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04-22-2021, 09:06 PM | #121 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Boro being phantom-esque with his scheming toDay makes me feel good about him. Something about it feels genuine, and while I've been wrong about him before (don't hurt me, my prince!) I think my radar is correctly calibrated here.
I have the same gut feeling about Pitch, after his reaction to my (non)vote yesterDay. Unless he does something nasty, I think I trust him. I'm always suspicious of Morsul because he is, somewhat like myself, a loose cannon. I'm not getting feelings one way or the other on him yet, so I'll leave him be for at least tonight and will revisit in the morning. Speaking of Morsul, kind of, Lottie seems to be picking a fight with him. Rather, picking a suspicion with him. I don't necessarily disagree with what Pop is saying, but it seems more aggressive than she might be as an ordo. Pinging my radar again, this time the wolfy kind. I get no read on Kath, which is normally safe, but again, I'll have to revisit later. Other non-reads include Hui, Sori, and Lommy, although in her case, I'm suspicious of my lack of suspicion. Last but not least, Legate is always evil and must die. I jest. I have no read on him either, but I'm sure that will rapidly change once he wakes up and posts some more. So to put it in a quicker format.... Would currently vote: Lottie (for aggression), Lommy (gut instinct) No idea: Hui, Sori, Legate Would currently not vote: Boro, Pitch, Morsul, Kath
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-22-2021, 09:11 PM | #122 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: from beneath you it giggles incessantly
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Welp, that double post (now triple, sorry) means it's time for me to go to bed. Hopefully our European friends will have a lot to say during my night and I'll wake up to some posts to play with. Until then, nighty night!
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-22-2021, 09:22 PM | #123 | ||
The Werewolf's Companion
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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 03:01 AM | #124 | |
A Voice That Gainsayeth
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In that far land beyond the Sea
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Okay, I just spent like an hour by analysing the votes, so I'm gonna do this first. But before that, regarding Form's death...
Otherwise: voting. Okay, let's have the list for convenience: Kath > Morsul Greenie > Pitch Morsul > hS Lommy > hS [2] Legate > Greenie Huinesoron > Greenie [2] Form > Sally Boro > Lottie Lottie > Greenie [3] Sally > no vote (thus making it clear at this point that her vote wasn't following) Pitch > hS [3] (not voted: Soriman) It is quite interesting that the first couple of votes (Kath's for Morsul and Greenie's for Pitch) were eventually completely forgotten. From purely analytical point of view, in the small numbers in the village, I think we actually had a "healthy spread" of votes (meaning, not just one huge bandwagon for one person, and not even two bandwagons - there were two, but "big" here meant three votes, and there were votes for four completely different people still). I actually think this is "healthy" in the sense that it does not show the, hum hmm, "herd mentality", and individual votes are more... well, individual; therefore saying more about those who cast them. That is not to say that the spread does not make it an ideal place for throwaway votes. Kath and Greenie voted early, so it was hardly throwaway; in fact, with Morsul being discussed, Kath might have expected him to gather more. The follow-up possibility is that if one of the first voted (i.e. Morsul or Pitch) was a Wolf, the steering away from these completely later might have been the result of a specific effort of other Wolves to steer clear of one or them (or, in the most extreme case, both). Under this model, there are lots of singular votes that by themselves do not say much except that they are still creating alternatives (and at the same time are potentially throwaway). Whom I would put under scrutiny are actually the people who made the second votes, thus making the bandwagons roll (Lommy and Hui, with the added value that Hui was acting clearly with the bonus to prevent a wagon against himself - the question of course being that he could have equally well voted for Morsul or Pitch, if it was just about that). Either of them could have acted as Wolves protecting one of Morsul or Pitch (who had votes from before) by supporting bandwagons for somebody else. Also knowing Greenie being innocent, Lottie's vote which "sealed the deal" might have been a way of Lotwolf to save a fellow Huiwolf from the