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Old 03-03-2008, 04:09 PM   #241
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Looking at the top of Lommy's table of games played clearly says to me: take a break!

Let's see if I can...
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Old 03-03-2008, 04:20 PM   #242
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Is it just me, or have the wolves been turning the tide lately?

Well over a year ago, I wrote that Werewolf seemed to be turning more and more toward the villagers as they became better at picking out a wolf. Now, though, I've noticed the wolves seem to have won the last two games.

Are the wolves now getting better to match the villagers?

I don't know how many games have been played on this wide Internet of ours, but I honestly think we've got to be running one of the longest series of Werewolf games out there. I for one would love to see it keep reaching new heights.
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Old 03-04-2008, 03:21 AM   #243
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Originally Posted by Mith
You horrible child .... it is like counting up how many drinks we have had at at a party.... I fondly imagined I had only played in half a dozen or so games .... but then I fondly imagine I only have a few glasses of wine a week.....
But you know, if we take that comparison, I myself would be a serious alcoholist... I advise you not to take it seriously since some people have a dozen more games under their belt. And lastly, the results are probably incorrect: I think I've played in 24 games, not in 26 as I listed, so who knows...
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Old 03-05-2008, 09:30 AM   #244
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Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil View Post
Well over a year ago, I wrote that Werewolf seemed to be turning more and more toward the villagers as they became better at picking out a wolf. Now, though, I've noticed the wolves seem to have won the last two games.
I was also wondering about the same thing, and it's not only two games, the last game I remember that the Innocent won is Gil's game, and that was ages ago...
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Old 03-05-2008, 09:38 AM   #245
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Well, bear in mind there have been a few experimental games lately that were designed in such a way as to be particularly challenging to the village (I mean, 7 wolves? No gifteds?)
Not that I'm complaining.
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Old 03-05-2008, 09:53 AM   #246
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Originally Posted by Rikae View Post
Well, bear in mind there have been a few experimental games lately that were designed in such a way as to be particularly challenging to the village (I mean, 7 wolves? No gifteds?)
Not that I'm complaining.
Sure, but not ony such games. I believe Farael's game was basic, Nogrod's was, the phantom's, well...
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:05 AM   #247
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I'm soon sincerely suspecting it's because many people are sharing the feeling I have at the moment: both my gut-feelings and wits have failed me so often that I don't know what to trust and go on accusing people on flimsy or too obvious grounds and end up being wrong...
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:08 AM   #248
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I'm soon sincerely suspecting it's because many people are sharing the feeling I have at the moment: both my gut-feelings and wits have failed me so often that I don't know what to trust and go on accusing people on flimsy or too obvious grounds and end up being wrong...
Good point, at least by looking at the last game. However, what happened in Nogrod's game?
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:09 AM   #249
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Originally Posted by Volo View Post
Good point, at least by looking at the last game. However, what happened in Nogrod's game?
We had too good wolves?

But surely we should not assume there's something wrong with a game if the innocents don't win?
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Old 03-05-2008, 11:48 AM   #250
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
But surely we should not assume there's something wrong with a game if the innocents don't win?
But, but, but... I'm always Innocent.

Of course not, I just wanted to prove the good idea wrong.
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Old 03-06-2008, 08:24 PM   #251
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I know Werewolf in various forms has been played widely on the Internet, but has any other group of people done it as long as we have? We've done almost 50 games thus far (more if you include T-I-G Junior), and we tend to be more articulate than the average online community at the same time. If anybody ever wanted to do a study on long-term Werewolf players, this would be a good place to start.
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Old 03-10-2008, 12:40 PM   #252
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OK, whatever happened, I'm posting this again:

Adding up all games played thus far, I've noticed a lot of unusual stuff here (games with odd sorts of roles, etc.) but have managed to sort out most of it. WW44, the latest game, has not been posted on this thread yet.

There have been 57 games in all, 44 Tol-in-Gaurhoth games and 13 Junior games.

The innocents and the Good Wizard have won 26 games, 45.6% victory rate.

