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Old 11-18-2002, 12:20 PM   #43
Visionary Spirit
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 633
Gandalf_theGrey has just left Hobbiton.

* Hearing a genteel voice cry a challenge from down low behind the trees, Gandalf stopped, though with a posture as forward-craning as Midnight's determination to reach any finish line before the race has started. *

Your song and question reveal your hiding place, bard-maiden. Well met, methinks, though there's no time to spare for introductions. Share our road if you wish, for 'tis better than walking alone among the trees.

* Eirian's curiosity drew her out to the edge of the road, as Gandalf had hoped. The wizard lobbed a coin into the air, saying .. * I'll toss away silver for another song. What you catch is yours.

* The silver piece zinged up into a patch of overhanging leaves. Bird made a deft grab. She smiled gingerly at the small unexpected windfall, taking care to not drop the coin from her beak. *

* Meanwhile, unawares below, Gandalf made ready to envelope the silver piece in a cloud of lilac smoke. The silver, of course, never fell back down. His dramatic pause lasted overlong, until showmanship was about to crumble. But a good wizard always leaves himself more than one way out. Gandalf smiled and bowed, saying ... * I meant to do that.

* Reaching over, he mysteriously pulled a new coin from behind Eirian's left ear. Then came the burst of lilac smoke. Gandalf showed empty hands, took another bow, rose, and presented Eirian with a bouquet of lilacs. *

* The momentary diversion over, everyone resumed moving down the path to their fated adventure. *

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: Gandalf_theGrey ]
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