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Old 09-06-2018, 04:59 AM   #2
Overshadowed Eagle
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Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
... so it's going to be the fall of Arnor, right? That's already made its way into computer games (Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king was all about it), so we know the rights are out there, and it's probably the best fleshed-out time period between the downfall of Numenor and the Quest of Erebor.

There's a chance it could be during the time of the Stewards; I'd guess the Balchoth war, to let them use Eorl and Cirion. Actually, 2450-2550 isn't a bad timeframe to run quests in: you've got Sauron's return, the formation of the White Council, Deagol's discovery of the Ring (which means you've got hobbits east of the Mountains), Boromir the Steward who dies of a Morgul-wound, Eorl, Cirion, the Balchoth war, the foundation of Rohan... there's a fair amount to play around with, though you run into conflict with Unfinished Tales.

But it's going to be the fall of Arnor.

It could actually be really interesting to go even further back. How about doing some timeline-shuffling in the 1400s and have the Kin-strife in Gondor and the foundation of Angmar play out on the same stage? Gondor's influence stretches from Rhovanion clear down to Umbar, and you can watch the occupation of Rhudaur in real-time. That leaves the door open to jumping forward 500 years to see the ultimate end of the problems that started in the 1400s - ie, the fall of Arnor and the loss of the Kings of Gondor.

Or even earlier - why not use the founding of Gondor and Arnor? I know it's part of the Second Age, but can you imagine playing the part of an exile from a high technology (relatively) society, having to rebuild as best you can in the wilderness of Middle-earth? Then you get to feed directly (give or take a hundred years) into the War of the Last Alliance.

But... it's going to be the fall of Arnor, isn't it?

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