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Old 12-22-2003, 12:01 PM   #181
Hilde Bracegirdle
Relic of Wandering Days
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: You'll See Perpetual Change.
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Hilde Bracegirdle has just left Hobbiton.


Looking out toward the east from his vantage point on the bluff, Rauthain was dismayed by the sight he saw. A light colored horse and rider traveling quickly across the horizon, dipping from view and rising again as it crossed the hilly terrain. Kaldir! he thought. And where is Dúlrain? For his fellow traveler had been gone for some time now.

Rauthain felt a sudden flood of dread and alarm course through his veins, as he urged Juta to make speed toward the horizon. His trepidation increasing along the way, as he saw the spiral of gathering birds in the distance. Death was close by, but whose or what's he longed to discover. An ambush maybe? Forbid it to be the work of the Ravennor!

Racing to close the distance, Rauthain saw the unmistakable tracks of orcs as the ground disappeared beneath him. He urged Juta to go still faster, unsheathing his sword, the wind already whipping about them. The horse responded, opening a hidden wellspring of strength, galloping over the hillocks until wet and flecked with foam. As he neared a place marked by a diffuse glow, Rauthain bid the horse to slow again, for the silhouette of a small scrabbling form was to be seen a short ways off. It appeared to be the same hobbit that had been lately traveling with Kaldir. Seeing no one else about he made for figure.

She was alone and weeping as he approached, a large bruise across her cheek. "Who has done this to you? And why are you weeping?" he asked softly. "Am I too late?"

Gilly looked up quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. "No sir, not too late, even if the fighting is done,” she said, "for no one has perished except for our attackers, though one ranger lays quite wounded beyond the briars."

"Kaldir," Rauthain said looking at her anxiously in the dim light. "Is he alright?"

"Oh why yes, Mr. Kaldir is fine. That's him making that racket, what with his burying the foul orcs that attacked us. It was Mr. Dúlrain whats hurt, and hims what saved us too!"

"This same ranger and I are traveling together.” the Rauthain exclaimed. How badly injured is he?"

"He took a right nasty blow, he did. But he's spoken of trying to walk already. So I'm not sure exactly how deep it goes."

"By the Imperishable Flame, let’s hope it is not deep at all. And you? How came you by that black bruise?"

"By an orc sir, though I dare say he got the worst of it."

"And there was one other with you, the dark haired women. Is she also unharmed then?"

"Yes sir, she is tending to Mr. Dúlrain just over there," Gilly said pointing toward the ruddy glow. "You're not to worry now, he is in good hands."

"I do not doubt it, but if you will excuse me madam, I would go to see him."

Rauthain led his horse over the hillock and spying the other animals gathered there hidden in a low spot, he left Juta among them, before walking toward the briar enclosure. Seeing Dúlrain in rapt conversation he turned aside and following the sound of stone upon stone he skidded down the shifting dirt and rock that lead to the base of the escarpment. There in the light of two torches stuck in the loose soil was Kaldir glistening with sweat as he worked at building a cairn over the carcasses of the dead orcs.

Picking up a large stone at his feet Rauthain carried it over and threw it on the growing mound. Turning he found another to add.

"So the old man has learned some new ways?" Kaldir sneered without looking up. "You've left off leaving your fellows behind?" Rauthain paused making no reply, and letting the barb pass, continued his search for stones. "Or have you merely come like a carrion foul to glory in Dúlrain's success?" Kaldir said pressing him further.

"Truly I have not," Rauthain said heatedly, finally breaking his silence, "nor have I ever. But then Dúlrain is no fool taking pointless risk. There were lives in peril. But tell me how fares he? I have spoken with the hobbit, but not Dúlrain for he seemed engaged in a pleasant conversation with the lady of the desert and I would not interrupt such a sweet tonic."

Kaldir looked Rauthain in the eye at that. "It is a deep wound and serious, though there is no sign yet of poison. We need the skill of a healer."

His thoughts turning to Léspheria, Rauthain said "We must by all means take him to Imladris, were there are yet many who are of great skill. One of our companions who is practiced in the art has already gone on ahead saying that Naiore is headed there."

"I have seen this myself. There is much for us to gain by making haste for that fair place."

"But can Dúlrain ride?"

"We will know more tomorrow. He has a strong spirit and can bear much, this I know. But I would not ask it if it would endanger him." Kaldir admitted, his tone softening.

"Agreed," Rauthain said nodding. "Still one of us should keep to the trail. Naiore could double back again and vanish once more from our reach.” He broke off for a moment not wishing to leave the trail, but ever conscious of Kaldir’s desire to find Naiore. “Perhaps you should do this," Rauthain said cautiously, "And I would lead Dúlrain and the women directly to Imladris."

Kaldir grew silent for a time before answering slowly. "No Rauthain, you keep to the trail and I will see Dúlrain and the others safely there."
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