The wolves, bear, lovers*, Evil Wizard, Things, etc. have won 30 games, 52.6% victory rate.

Tol-in-Gaurhoth 16 was a tie, and thus 1.75% of games were tied.

At present, the Wolves are winning.

*The only Lover victory was WW25, in which there were 4 pairs of lovers and no team of wolves, so I place them with the Wolves for now.
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Old 05-05-2008, 01:16 PM   #253
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WW XXXIII - Other Minds and Hands


Mod: Rikae
Wolves: Brinniel, Macalaure, Diamond18, Shastanis Althreduin

Order of Death:
Rikae (Mod) – CG Animator, Rendered and Lighted on Night1
The Sixth Wizard (Ordo) – Protester against Dwarven Comic Relief, Buried in Skulls on Day1
Mithalwen (Ordo) Galadriel– Illuminated...(Electrocuted) on Night2
Boromir88 (Ordo)- Sir Boromir, playing Denethor- Set a record for sprinting while on fire on Day2
Durelin (Ordo)- Special Effects Pyrotechnician-Burst over Bywater on Night3
Thinlómien (Ranger/Assassin)- Non-Winged Balrog-Took a little tumble on Night3
Brinniel (Wolf)-Wacky Foley Artist – Made a lot of noise on Day3
xyzzy (Ordo)- Young Fanboy-Left breathless on Night4
Rune Son of Bjarne (Ranger/Spy)-Tolkien geek who is ecstatic about being an Elf extra - got out of character on Night4
Macalaure (Wolf)- The 7th orc in the 3rd row - Proved remarkably difficult to kill on Day4
Volo (Medium) - Gollum - Pushed, didn't fall on Day4
Legate of Amon Lanc (Ordo)- Sound Master/Saruman - Cut from the theatrical version on Night5
The Saucepan Man (Cobbler/Seer)- Set Catering Manager-Blacklisted on Day5
Aganzir (Medium)- Smeagol - Nassssty wolves hurts us on Night6
Gil-Galad (Ordo)- Zombie-Gil-Galad - Slain by Celeborn, of all people, on Day6
Anguirel (Ordo)- Celeborn -Found out where Gandalf is on Day6
Kath (Ordo)- Make-up Artist - fired when her services were no longer required (only haircare was needed) on

Wolves win: (Shastanis Althreduin and Diamond18 survive)
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Old 05-05-2008, 01:31 PM   #254
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Werewolf Four and Thirty: Bloodbath in the Anduin Vale


Mod: The Saucepan Man
Red Claw Werewolves: Mithalwen, Aganzir, and Isabellkya
Black Fang Werewolves: Meneltarmacil, Nogrod, and The Sixth Wizard

The Saucepan Man - Slaughtered and boiled up in a spicy ghoulash on Night zero.
xyzzy - Got bored of the role-based banter and hung himself quietly on Day 1 (Ordinary Innocent)
Meneltarmacil - Fatally wounded in sooth he was and crawled awaye to find ye deathe in ye woodes on Nighte 1 (Werewolfe)
Rune Son of Bjarne - Hunted and added to his own trophy collection on Night 1 (Ordinary Innocent)
Durelin - Spied on things which should not be seen and got hung for it on Night 1 (Thief)
Kath - Burned at the stake and spurned by her Lord on Day 2 (Priestess of Sauron)
Rikae - Tickled mercilessly and died with a smile on her face on Night 2 (Oridnary Innocent)
Legate of Amon Lanc - Underwent radical optical surgery and lost his life and his foresight on Night 2 (Druid)
Isabellkya - Mometarily caught off guard by a darting fox and set upon by the angry mob on Day 3 (Werewolf)
Shastanis Althreduin - Had the life squeezed from his Half human, half equine form on Night 3 (Oridnary Innocent)
the guy who be short - Consumed and reduced to nothing but bare bones on Night 3 (Ordinary Innocent)
Feanor of the Peredhil - Brutally attacked yet lived long enough to write her bloody epitaph on Night 3 (Ordinary Innocent).
Mithalwen - Went down fighting in a dubious pastiche of British classic comedy and was summarily dismembered by a unanimous motion of the general assembly on Day 4 (Werewolf).
Aganzir - Battered, bruised and bloodied and left to die on Night 4 (Werewolf)
Thinlómien - Fulfilled the criteria and met the conditions whereby she could be hung until she be dead on Day 5 (Ordinary Innocent)
Boromir88 - Fought bravely with a Werewolf, but died in the struggle on Night 5 (Shapeshifter)
Nogrod - Squeezed to death in a deadly embrace, but took the Beorning down with him on Night 5 (Werewolf)
Volo - Lynched on Day 5 (Ordinary Innocent)
mormegil - Killed in Wolf Victory (Ordinary Innocent)
Gil-Galad - Killed in Wolf Victory (Ordinary Innocent)

