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Old 06-13-2005, 08:15 PM   #102
Drummer in the Deep
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Next Sunday A.D.
Posts: 2,126
Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
Never have I done this, hmm?

Name (that you go by): Alice, Alice Marie, All-Ice, Lettuce, "Hey, that was mean!" and "Was that your lovely voice I just heard?"

Age: 20 +

Occupation: Working at Burger King, being a lampwright, Barrow-downer, and humor admin over at CoE.

Future Aspirations: I'd like to get married and have lot'sa kids, someday have my own jewelery making business. I'd love to do some voicework, somewhere.

Goal in life: To get off of my behind. Someday.

Short term goals: I'd like to leave Burger King, again.

Passion: Hmm...being lazy, I guess.

Hobbies: Drumming, beading, computer-ing, reading, laughing to myself evilly, and drawing my co-workers in hilarious comic situations.

Famous for (okay this is where you get to brag about yourself): My sense of humor - being deathly quiet. Being crazy - and having a good speaking voice.

Fave book: LotR, the Hobbit, Sherlock Holmes, 101 Dalmations, Hitchhiker's Guide (the whole trilogy), the Discworld series, the Narnia series, the Wizard of Earthsea trilogy, the Thesaurus, the Dictionary, and others.

Fave movie: Errrr...LotR, Hitchhiker's Guide, Napoleon Dynamite, original Star Wars trilogy, original Matrix, ehm...for tv series, I like Twilight Zone, Andy Griffith Show, Green Acres, MST3K & what little South Parks I've seen.

Fave sport: None. At all.

Fave store: Bah...well, book/electronic stores, I guess. Okay, any store as long as it's not exclusively devoted to clothing.

Fave music: Chevelle, Breaking Benjamin, Queens of the Stone Age, A Perfect Circle, PFR, Enya, 12 Stones, The Beatles, Wings, Moody Blues, 64 The Tribute, lostprophets, Evanescence, Joel Hanson, The Rutles, Rich Mullins, Switchfoot, Steve Camp, Disturbed.
I like very few artists, but name a band/artist and I'll like some work of theirs. Except Weezer. And hair bands.

What you can't stand: People who think that there's no God, thus, no consequences and no meaning or reasons.

What you plain dislike: Burger King. And the customers thereof.

Who you admire: That vision of beauty that I see in the mirror every well as my drum teacher, Rivka and The Barrow Wight.

What you most love to do: Eat junk food, read, sleep, and Barrow-down (if that wasn't a verb before, it is now!)

Your self-confessed flaws: I am devious and lazy.

What intrigues/fascinates you: Shiny things. The orange glow of clear glass that is caused by the flame reflecting within it as it melts. The words "insipid", "spiffy", "incredulous", "devious". I like to watch people play instruments, but not sing. Music videos don't count.
Things that count down seconds, and things that count up the seconds. Those fiber-optical centerpieces. Bumper stickers. Strong Bad. Tetris. The Talking Moose. 733t. Car neons. Baby ducks under two days old.

What scares you: SW Episode II. Truly insipid. *shudder*

Quotation to live by: "Comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable"

Also :"Appreciate me now and avoid the rush"
"Excuse me while I change into something more formidable"
"You never cease to mildly amuse me"
"Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done."
"Don't make me angry, I am running out of places to hide bodies."
"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!"
"Brain damage? No thanks, already got some."

Additional comments: I like to talk about myself. I also like to mock everything and everyone.

Current favorite songs:
1. Skeptic by Chevelle
2. Better Living Through Chemistry by QotSA
3. Stupify by Disturbed
4. Home by Breaking Benjamin
5. Carribean Blue by Enya
6. 3 Libras by A Perfect Circle
7. Sober by Tool (Also the String Quartet's version)
8. Hysteria by Muse
9. Born Too Slow by The Crystal Method
10. I Stay Away by Alice in Chains
But all the while I sit and think of times there were before
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door

Last edited by Oddwen; 06-15-2005 at 09:21 AM. Reason: I'd forgotten how truly fascinating I really am...
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