noose. But I think a scenario where Hui and Lottie are both Wolves who voted in order to save Hui would be almost to good to be true. Of course, it is perfectly possible. But Lottie doing this specifically in order to save Hui requires multiple premises to be true first. Interestingly enough, purely based on vibe when looking at the list of votes, Pitch's vote strikes me as rather sinister because he had his opinions, then voted for Hui. And that was at the point when Greenie was leading, and Soriman was left to vote (with it not being sure whether he will). So Pitch's vote was potentially throwaway (if e.g. again the scenario that Hui was a Wolf was true - he would no longer endanger a packmate and at the same time distance himself from him) and at the same time not getting his "hands dirty" in lynching an innocent. The one visibly "throwaway" vote is Boro's (and Form's would be too), posted at the time when there were two "bandwagons" (the quotation marks are intentional, because they were two votes large at that point - on the other hand, again, like I said, in a village of this size that is already something...) and multiple other votes he could have tied for 2, and not so many people left to vote that one could reasonably assume casting one vote for Lottie would get her lynched. So, yes, that is one thing that raises my alertness when it comes to Boro. That is more or less it when it comes to the votes. With all this being said, I think that the words of Form from yesterDay have quite a big of merit and I would consider looking at those who were (or are) quieter and slipping under the radar. It is good to see sally around and posting, I hope also more will follow from Soriman. More thoughts later, I will be back. *cue in Terminator theme*
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories |
04-23-2021, 04:13 AM | #125 |
Shady She-Penguin
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: In a far land beyond the Sea
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Just popping in to say that today is a terrible day to have a Day for me - I have a big deadline at work and I'm seeing friends in the evening. But I'll try to make a comment post on my lunch/coffee break(s) and I'll be around for the last few hours before the DL (might stay up until the DL since it's Friday).
As for the recent events - The wolves killed Form?? Why? I think he only grumbled about Day1s and people not participating? Maybe a safe no trace kill? I'll see if I have time to have a better look at his posts, but my first reaction to these news is confusion. And you guys lynched Greenie after I went to sleep??? You come into my house and lynch my sister?! When she didn't do anything suspicious?? Dishonour on you, dishonour on your cow! Seriously though, I am quite baffled by this too, as Greenie seemed her normal innocent to me yesterDay, and she's not the type of player who usually gets lynched on Day1. (Yeah, I don't think it's fair some people gravitate towards getting lynched early regardless of their role, and some don't, but it's a thing. Someone like Greenie getting lynched on Day1 without a clear reason - I mean I might be biased because I didn't suspect her - makes me raise my eyebrows a little.) I will try to look at the lynch too.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer Blood is running deep, some things never sleep Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 04:20 AM | #126 | |||
Overshadowed Eagle
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I was going to start by answering Pitchwife's question from late yesterDay (the answer being: no, it didn't particularly occur to me that Greenie would see their "flimsy... not confident about this" vote as being something that would attract overNight attention even from Wolf!Pitch), but then I looked at Pitch's history and I Have Questions.
These are the only comments I can find from Pitch on Greenie's alignment: Quote:
Question 2: In context (the "anyone else?" from the previous quote), this seems very like frustration that Sally hadn't voted for me. In which case, if the previous quote indicates that Pitch has or might "Legate 180" between me and Greenie - why this exasperation at someone not enabling my lynch over Greenie's? It seems out of proportion with Pitch's indicated uncertainty/wavering. With all that in mind, Question 3: Quote:
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera |
04-23-2021, 04:44 AM | #127 |
Overshadowed Eagle
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Thinking about about Form's death - my first instinct was to say that even Wolf!Sally might not kill him as a suspected seer, because it would point the finger exclusively at her. I considered it more likely that he was a no-trail killing with a handy side-effect of implicating Sally.