Black Fang Werewolves win (The Sixth Wizard survives)

Last edited by Macalaure; 05-05-2008 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 05-05-2008, 01:43 PM   #255
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Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil View Post
The innocents and the Good Wizard have won 26 games, 45.6% victory rate.

The wolves, bear, lovers*, Evil Wizard, Things, etc. have won 30 games, 52.6% victory rate.

Tol-in-Gaurhoth 16 was a tie, and thus 1.75% of games were tied.
These percentages tell that there is something quite right in the game-mechanics in the 'Downs. It is an even game and thence interesting! Were that something like 70% against 30% one might lose interest...
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Old 05-06-2008, 05:39 AM   #256
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Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post

Mod: Kath
Wolves: Nogrod, tom bombariffic

Order of Death:
Night 1 ~ Kath, killed by a turtle in an aerial attack ~ Innocent.
Day 1 ~ Boromir, lynched by the villagers by means of lions ~ Innocent.
Night 2 ~ Formendacil, killed by a coyote and it's trickery ~ Innocent.
Day 2 ~ Saucepan Man, lynched by the villagers by means of a platypus catapault ~ Innocent.
Day 2 ~ Nilpaurion Felagund, killed by an emerging alter-ego ~ Innocent.
Night 3 ~ dancing spawn of ungoliant, killed by a head-crushing horse ~ Innocent.
Day 3 ~ Feanor of the Peredhil, killed by a chat skwerl ~ Innocent.
Night 4 ~ Findëasëa ~ Innocent
Day 4 ~ tom bombariffic, killed by a stag ~ Werewolf
Night 5 ~ No kill.
Day 5 ~ Nogrod ~ Werewolf

Village win (Lhunardawen, Cailín, Celuien, the guy who be short, Thinlómien, littlemanpoet, Caranlondien, Mithalwen, mormegil and Durelin survived)
I haven't noticed this before... I was a wolf here, Mac.
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Old 05-06-2008, 06:39 AM   #257
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I knew I got something wrong with the summary of that game. Thanks for pointing out!

*goes to edit*
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Old 05-07-2008, 06:45 AM   #258
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Dang, I just had myself dropped another notch in my already miserable win-loss ratio.
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:55 PM   #259
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Pipe Statistics.

IV - Lynched Day 3 - Win
V - Killed Day 4 - Loss
VI - Killed Night 3 - Win
VII - Lynched Day 1 - Loss
IX - Killed Night 5 - Loss - Shirriff
XVI - Lynched Day 3 - Tie
XVII - Survived Day 7 - Win
XVIII - Killed Night 8 - Loss
XIX - Killed Night 1 - Mod
JVIII - Lynched Day 1 - Win - Wolf
XXI - Killed Night 5 - Loss - Seer
XXII - Quit Day 2 - Win
XXIII - Lynched Day 1 - Win - Ranger
XXIIX - Survived Day 7 - Win - Wolf
XLVII - Lynched Day 4 - Loss - Wolf

  • Win/Loss rate: 7.5/6.5
  • Good/Evil rate: 11/3
  • Ordo/Special rate: 8/6
  • Survival/Lynch/Kill rate: 2/5/6
Ooh, after my initial frustration as a perpetual ordo, I'm finally getting roles!

