3 something to do with sailing west, given that Sam did so 60 years after Frodo, I think?

Mithalwen 09-25-2018 02:06 PM

I thought the answer to 1 was orgy for a moment..though 4 indicated letter in answer...eep

On safer ground, I will hazard for 5, Imrahil, wind prince of Dol Amroth

Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 02:27 PM

8. Red Arrow?

Could 4 be the Grey Havens? Ist meeting of Gandalf and Cirdan ....

Galadriel55 09-25-2018 08:17 PM

Weird thought - 11. Tom Bombadil?

Edit: never mind, missed some of your comments on that one :o

Pervinca Took 09-25-2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 712556)
On safer ground, I will hazard for 5, Imrahil, wind prince of Dol Amroth

Cousin of Forlong the Flatulent? :D

Aganzir 09-26-2018 02:07 AM

Is 4 Cerin Amroth?

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 02:44 AM

Wow, lots to get through here!


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. - Before they were grey, they served still.
So that's no on 11 Daeron (he's not the one singing), no on 16 Gimli's socks (:rolleyes:), no on 3 sailing west (the 60 is indeed years, though), yes on 5 Imrahil, yes on 8 Red Arrow, no on 4 Grey Havens (though you're pretty close; consider the 'nearly'), no on 11 Tom Bombadil (see previous comment on 11), and no on 4 Cerin Amroth (though that's a great guess).

I think I got them all?


Aganzir 09-26-2018 03:12 AM

I'm going to guess...

14: Eilinel (although 'singular' eludes me here)

16: The púkel-men

(This is what happens when I return to the Downs - I get no work done. :D)

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 712564)
I'm going to guess...

14: Eilinel (although 'singular' eludes me here)

16: The púkel-men

(This is what happens when I return to the Downs - I get no work done. :D)

No and no, I'm afraid. #14 has both a cryptic and a straight clue, and #16... you're actually kind of in the right place!

(You're telling me! I'm practically new here and I keep writing crosswords instead of working... :D)


Aganzir 09-26-2018 03:33 AM

Ha, is 16 the Oathbreakers then?

14 could also be Beren, who never became the Lord of Ladros and died in Tol Galen... and only had a singular hand. :D

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 05:14 AM

Neither of those either, I'm afraid.

Ladros itself is not actually involved in the Ladros answer. :)


Aganzir 09-26-2018 05:33 AM

So hard! :D

Does 16 have something to do with the Drúedain?

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 712568)
So hard! :D

Does 16 have something to do with the Drúedain?

It does not, except that the Pukel-Men were witness to something relevant to the clue.


Pervinca Took 09-26-2018 06:24 AM

The nearly last farewell I'm thinking of was near Bombadil's, but I can't remember exactly where.

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 07:05 AM

I'd go with 'nearby' rather than 'almost'.


Pervinca Took 09-26-2018 08:03 AM

Maybe the Tower Hills? Sam's last farewell to Elanor.

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 08:41 AM


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. - Before they were grey, they served still.
Was it? I didn't actually remember that! The Tower Hills were the site of the first meeting between the Numenoreans and the men of Middle-earth; the site of Elendil's palantir which let him cast 'lingering glances' into the West; and close to the Grey Havens and the last farewells that take place there.


Pervinca Took 09-26-2018 09:25 AM

12. Merry, who was left behind? There is a Merrymatt on the Downs.

Huinesoron 09-26-2018 09:31 AM

I see where the thought came from, but no.


Pervinca Took 09-26-2018 11:27 AM

Is 16 just the Havens?

Galadriel55 09-26-2018 09:22 PM

Does 15 have something to do with Old Took? Bilbo passed his age near the turn of the Age.

Huinesoron 09-27-2018 02:48 AM

Not the Havens, I'm afraid, but:


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. - Before they were grey, they served still.
'Age Removed' is a direct thesauriation of 'Old Took'. ^_^


Aganzir 09-27-2018 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 712569)
It does not, except that the Pukel-Men were witness to something relevant to the clue.


Aghan's feet, after his watch-stone put out the fire? :D

There's also the Grey Company - whose passing the Púkel-Men witnessed - but I can't quite connect it to the clue.

Could 2 be the Bridge of Khazad-dûm?

Huinesoron 09-27-2018 04:47 AM

The Grey Company is the right people - but not the right answer. Check the first word of the clue. :)

Not the bridge for #2; this is another clue with both a straight(ish) and a cryptic part.


Pervinca Took 09-27-2018 06:13 AM


Huinesoron 09-27-2018 06:15 AM

I mean, you could have been more specific, but I'm not going to quibble:


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.
(As opposed to the Rangers of Ithilien, of course.)


Pervinca Took 09-27-2018 06:21 AM

Does 10 refer to Warwick Davies, who played the hero in the film 'Willow' - which featured many little people?

Could the answer be Willow(s)?

Pervinca Took 09-27-2018 06:23 AM

I *meant* the northern ones.

Mablung has never even glimpsed the Watford Gap!

And as for trying to get decent mushy peas out of Damrod ....

Huinesoron 09-27-2018 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712589)
Does 10 refer to Warwick Davies, who played the hero in the film 'Willow' - which featured many little people?

Could the answer be Willow(s)?

#10 does refer to Warwick Davies, and Willow is in the answer...


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took
I *meant* the northern ones.

Mablung has never even glimpsed the Watford Gap!

And as for trying to get decent mushy peas out of Damrod ....

:D There are so many possibilities inherent in T'Rangers of t'North. Where 'ast tha bin sin' Ah saw thee/On Dead Man's Dike baht 'at?


Pervinca Took 09-27-2018 09:45 AM

All Rangers of the North are Grand-Masters of Eckythump, of course.

Willow men?

Although, having looked up the film, Willow and his friends are DWARVES?

Huinesoron 09-27-2018 09:50 AM

To be more precise, I mean that the word 'willow' is in the answer. :)


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