But I've just remembered the Dead and the Ghost. The wolves know that the Seer's visions won't die with them - they can come back as a Ghost and attempt to convey them with no suspicion of lying. I think that tips the scales: they can't go "we'll kill him toMorrow Night when Sally looks less obvious as the reason", because that's another dream for the Seer that will come back to haunt them. I think they'd go for even a highly risky Seer-kill like Form's would have been for Sally. Which means that if Sally isn't a wolf, then as Legate said a couple of posts back, none of the wolves felt they might have been scryed. I think that actually clears Morsul to an extent, because they could definitely have felt scryed yesterDay. hS
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera |
04-23-2021, 05:03 AM | #128 | |||
Laconic Loreman
Nothing like some Werewolf-searching after waking up in the morning. And even better when there's not a lot to catch up on.
Your post #121 looks still busy-tired-sally but using the little time you have to genuinely help us by stating your opinions on where people stand with you. Now your no vote yesterday looks like you legit couldn't catch up and I can see an innocent-sally not wanting to vote for just anyone under those circumstances. It's a shame you'll still be busy-tired-sally, but now your vote and posts today look genuine and thus you were not attempting to create chaos popping in last minute Day 1. Quote:
That's an oddly specific and seems too narrow a net you're casting in your vote-analysis Legate. I agree with the conclusion that you really can't say there was a "bandwagon" with any of the votes yesterday and I also like Day 1s where there is a good spread of who receives votes. A true Day 1 bandwagon, in our small band would have given us little in analyzing Day 1 votes. Quote:
I mean I see you are the first vote for Greenie, so regardless of your alignment you're not going to suspect y ourself, but what about Morsul being the 1st vote for Huey? Why are the 2nd votes more suspicious than the 1st votes? Because 1 vote a bandwagon does not create, but the first vote for someone still has the potential to start a bandwagon, while also keeping relatively safe from scrutiny if there was a bandwagon. I'm not sure if Pitch has trademarked it yet, but *ping* (if you have, Pitch, royalties will be sent ) Edit: crossed with Huey's 2nd post
Fenris Penguin
04-23-2021, 05:04 AM | #129 | |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
1. None of the votes are wolves, this is unlikely just based on probability but not impossible. This would clear Me, Huin, Pitch, Sally, Lottie. I can’t believe that. That would leave five players Boro, Lommie, Legate, Kath, and Sorimon in this crazy unlikely scenario 3/5 of those players are the pack. 2. Far more likely, if they didn’t feel they were found out, it’s likely if they received vote(s) the reasoning behind those votes didn’t trouble them. This requires a must closer scrutiny of votes and reasoning. Xed Boro
Morsul the Resurrected |
04-23-2021, 05:15 AM | #130 | ||
Overshadowed Eagle
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(And since I trimmed the end off a sentence in my last post: this "clear" of Morsul only applies if Sally is innocent!) hS
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera |
04-23-2021, 05:33 AM | #131 | ||
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
So looking through the votes and reasonings the oddest one, to me, is Lommie’s vote which happens to overlap with Legate’s look at second votes thought.
Edit: just adding I just got called and will be doing a later shift so I might be voting early since I’ll be at work during DL and can’t guarantee I can sneak away. I may or may not have been told to get off my phone Wednesday :rolls eyes:
Morsul the Resurrected Last edited by Morsul the Dark; 04-23-2021 at 05:37 AM. Reason: Removed highlight on quotes vote to avoid confusion. |
04-23-2021, 07:11 AM | #132 | |||||
Shady She-Penguin
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: In a far land beyond the Sea
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Commenting as I read, starting from yesterDay after my bedtime
Side note: based on these two minor points, I would be really tempted to jump into contemplating a Lottie-Sally-Huin pack, but I don't think I've ever made a 100% correct pack prediction on day2 so... But if turns out to be them, then I TOLD YOU SO, ALREADY ON DAY2. Ok now that I got that off my chest, let's proceed... Quote:
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer Blood is running deep, some things never sleep Double Fenris
Last edited by Thinlómien; 04-23-2021 at 07:12 AM. Reason: fixed a typo: bade -> based |
04-23-2021, 07:11 AM | #133 | ||
Laconic Loreman
Conspiracy Corner with Boro
So Today's conspiracy theory post is centering on Legate.
