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Old 07-01-2007, 08:10 AM   #145
Mellifluous Maia
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Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.Rikae is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
Rikae finally was awakend by the voices of the others. She tended to sleep longer, almost as if some part of her was in a place where morning came later...

"As I see it, there are 3 possibilities:
1. The thief used the bow to protect the wolves' intended victim.
You all claim that this did not hoppen because there is no sign of struggle; but it could be that someone wants us to remain uncertain about the role of the thief..."
Rikae looked at the sky accusingly...
"In that case, the wolves are likely inexperienced, and/or Beleg and the thief quite astute.
2. The wolves killed no one for strategic reasons. If this is the case, it points very strongly toward Nogrod; it's just the sort of scheme he would devise, and, as Macalaure points out, he is probably confident in his ability to control us with words alone.
3. The wolves missed the kill by accident.
This is quite likely, especially considering this; I don't know about you others, but I awoke in the middle of the night to an unnatural silence; followed by a brief but terrible storm that left everything in disarray. It washed away my emerald necklace, that I thought was safe in my bag (it was a gift from my dearest friends, and I'm quite sad to lose it); perhaps this storm also prevented the wolves from making their kill?
Regarding our protectors, I don't know how much help Beleg is to us without his bow, but, at the very least, he knows the identities of Turin and the innocent he successfully protected. If we continue to have no leads, that information could be useful, especially if we still have a ranger of sorts and Turin is a hunter. Three known innocents will give us a 1/3 chance of lynching a wolf today.
In addition, I'd just like to say that something in Lhuna's words feels deceptive; but I will have to think about it further."

Last edited by Rikae; 07-01-2007 at 11:04 AM. Reason: spelling
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