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Old 04-03-2003, 02:27 PM   #42
Speaker of the Dead
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Posts: 868
Orual has just left Hobbiton.

Morning came altogether too soon for Anson, who had gotten very little sleep. Muttering, he rose, squinted against the sunlight, and got dressed. He woke up his companions, who complained every bit as much as he did.

"Quit your griping," Anson said grumpily. He was normally an even-tempered hobbit, but waking up this early in a strange place and preparing to leave his home for Valar only know how long was enough to put him in quite a bad mood. "If anybody has room to complain it's myself and Ferdibrand. The rest of you are going home to your nice, cozy holes with your families." That quieted the complaints somewhat, but there was still some under-the-breath muttering.

The sun had not yet fully risen, and the common room was lit only by the faint predawn light. All of those who had attended the meeting were there, either to leave or to wish the company luck. Anson stifled a yawn and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Let's see if everybody's here...Ferdibrand, Peony, Andunériel, Luinthindiel, Marsilion, Gondolin, Tinüsel, Elenlith, that's eight..." He frowned. "Oh! Myself." He laughed. "It's the early morning hours. Getting to me. Yes, well. I say we're ready to go now. Say your good-byes, then we'll have to be off."

Having no good-byes to say himself, Anson went and thanked the innkeeper for his help, paid him for the room, and then went back to the common room. "Let's go," he said, and the strange company, Men, Elves, and Hobbits, Eriador's last defense, set off east to Rivendell to begin their trek.

The sun was now beginning its ascent, painting the sky with the multihued ribbons of sunrise. Anson smiled a little as he watched it. "It's a lovely morning to start a journey," he announced, and hoped that it was a good omen. If anything, they needed good omens now, more than ever. He looked back at the party. They were a good group, he decided. Trustworthy. He would have to put his faith in them, and them in him. He nodded resolutely.

The journey began in earnest.
"Oh, my god! I care so little, I almost passed out!"
--Dr. Cox, "Scrubs"
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