What is interesting to note here is that Greenie is lynched and now confirmed innocent. Then today... Quote:
Now if I were to believe in conspiracy theories, it looks like Legate and Huey are packmates. Huey's driving and getting the suspicions stirring against innocent people. Legate is narrowing in on Huey + 1 other, to softly suspect Huey and fall back on as a wolf-on-wolf vote, but trying to put the attention on the other person (Greenie Day 1 and now Lommy today). Edit: crossed with Lommy
Fenris Penguin
04-23-2021, 08:44 AM | #134 | ||
Overshadowed Eagle
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: The north-west of the Old World, east of the Sea
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Just noticed this from earlier toDay (emphasis mine):
With that in mind, I took a look at this: Quote:
So Boro's comment, which reductively summarises Legate's "net" as catching just me and Lommy, doesn't just ignore his comments on Boro - it strongly implies that they didn't exist, and looks very much like a wolfish attempt to memory-hole the suspicion. The fact that this has now led into a self-titled Legate-hS "conspiracy theory" - didn't Pitch have one of those yesterDay? - does nothing to take away from that impression. (And yes, "if I were to believe in conspiracy theories" is another wonderful way for a wolf!Boro to put an idea out there without quite claiming to believe it... deniability, always deniability.) hS
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera |
04-23-2021, 09:15 AM | #135 |
Overshadowed Eagle
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Location: The north-west of the Old World, east of the Sea
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So far today I suspect Pitch and Boro, plus Sally on procedural grounds (ie, if Form's death was an attempt to get the Seer then Sally is a wolf). It occurs to me that Pitch's late vote was a good way to let Greenie - who could have been a Seer who saw wolf!Pitch - get lynched while making Pitch look like he was trying to stop it.
I semi-clear Morsul on similar procedural grounds - if Sally isn't a wolf, then there's at least two people wolf!Morsul could see as potential Seers. I was going to look at the other people who've posted today, but only have time for one. Lottie makes some solid points in their early Day 2 discussion with Morsul. Sally sees this as more aggressive than normal, while Boro (#128) "agrees with Sally", but then describes it as "the Lottie I'm most familiar with". I think that inconsistency (ie, is it too aggressive, or normally aggressive?) says more about Boro than it does about Lottie, so I'm not suspicious of Lottie at this time. Still need to look at Lommy and Legate, and I hope we hear more from Kath and Soriman soon! hS
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera |
04-23-2021, 09:26 AM | #136 | |||
Shady She-Penguin
Join Date: Dec 2004
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I have 15 minutes, so I'm going to look at Form's 9 posts:
#5, #44, #48, #52, #58 are mostly grumbling about Day1's. He was perhaps a little baited into this by Boro, and later, by yours truly, AND last by Hui. #52 also includes a joke (I presume) suspicion of me because I'm not finding his Day1 grumbling suspicious (anymore). #61 argues for Hui's innocence while acknowledging he might be making a terrible mistake. This makes Hui look a bit better to me - I guess the wolves could have interpreted this post as seer!Form defending his known innocent? (I mean obviously Wolfesoron could have also picked Form as a no trace kill, thinking that would make him look good, but that's getting a little convoluted. If Form's death has anything to do with Hui, it's more likely that he's innocent.) #78 ranks people based on how much they've contributed so far, saying: Quote:
#84 speculates about a Sally/Lottie wolf combo, but discards his own suspicion #93, vote post, quoted in full: Quote:
Conclusions: ...yeah, not much to conclude. Maybe I'm a little more concerned about Sally and a little less concerned about Hui, but I don't think Form was very likely killed as a potential seer based on what he said about other players. I think it was more likely a no trace kill (with the side effect of implicating an innocent Sally? would the wolves make a no trace kill that actually implicates one of their own?) or because Form pinged the wolves' gifted radar for some reason I can't see. edit: xed with Hui
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer Blood is running deep, some things never sleep Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 09:32 AM | #137 | |
A Voice That Gainsayeth
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In that far land beyond the Sea
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I'm at work, so more like a quick chime in. I should however have considerably more time couple of hours before DL.