Also, I've been lynched on DAY 1 thrice!!! And probably many more times after this game.
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Old 06-17-2008, 06:48 AM   #260
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Here we go...

IIX - seer, killed night 7 - won
X - wolf, survived - won
XI - ordo, killed night 7 - loss
XII - ordo, suicide day 4 - won
XIV - ordo, suicide day 5 - loss (two straight games where I voted myself, hmm)
XV - ordo, survived - won
XVIII - Ranger, killed night 5 - loss
WWJ VI - seer, killed night 3 - won (my favorite and most successful game Mith )
WWJ IX - wolf, lynched day 1 - loss (Here it is Thinlo, technically I was outdone by the Seer dream, but I admit it, Fenris Were-penguin)
XXII - ordo, lynched day 1 - won
XXVI - ordo, lynched day 1 - still don't understand the outcome, I'm not convinced Fea even understands (and 3 straight games being lynched on Day 1! What was I thinking in those games.)
WWJ XI - seer, killed night 5 - won
XXIV - wolf, lynched day 4 - loss
WWJ XIII - wolf, lynched day 4 - won (probably the game I've had the most fun in. I'm glad Jenny let me continue to hear myself talk, even though I was as good as dead at the beginning of the day. No thanks to Durelin's seerness. )
XXVIII - ordo, killed night 4 - loss
XXIV - Hunter, survived - won
XXXII - ordo, survived - won
XXXIII - ordo, lynched day 1 - loss
XXXIV - Good Bear, survived - won
XLI - Ranger, killed night 5 - loss (the most confusing, and frustrating, yet addictingly fun game - twas a good one phantom)
XLIV- ordo, pulled away Day 3 - loss

Won/Loss = 11-9 (and one that I don't know)
Good/evil = 17-4
Ordo/Special = 10-11
Survived/lynched/killed = 5/8/7

Some others things....

2-2 as a wolf. 1 time I survived, other 3 found out by Seer and lynched.
3-0 as a seer. Woo!
Quite possibly the worst Ranger who has ever been in the role. I thought I redeemed my horrible performance when I got owned by Sauce and the wolves XVIII, in phantom's game of twists....only to find out my successful protection was that of a wolf.
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Old 06-17-2008, 03:57 PM   #261
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I updated mine.
We can't all be Roas when it comes to analysing... -Lommy

I didn't say you're evil, Roa, I said you're exasperating. -Nerwen
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Old 06-18-2008, 04:47 AM   #262
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
XXXIV - Good Bear, survived - won
You died and we lost.
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:23 AM   #263
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The Eye Ahem.

My list is rather skewed, so I shall put a synopsis, and then do a proper stat table thing . . . yeah.
  • IV - Lynched Day 3 - Win (suspicious person)
    Enjoyed being suspicious. Too much.

  • V - Killed Day 4 - Loss
    Adam played this one. Didn't see a Werewolf 'til it bit him in the behind. Hahaha.

  • VI - Killed Night 3 - Win (suspicious wolf-breeder)
    1 meaningless post, and then I was mistaken for a Seer by the Wolves.

  • VII - Lynched Day 1 - Loss (suspicious wolf-breeder redux)
    First self-vote (for me). The rest of the village followed.

  • IX - Killed Night 5 - Loss - Shirriff (irritatingly deep-thinking philosopher)
    My first serious game, methinks (since I missed DAY 1). Caught Glirdan the Black Beorning, but missed the Wolves entirely. ( Menel.)

  • XVI - Lynched Day 3 - Tie (suspicious carnivore)
    Failed to get lynched DAY 1 (Gil-galad beat me.) Then got lynched when Garin, who 'saved' me on DAY 1, turned out to be a Wolf. But I got my dissecting of votes for innocents was spot on, although I made an erroneous random accusation as a swan song.

