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Old 08-07-2000, 08:24 AM   #3
The Westward Road
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<font face="Verdana"><table><TR><TD><FONT SIZE="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Newly Deceased
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<img src="" align=absmiddle> Re: Doomed from the begining...

I always thought that the music foretold and defined alot of what would happen in the ages to come. Thats why some of the Valar who listened more than they sang in the music had great foresight (especially Mandos). The Music did not just put the world into being but it also affected the fate of the World until the domination of men began. An example of this is Melkor challenges the theme 3 times and is defeated after periods of time. Then he becomes the tyrant who the valar remove before the coming of Elves and he is chained bringing and end to his first uprising like his first theme was stopped by Eru. Then he stole the Simirals and took up his second reign as a the tyrant at Angband before he was stopped and removed from the world till the end in the War of Wrath, (representing his second defeat) and third Sauron's reign (Saurons reign counts because all of the major evils are seeds of Morgoths especially Saurons due to his long service to Morgoth as his Lieuteniant(sp)) which was defeated in the War of the Ring. The Ainur see the vision of the world unfolding up to the point where men dominate. I believe this is due to the fact that men's fate is not tied down to earth of the Music. That is the gift they have the ability to create there own destiny whether it be for good of ill. This is how I interpret the text however and that is alway open to error. That is the fun of Tolkien though everyone gets to see it there own way.

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