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Old 06-11-2020, 10:37 AM   #526
Shady She-Penguin
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Originally Posted by Mac
If Brinniel is a wolf, empower Kath.
If Kath is a wolf, empower Mac.
If Macalaure is a wolf, empower Nilp.
If Nilpaurion Felagund is a wolf, empower Pitch.
If Pitchwife is a wolf, empower Rikae.
If Rikae is a wolf, empower Sally.
If satansaloser2005 is a wolf, empower Shasta.
If Shastanis Althreduin is a wolf, empower Lommy.
If Thinlomien is a wolf, empower Brinniel.

If you don't have a known wolf, empower no one.
This is good, because we can hope Greenie dreamed of a wolf last Night.

Since we don't really need "if Nilp is a wolf" option, should we instead make something like:

If Brinniel is a wolf, empower Kath.
If Kath is a wolf, empower Mac.
If Macalaure is a wolf, empower Nilp.
If Pitchwife is a wolf, empower Rikae.
If Rikae is a wolf, empower Sally.
If satansaloser2005 is a wolf, empower Shasta.
If Shastanis Althreduin is a wolf, empower Lommy.
If Thinlomien is a wolf, empower Brinniel.

If you don't have a known wolf, empower no one.
If you don't have a known wolf AND think there's something alarmingly stupid about this way of communication, empower Pitch.

I'm just worried there's something we haven't taken into account, but can't think of what, and I'd like to give the dead the option to opt out from this form of communication/ let them tell us to rethink. Obviously the biggest problem is that we might have to spend toMorrow checking that they don't have a 2nd wolf while it's fairly likely they don't have one and we'd benefit much more from a known innocent.

But I think we can leave that can of worms for toMorrow. Especially if we lynch Kath who's the only relatively likely pre- last night wolf dream of Greenie's.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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