  • XVII - Survived Day 7 - Win (escaped thrall from Tol-in-Gaurhoth)
    Self-vote failed to gather steam. Some nice (and somewhat flawed) analyses, a lot of flirting with a spider (who called me her personal--but unneeded--Cobbler), but helped set up the win under SPM's lead. Me trusting SPM too much in this game set the stage for the next, and perhaps most memorable, game for me:

  • XVIII - Killed Night 8 - Loss (fishmonger)
    Argh!!! I thought I got Aiwendil, but he was just SPW's sacrifice! I was already thinking that, if I'm killed this NIGHT (leaving Farael, Glirdan, and SPM the next DAY), then that aluminium-hatted chap is surely a Wolf. And the rest is bitterness. (Also, this was my first DAY 1 where I voted for someone else: Farael.)

    (This game was also the scene of the infamous anagram scandal.)

  • XIX - Killed Night 1 - Mod (Prophet of the Mod God)
    Best game evah!

  • JVIII - Lynched Day 1 - Win - Wolf (elven pigeon-summoning ninja)
    FENRIS WOLF!!! Received 'The "Live Fast, Die Young" Award'.

  • XXI - Killed Night 5 - Loss - Seer (the ne'er do well hubby of dancing spawn)
    I didn't know that Gurthang will also get my dream even when I was degifted. (Second time I voted for someone else.)

  • XXII - Quit Day 2 - Win (ex-world champion in chess)
    '' summarises this.

  • XXIII - Lynched Day 1 - Win - Ranger (renowned Jinchuuriki hunter)
    FENRIS RANGER!!! I must have driven JennyHallu (the Hunter, with whom I could communicate during the DAY) mad.

  • XXIIX - Survived Day 7 - Win - Wolf (Bifur)
    I just want to say an 'I told you so!' to Volo (for not listening to me on NIGHT 4 about killing Durelin ) and a 'That was bloody brilliant!' for his Seer-impersonation. Along with (if you may forgive me for my vanity) my perfect deduction of Seer-Durelin's dreaming of Ang and Volo, it gave me the perfect aura of innocence.
  • XLVII - Lynched Day 4 - Loss - Wolf (a house-bound sandwich-maker, married to Thinlómien)
    Good wolf by NIGHT, rather clumsy villager by DAY.

So, stats on my serious games are:
  • Win/Loss rate: 2.5/4.5
  • Good/Evil rate: 5/2
  • Ordo/Special rate: 4/3 (My seriousness not does not always equate to a role.)
  • Survival/Lynch/Kill rate: 2/2/3

Moral of my serious games: Analysis won't get you anywhere, except headache land. So why not have fun before you die?
フェンリス鴨 (Fenrisu Kamo)
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Last edited by Nilpaurion Felagund; 06-19-2008 at 04:32 AM.
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:35 AM   #264
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XXXII: The Lost Age - ordo, killed on night 5 by the shade, won
Spotted a few loopholes in the rules but had no clue about the wolves and refused to trust Nog's hunter claim.

XXXIII: Other Minds and Hands - ordo/medium, killed by wolves on night 6, lost (Sméagol)
Started out as an ordo but was nominated by the medium to be his successor when he died. Pretended to be the hunter but it didn't work - got killed by Di and Shasta the night before the game ended.

Four and Thirty: Bloodbath in the Anduin Vale - wolf, killed by the shapeshifter on night 4, lost (the dwarf delegate of a woodsmen village)
I was a wolf with Mith and Isabell, misinterpreted Mith's last words and committed unintentional suicide by attacking Boro the shapeshifter (yet would have been killed by the other wolf pack the very same night, anyway).

XXXIX: Do Werebalrogs have Wings? - co-mod (Aganwë the old miner)
Helped Lommy with some narrations, did the dirty work for her, gave her funny ideas. The village won.

XXXX: The Scouring of the Shire, vol. 2 - wolf, survived day 5, won (Agan Sackville-Baggins)
My favourite game ever. Survived til the end with Mac and Fea, only Greenie got lynched earlier. Contributed heavily to the double-lynching of two innocents which ensured our victory.

XXXXI: With a Twist - cobbler, happy to be lynched on day 8, won (the hangwoman)
Everybody was a cobbler. I kept accusing Nog and Mac (who were wolves, though not in the same pack) and eventually the seer dreamed of both Mac and Rikae. I was lynched on the final day although I made the mistake of voting for morm the wolf.
This was the first game ever I received a vote.