Some generic thoughts: As far as toDay goes, thus far, I am thinking Morsul comes across as genuinely trying to unravel things. Sally seems to have lots of her thoughts based on "gut feeling", which is something one can't really verify, even though she is a lot more specific in regards to Morsul and Lottie. So that is at least some data - I would however prefer to see more. Her first post toDay came across as genuine, the second one was more all over the place. Hui is very much active again, I find at least that he is giving things a thought. That said, his speculation about the Ghost and Seer in #127 sounds almost like he's given it too much of a thought, perhaps overNight (and then saying "he just remembered it"). But it may just be a byproduct of thinking things from very many angles, which I would understand. Lommy's first post toDay seemed rather contentless, although that may be attributed to lack of time. The second one was however pretty analytical, to the point of some complicated constructions of Wolf packs; but she brings up good points about Sally and Lottie. As for Lottie herself, I can't really make any clear image of her myself, the radar is blurry (and has remained so for a while). She is contributing and seems to bring up constructive points, but with what intent I can't decipher. I am becoming increasingly unclear, if not suspicious about what Boro is up to, because while yesterDay I overall leaned towards trusting what he was doing, toDay I am increasingly dubious about what his role in everything is. It may be influenced partly by his throwaway vote yesterDay and lastly the conspiracy theory post - I cannot tell whether that is supposed to be a mental exercise or whether he is subtly trying to cast suspicion around. Besides, speaking of that: Quote:
Anyway, typing this took a while as I was called off in the middle a few times - I am going to leave it at this now because I may end up being interrupted for an unknown amount of time any moment again, but as I said, I'll be around later after my work ends. I'd especially like to see Souriman and others who haven't appeared or posted much yet. The "lurkers" should not indeed be just left lurking (even though I think essentially everyone has been posting now). EDIT: x-ed with Lommy and both Hueys
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories |
04-23-2021, 09:40 AM | #138 |
A Voice That Gainsayeth
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: In that far land beyond the Sea
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Okay, just as a remark, I see Hui has arrived to similar conclusions and spotting similar inconsistencies regarding Boro. That at least makes me think of genuine thinking on his part. Also Lommy's post looks fairly genuine, the kind of analysis a Wolf would not maybe even bother with in the first place.
Now off.
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories |
04-23-2021, 09:44 AM | #139 | ||
Laconic Loreman
On my lunch, so only a chance to respond to something directly. Will be able to return in 4-ish hours and then around until the DL.
I think I do detect an attempted distraction. So, sorry Huey, won't engage in a conversation that looks like you're trying to derail and argue with me about something I said I was going to ignore. What I will argue about though is Legate's vote analysis: Quote:
But my "narrow net" comment is about how he waves away the other people who voted for Huey and Greenie. He sort of waves away the 1st votes (his and Morsul) under the "1 vote doesn't make a bandwagon, so the 1st votes were people offering more alternatives." And focuses the scrutiny on the people who made the 2nd votes (Lommy and Huey)...which as noted in my conspiracy post. It's the 2nd time that Legate has seemed to direct the scrutiny on "Huey + one other" The reason it's a conspiracy is because I think Legate looks the worst out of the two (him and Huey). So, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Legate would simply attach himself to an innocent Huey to keep a smaller list of suspects. Edit: crossed with Legate twice, have to be away though. Will return in 4ish hours Edit 2: Changed the 2nd quote, I mistakenly assigned it to Legate. So corrected it to Huey
Fenris Penguin
Last edited by Boromir88; 04-23-2021 at 09:50 AM. |
04-23-2021, 10:51 AM | #140 | ||
Wight of the Old Forest
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Back from work and catching up.
