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Old 03-30-2006, 01:42 PM   #26
Fading Fëanorion
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Macalaure is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Macalaure is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Macalaure is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.

How do I best resist Morgoth?

Know your enemy and conceal your own strength.
I would kill or capture any scout that Morgoth sends near my realm.
On the other hand I would generously welcome anybody who was able to flee from Angband. Of course they will not be allowed to leave again, since each of them is an assumed spy.
When I see my opportunity I would gather as many allies as I can and attack. I'm not going to sit it out until the War of Wrath.

How friendly should I be with Thingol?

Persuading Thingol into joining me and my allies is quite hopeless.
Maybe I would send Melian some chocolate, as she seems to be the only one who has influence on him. (I need to get his armies, somehow)

How far should I co-operate with my valiant, elficidal jewel-seeking relatives?

Case 1: I'm one of them.
If my attack succeeds, then those little stones are mi-hine. Until then I would do anything to get my brothers to cool down and be patient, where 'anything' includes locking them up. Especially those Cs tend to cause trouble everytime they can.
If my attack fails, then... well... I think the Everlasting Dark doesn't sound that bad.

Case 2: I'm not one of them.
I would print words like "I would not take these things, if they lay by the highway." on all my banners in very, very big letters and hold on to them.
That way Feanor's Sons should be quite dependable allies. As if I have a choice.

And if someday some mortal appears with a former ring of mine, he gets the boot.

What sort of site would be good for my kingdom?
I go for:
A The cave network approach

A hidden city would work as well, but places to hide a whole city are rare in Beleriand.
So to conceal my strength I go for the caves. (On the other hand: Not knowing my strength will make Morgoth assume the worst. Have to rethink that...)

What do I do about Dwarves and Men?

If even Caranthir was not able to sufficiently insult the Dwarves, then they are obviously not as quick to resentment as is said. With a little trade them joining me won't be a problem, I think.

Men are useful in battle, so I'd like to have plenty of them at my disposal. I will have lots of unused space around my caves, they can have it.
Go and multiply!
Maybe I set up my caves east of the Blue Mountains to civilize the Easterlings. The Emyn Uial look nice.

But if someday a guy with a former ring of mine appears and asks for help, he still gets the boot.
And if somebody calling himself the Bloodstained, son of Ill-fate, appears with a former disobedient captain of mine and tries to talk me into building a huge bridge, he gets the other boot.

What sort of culture am I ideally aiming for?

Hiding in caves and biding the right time, weaving my webs of intrigue in silence.
And trying to keep my allies from slaughtering each other.

Last edited by Macalaure; 03-30-2006 at 01:49 PM.
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