XLII: The Meaning of Life Forever - wolf, survived day 2, won
Had a lovely pack of Brinn, Valier, sally and Lommy (and Roa & Greenie who got lynched on the trial days). We chatted unbelievably much during the nights and had some good code phrases to use during the days to keep in contact. I was sure Ka the ranger and Rikae the seer were in fact cobblers.

XLII: Mist in the Barrow Downs - ordo, lynched on day 1, lost
I was sure Mac was a wolf and got lynched myself instead. I was wrong, of course.

XLIV: In the House of Tom Bombadil - mod (Death, the white wolf)
Had great fun watching the game and writing sweet narrations. The whole wolf pack (Durelin, Nerwen, Nogrod) survived.

XLV: The Fellowship of Saruman - ranger, lynched on day 2, won (Lobelia Sackville-Baggins)
Named two of the three traitors (jokingly, but still) in my first post. Caught Gwath, trusted Lommy's judgement too much on Groin and had no clue about The Kaa (). And *almost* protected the one the wolves attacked on night 2.
Lobelia was a lovely character to play, though.

XLVI: Getting Back to Basics - ordo, killed by wolves on night 2, won (cobbler)
Caught Gwath and suspected Nogrod. And then I was killed!

XLVII: Dueling Wizards II - wolf, lynched on day 2, lost (the little match girl, Lalaith's daughter & Ka's big sister)
Rikae was the EW and had Cailín, Nilp and me as her original wolf pack. I was suspected heavily from the very beginning (mostly thanks to Lommy who started it all), and was lynched when Cailín was forced to choose between me and Mac who had revealed as the ranger.


Games played: 10
Win/Loss: 6/4
Good/Evil: 5/5
Ordo/Special: 3/7
Survived/Lynched/Killed: 2/4/4

I find it funny that I have never survived as an innocent.
He bit me, and I was not gentle.
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Old 06-22-2008, 06:19 PM   #265
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You died and we lost. ~Volo
Wow, I don't think I've ever been that wrong on anything in my entire life...oops. Or maybe my memory is going much sooner than I want to admit.
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:18 PM   #266
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WWXXXV: Werewolves among the Wolf-men


Mod: Legate of Amon Lanc
Wolves: the guy who be short and Lhunardawen

Order of Death:
Ibun son of Mîm, killed by a Werewolf on Night 1
Shastanis Althreduin alias Saeros, outnumbered and stabbed on Day 1
xyzzy the Outlaw, stoned to death on Day 2
Nogrod the old Outlaw, caught off his guard on Day 3
Isabellkya the Outlaw, cut off her words on Day 4
Mithalwen alias Nienor, impaled to her bed by the Wolves on Night 5
Lhunardawen the Werewolf, slayed by Túrin on Night 5
Brinniel alias Túrin, let Gurthang drink his blood on Night 5
the guy who be short the Werewolf, lynched on Day 5

Village wins (Macalaure, Rikae, and Gil-Galad survive)
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:26 PM   #267
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Tol-in-Gaurhoth XXXVI


Mod: Feanor of the Peredhil
Wolves: The Saucepan Man, Kath, and CaptainofDespair

Order of Death:
Night One: Boromir88 (scholar) and Feanor of the Peredhil (wife)
Day One: Legate of Amon Lanc (innocent), Durelin (innocent), Meneltarmacil (innocent)
Night Two: Brinniel (innocent)
Day Two: Shastanis Althreduin (innocent)
Night Two: Lalwendë (innocent)
Day Three: The Saucepan Man (wolf)
Night Three: the phantom (innocent)
Day Four: CaptainofDespair (wolf) and Gil-Galad (innocent)
Night Four: Mithalwen (innocent) and Holbytlass (Seer)

Wolves win (Kath survives)
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:32 PM   #268
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Weres of Eire (WW 37)