As for Greenie, that part wasn't 180 - I wasn't happy with her voting me, but otherwise by the end of the Day I was willing to bet she was innocent. Quote:
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI |
04-23-2021, 11:32 AM | #141 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Grrrr. Things keep popping up at work today, and it's my last day before I'm out for a week, so I'm horrendously busy. The good news is I will be around pretty steadily once today is over. The bad news is I will probably have to vote early because I don't want to forget again.
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-23-2021, 11:35 AM | #142 | |||
Wight of the Old Forest
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Location: Unattended on the railway station, in the litter at the dancehall
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Speaking of turns (although this is rather a quicksandy shift):
Also, Lottie, since you didn't think sally or Sori would vote at all, if you were concerned for your own life you could have voted me (not that that would have been any better), and by the Rule of First you would have been safe. So whom were you really trying to save, yourself or Hui?
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI |
04-23-2021, 11:48 AM | #143 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: from beneath you it giggles incessantly
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What some people seem to forget about Pitch and I is that we were packmates in the last game, so I feel like I have a pretty good read on him solely based on that. Besides, and innocent Pitch would be aggravated by someone no voting, while this would obviously have benefited a wolf Pitch because he knew one of Greenie or Hui would die, and if he were a wolf with Hui, he wouldn't have pitched (har har) him for lynching in the first place.
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-23-2021, 11:49 AM | #144 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: from beneath you it giggles incessantly
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Also, Pitch is making some great points about Lottie in his post above mine. I'm very comfortable voting Lottie today, though I'll still wait to see if something else comes out of the woodwork.
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-23-2021, 12:02 PM | #145 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
So this is flimsy but I’ll toss it out there Lottie gave me a hard time for not having reads on two people but in Post 123 gave Sally a pass for the like four people she had no read on in her list.
This with her saving Hui My very flimsy theory entirely contingent on WolfLottie is Sally Lottie Huin pack Xed Sallyx2
Morsul the Resurrected |
04-23-2021, 12:09 PM | #146 | |
Everlasting Whiteness
I have had less time than expected so am just catching up!
Initial thoughts based on the end of yesterDay and the kill overNight are kind of summed up by a comment from Pitch yesterDay. Quote:
Kath --> Morsul Greenie --> Pitch Morsul --> Hui Lommy --> Hui Legate --> Greenie Hui --> Greenie Form --> sally Boro --> Lottie Lottie --> Greenie sally --> no one Pitch --> Hui Soriman missed the voting Choosing not to vote helps no one but the wolves, because it leaves no voting record. With Greenie on 3 and Hui on 2 it was a pretty vital moment and any vote would have been better information for toDay than no vote. Then the kill. The wolves have to aim for the Seer, they can't afford not to. So either they saw something Seer-ish in Form, or they thought he'd dreamt of one of them. He voted for sally out of quite a few 'lurker' options he was thinking about, so even if killing him points toward a sally-wolf, the pack may have thought that getting potential Form-Seer out of the way early on was worth the risk. Posting this then reading through toDay.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” |
04-23-2021, 12:12 PM | #147 | |
Wight of the Old Forest
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Unattended on the railway station, in the litter at the dancehall
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Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI |
04-23-2021, 12:33 PM | #148 | |||||
The Werewolf's Companion
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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 01:04 PM | #149 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
I’ll be around for about 45 minutes on lunch break. I might be forced to vote at the end since it is quite busy. I hate voting early.
Lottie and Sally are my top choices Lottie for her vote and behavior as outlined before. Sally for decided no vote along with Form’s night kill. Huin is next but a far third mostly based on Lottie’s vote which is out of their control so not solid. I feel like we’d get more information from a LottieWolf than a SallyWolf
Morsul the Resurrected |
04-23-2021, 01:15 PM | #150 | |
Everlasting Whiteness
I haven't made it to toDay yet as I forgot how much I missed between voting and deadline yesterDay! Standing out to me from that is Hui.
