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Old 06-11-2002, 01:39 PM   #251
Itinerant Songster
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littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.

bit characters that take over/main characters that stay wallflowers:
I have one of each, and I absolutely have got to rectify the wallflower in my sixth "final" revision because he's my wizard, confound it! A wizard can't show up in the first chapter and stay behind the scenes all story long only to show up in the final two chapters. That, my friends, is going to get fixed. The other one started out as half of a person. (huh?) That is, I needed a best guy friend for my protagonist so I came up with this guy who's real smart and has sort of replaced my wizard as advice giver...and then I decided my protagonist's fiance needed a roommate who causes all kinds of faerie trouble so I split off half of Roy and wound up with totally Celtic Megan (yeah, fww folks, you know what i'm talking about), and Megan just sidled her way onto center stage and just about took over by the end of the story. She is, by the way, going to remain a major character - my best female character, she is - problem is, now she shines so much the other females all look pale or morose or just not quite right by comparison - including my female faerie creature, confound it!

Anybody have any THINGS that kind of took over your story, or grew with the telling? Like a place, town, land, object (magical or better yet started out not magical and became so)?
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