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Old 05-22-2006, 10:34 PM   #46
The 1,000 Reader
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 527
The 1,000 Reader is still gossiping in the Green Dragon.
My belief of what happened at Mount Doom follows like this:

Frodo used all of his spirit and will to make it to Mount Doom.

Eru handles the rest.

However, I believe that when Eru took matters into his own hands, he was preventing further tragedy. Though it would have broken his heart to do so, Sam may have gained hold of Frodo and tossed him in. They could also both fall into the fires. I believe that Eru's intervention finished the quest in a way which would cause no more terrible harm: the twisted Gollum would take the ring and, to spare Frodo from knocking Gollum in, whether through struggle or will, and to spare Sam from killing the one his master had faith in, Eru simply made Gollum fall off. No additional pain for the hobbits, and Gollum died in the most merciful way he could.
"And forth went Morgoth, and he was halted by the elves. Then went Sauron, who was stopped by a dog and then aged men. Finally, there came the Witch-King, who destroyed Arnor, but nobody seems to remember that."

-A History of Villains
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