Mod: Shastanis Althreduin
Wolves: Nogrod and Brinniel
Banshee (Werebear): Rikae

Order of Death:
Nogrod - Boiled in Oil Day 1 - Werewolf
Thinlómien - Savaged and Axed Night 1 - Ordo
Durelin - Coined and Dissolved Day 2 - Leprechaun
Meneltarmacil - Swallowed by the Land Night 2 - Ordo
The Saucepan Man - Drowned Night 2 - Ordo
Brinniel - Crushed and Suffocated Day 3 - Werewolf
Eomer of the Rohirrim / Cailín - Driven by Terror to Suicide Night 3 - Ordo
Isabellkya - Lynched on Day 4 - Spirit of Ireland
Kath - Killed in Banshee victory

Banshee wins (Rikae)

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Old 10-01-2008, 01:52 PM   #269
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Tol-In-Gaurhoth XXXVIII - Escape to the Terrible Secret of Werewolf Island!


Mod: Gil-Galad
Wolves: Thinlómien and Brinniel

Order of Death:
Gil-Galad (mod) - killed in Night 1
Shastanis Althreduin (ordo) - lynched on Day 1
Meneltarmacil (ordo) - killed in Night 2
Thinlómien (henchgirl) - lynched on Day 2
Macalaure (ordo) - killed in Night 3
xyzzy (villain) - killed in Night 3
Volo (ordo) - lynched on Day3
Brinniel (henchgirl) - lynched on Day3

Village wins (Nogrod and Legate of Amon Lanc survive)

(xyzzy's and Brinn's role were switched during the game)

Last edited by Macalaure; 10-01-2008 at 02:37 PM.
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:02 PM   #270
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WW XXXIX - Do Werebalrogs have wings?


Mod: Thinlómien
Wolves: Macalaure, Brinniel, and Naria

Order of Death:
Thinlómien (mod) - killed by a wingless balrog on Night1
Rikae (ordo) - ate too many cobblers on Day1
Volo (Maeglin the Cobbler Lover) - dropped by a winged balrog on Night2
Lhunardawen (ordo) - committed suicide by smashing her own head on Day2
Macalaure (The Balrog with Swing) - left after being insulted by his low-class fans on Day2
The Might (Eärendil the Seer) - became the miners' shining star on Night3
satansaloser2005 (ordo) - landed face down on Day3
Gil-Galad (Glorfindel the Hunter) – died in a duel on Night4
Brinniel (The Balrog with Bling) – died in a duel on Night4
Kath (Idril the Ordinary Lover) - involuntarily ate poison mushrooms on Day4
Legate of Amon Lanc (Tuor the Ranger Lover) - voluntarily ate poison mushrooms on Day4
Nogrod (ordo) - roasted and eaten for breakfast on Night5
Naria (The Balrog who Sings) – taken by a big metal hand on Day5

Village win (Mithalwen, Nerwen, and Shastanis Althreduin survive)
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:51 PM   #271
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Originally Posted by Macalaure View Post

Mod: Shastanis Althreduin
Wolves: Nogrod and Brinniel

Order of Death:
Nogrod - Boiled in Oil Day 1 - Werewolf
Thinlómien - Savaged and Axed Night 1 - Ordo
Durelin - Coined and Dissolved Day 2 - Leprechaun
Meneltarmacil - Swallowed by the Land Night 2 - Ordo
The Saucepan Man - Drowned Night 2 - Ordo
Brinniel - Crushed and Suffocated Day 3 - Werewolf
Eomer of the Rohirrim / Cailín - Driven by Terror to Suicide Night 3 - Ordo

Village win (Rikae, Isabellkya, and Kath survive)
*blink* Did you cut off the summary or something, Mac? Rikae won by herself as the Banshee, after executing Isabellkya, the Spirit of Ireland, and was left with Kath, an Ordo.
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 10-01-2008, 05:25 PM   #272
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I've done my stats up as far as Mac has put up game synopsises.