As I read, it struck me that a lot of Hui's suspicion of Greenie was based on her seemingly taking other people suspicions and reiterating them. But in terms of Hui's suspicion of Greenie, they first agree with Legate that Greenie's comment about 'Boro launching the Day 1s are pointless debate' was overstating it and then use Legate's reasons against Greenie again to further suspect Greenie. So ... pot/kettle? Then we get: Quote:
Actually all the way through yesterDay Hui seems to be sort of following Legate's lead. Even in post #70 Legate suggests Greenie as a vote and Hui then suggests that would be a vote they'd be comfortable with. I don't know that I'm saying there's a Legate/Hui wolf-pack here, but it struck me as odd.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” |
04-23-2021, 01:15 PM | #151 |
The Werewolf's Companion
Join Date: Aug 2009
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If there was a LottieWolf, maybe. I am not a wolf. You will get no information from lynching me, and the people who are spending the whole Day barking up this tree are giving the wolves perfect cover in which to operate. Please, just look at one (1) other person toDay. The village doesn’t benefit from wasting the whole day suspecting the same (innocent, believe it or not) person.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. Double Fenris
Last edited by Loslote; 04-23-2021 at 01:15 PM. Reason: Xed with Kath |
04-23-2021, 01:16 PM | #152 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
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I'm definitely not posting this while on a conference call.
I don't want to vote super early, but the more Lottie talks, the more suspicious I'm finding her. Not that she doesn't make sense, but she seems more....touchy, though of course not in a mean way, just a suspicious way. I'll be back over a break, at which point I'll have to vote. I'm working late tonight to make up for being gone next week, so I won't be able to be on again until after deadline. Edit: x'd with Pop
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-23-2021, 01:21 PM | #153 |
The Werewolf's Companion
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Well, yes. Several people have said nothing all Day except that I seem suspicious. I am getting tired of that - look at other options! My vote stands out because it was the deciding one. Well, if Pitch had voted before me and Huin had turned out to be innocent, maybe my vote would have been the throwaway vote and his would have been the one that saved Greenie and you all would think Pitch and Greenie were packmates. That's just the position we were both in at the end of yesterDay, because people didn't vote, and I strongly suspect two innocents were the ones most likely to go home. I made a decision. I didn't especially suspect Greenie, but I chose to keep Huin, and now you and Morsul are all but refusing to look at anyone else because of it. It is frustrating, and I am a bit touchy at this point. I'm not a wolf, and I really, really wish you guys would spend more time looking for wolves than just reiterating that you suspect me. I get it, I do, but please don't just let the wolves skate by completely unnoticed because you can't stop talking about me!
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 01:25 PM | #154 | |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
Sally and Huin are on my radar. Legate is on others pitch features in others.
Morsul the Resurrected |
04-23-2021, 01:31 PM | #155 | ||||
Laconic Loreman
Alright, back for the rest of the day. I haven't read any posts after my last one #139 yet, I wanted to expand more on my suspicions about Legate's vote analysis post:
Morsul > Huey Lommy > Huey (2) Legate > Greenie Huey > Greenie (2) Lottie > Greenie (3) Pitch > Huey (3) It's also true that you considered Morsul being the first to vote for Huey, but to me, you very clearly wanted to put the attention to those who cast the 2nd votes (Huey and Lommy) Quote:
And my argument is, a single vote a bandwagon does not make, but a single vote has the same potential to start a bandwagon. What I mean is with Lottie's vote yesterday: Quote:
If you want to call my vote a throwaway, I can see that being the case for people who don't know my alignment. I still would beg to disagree. It was Lottie's and Pitch's vote that made mine a "throwaway." I was pretty clear throughout the day I was more worried about Lottie and voted that way. Lottie herself admitted there was the possibility that she could be bandwagon lynched. So, in my opinion, to call my vote a "throwaway" is inaccurate, it's only a throwaway because Lottie's, Pitch's votes, plus sally's and Soriman not voting made it a throwaway. Now I did make a mistake in not recognizing Legate's comments on Pitch's vote: Quote:
It may very well be a language barrier thing, but if anything Lottie's vote is the sinister one and Pitch's is the "safe throwaway." What I mean is this: I don't know Pitch's alignment and I don't know Huey's alignment, we all know Greenie is innocent. If Pitch is a wolf in this scenario, he would know even casting a 3rd vote for Huey the innocent-Greenie would still be lynched, thus it's safe and "keeps his record clean." That is the case, if I go with the assumption Pitch is a wolf. The problem with just going by that assumption is I don't know Pitch's alignment, and I don't know Huey's alignment. I do now know Greenie's alignment, therefor of the voters who brought Greenie and Huey to 3, the more suspicious vote is Lottie's being the vote that lynched a known innocent. I'd be even wary of classifying Lottie's vote as "sinister" because that would suggest I know Lottie's a wolf and thus was motivated to get Greenie lynched. But currently as far as I know, Pitch is an unknown alignment, and Huey is an unknown alignment, so I don't know how his vote for someone's alignment I do not know should be classified as evil. Ok, will read and catch up on the posts I missed.
Fenris Penguin
04-23-2021, 01:33 PM | #156 |
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 3,448
Ok, this will probably bite me if it’s wrong, I feel Lottie is a highly frustrated Ordo based on her last post. And I’ve been there. And since I can’t guarantee I’ll be back before DL
++Sally Not only is she my second in line suspect if she is a wolf and I help her bandwagon an Ordo that won’t do anyone any good. Lottie I really hope your an Ordo. Otherwise you get an Oscar Xed Boro
Morsul the Resurrected Last edited by Morsul the Dark; 04-23-2021 at 01:44 PM. Reason: Grammar confusion |
04-23-2021, 01:43 PM | #157 |
The Sweetest Spoiler
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: from beneath you it giggles incessantly
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Well I didn't expect that. Fair. I mean, wrong, but fair.
I can't do much else toDay. I need to vote. ++Lottie
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit." Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together. Fenris bookworm.
04-23-2021, 01:48 PM | #158 |
The Werewolf's Companion
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Actually, I have a question for Pitch. At what point yesterDay did you realize that the first one of the two of us to vote would probably decide the lynch? Was it before or after I voted? You seemed like you didn't realize it until Sally no-voted, but I realized after Boro's vote. Were you really not aware that you had the power to decide who went to the Dead Thread? If you felt that Greenie was more trustworthy than Huin, knowing that the first vote wins in case of a tie, why didn't you vote earlier? Why did you wait and let me make the choice, then bemoan your lack of power after the fact?
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. Double Fenris
04-23-2021, 02:03 PM | #159 | |||
Wight of the Old Forest
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I'm just going through Formy's posts and loved this so much I had to rep him for it: Quote:
Anyway. Reason I went through Form's posts is this: Quote:
So I think this is much more likely to be a no-trace kill (the second-best thing if you can't kill the Seer, and if you can use it to frame an innocent, so much the better.) But then again, this also means there was nobody else the wolves thought more likely to be the Seer (as I don't remember who and am too lazy to check said before me). This could speak for Hui's innocence (as I think Morsul noted). But if the wolves (or most of them) felt safe yesterDay we should look at those who didn't get any votes: Boro Kath Legate Lommy Soriman Which is half the remaining village, and I think it's highly likely there's at least one wolf among them.
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI Last edited by Pitchwife; 04-23-2021 at 02:04 PM. Reason: x-ed with everything after Morsul #154 |
04-23-2021, 02:10 PM | #160 | |
Laconic Loreman
I'm wary if I continue then I'll just be tunnel visioned on Legate and thus my day is stuck on 1 person. If I had to vote right this moment it would be for Legate, and I would definitely love to hear what other people think about this? (Morsul? Sally? If you're able to come back at some point in the day...Lottie? Pitch? Kath? Soriman - where are you?)
Fenris Penguin
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