Werewolf XXXII: The Lost Age
Mod: Volo
Role: Ordo
Survived? Y/N: Y
Winners: Innocents

Werewolf XXXIII: Other Minds and Hands
Mod: Rikae
Role: Wolf (partners Brinniel, Macalaure, Diamond18)
Survived? Y/N: Y
Winners: Wolves (survived with Diamond18)

Werewolf XXXIV: Bloodbath in the Anduin Vale
Mod: The Saucepan Man
Role: Ordo
Survived? Y/N: N (Died Night 3, killed by Boromir88 as the Shapeshifter)
Winners: Black Fang Wolves (Sixth Wizard surviving)

Werewolf XXXV: Werewolves among the Wolf-men
Mod: Legate of Amon Lanc
Role: Saeros (I'm not really sure what to classify this role as!)
Survived? Y/N: N (lynched Day 1)
Winners: Innocents

Werewolf XXXVI
Mod: Feanor of the Peredhil
Role: Ordo
Survived? Y/N: N (lynched Day 2)
Winners: Wolves (Kath surviving)

Werewolf XXXVII
Mod: Shastanis Althreduin (me!)
Role: Mod
Survived? Y/N: N (duh )
Winners: Banshee (Rikae surviving)

Werewolf XXXVIII - Escape to the Terrible Secret of Werewolf Island!
Mod: Gil-Galad
Role: Ordo
Survived? Y/N: N (lynched Day 1)
Winners: Innocents

Werewolf XXXIX - Do Werebalrogs have wings?
Mod: Thinlomien
Role: Ordo
Survived? Y/N: Y
Winners: Innocents


Games played: 7
Games modded: 1
Games survived: 3
Games ordo: 5
Games wolf: 1
Games Cobbler (I'm classifying Saeros as this for now, as my objective was to get Turin lynched): 1

Notes: Apparently I either die early on, or I survive!
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 10-01-2008, 05:29 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin View Post
*blink* Did you cut off the summary or something, Mac? Rikae won by herself as the Banshee, after executing Isabellkya, the Spirit of Ireland, and was left with Kath, an Ordo.
Hey, that's right! Shame on you, Mac...! Can't stand the thought that the little woman also won as a solo baddie?
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Old 10-01-2008, 06:27 PM   #274
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I accidentally picked the second to last instead of the last narration.
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:30 PM   #275
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Boots From the Desk of the Lord High Scorekeeper, Amen

I have decided to drop any sort of categorization besides Predators, Prey, Loners, Lovers and Tie.

Predators - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, and 56 (total 31)

Prey - 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 45, 47, 51, 58 (total 22)

Loners - 37, 54 (total 2)

Lovers - 25 (total 1)

Tie - 16 (total 1) (I'm frankly quite proud of having been part of this one. Very hard to top this result for uniqueness.)

Wut? - 57

I think that is more or less right.

And you lot play this game entirely too much.
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Old 04-08-2009, 02:30 AM   #276
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Thumbs up Welcome back, sir.

You went through those other threads? Wow.
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Old 04-08-2009, 10:11 AM   #277
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As you see.

By the way, I ought to be able to count 1 as a Loner victory too.
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Last edited by Kuruharan; 04-08-2009 at 11:06 AM. Reason: Self-aggrandizement
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Old 04-22-2009, 10:22 PM   #278
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Boots From the desk of the Lord High Scorekeeper

Predators - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56 and 59 (total 32)

Prey - 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 45, 47, 51, 58 (total 22)

Loners - 37, 54 (total 2)

Lovers - 25 (total 1)

Tie - 16 (total 1) (I'm frankly quite proud of having been part of this one. Very hard to top this result for uniqueness.)

Wut? - 57
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:08 AM   #279
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Nasty baddies made a breakaway during the 40's games.

(Above comment makes the game sound much older than it is. )
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Old 05-14-2009, 09:36 PM   #280
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Boots From the Desk of the Lord High Scorekeeper

Predators - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56 and 59 (total 32)

Prey - 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 45, 47, 51, 58 and 60 (total 23)

Loners - 37, 54 (total 2)

Lovers - 25 (total 1)

Tie - 16 (total 1)
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