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Old 01-01-2005, 11:11 PM   #7
Stormdancer of Doom
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I am uncertain if these categories are a bit too sweeping but pneuma drives me towards ideas of similar scope. Although I still suspect I'd do better if I had a clue about languages, nevertheless I will wade in. The worst that can happen is I drown.

Holiness of character is unified with emanating (holy) light. Sometimes seen easily (the elves seen as a shimmer in the woods of the Shire) and sometimes seen by those who have eyes to see, such as Frodo seeing Glorfindel's light; Gandalf seeing Frodo shining a bit in Rivendell; Sam seeing Frodo shining in various instances as they near Mordor; Aragorn shines at need. The shine is an indication of power and holiness and purity of character; they are mythically rejoined by Tolkien. In a different sort of illustration, the light of Earendil (permission by Valar that he wear the Silmaril) is due to his persistance in acting on behalf of Middle-Earth. He shines because he sought the light (and ensuing freedom) on behalf of Middle-Earth.

Spoken Word (rhema??) is reunited with power. Sometimes the power is magical/ supernatural; sometimes it is simply a bond of honor. Word is not lightly broken. Broken word can bring bad-power or a curse (Paths of the Dead.) Even Sam gives Frodo his word (I have something to finish before the end; I must see it through, sir, if you understand me.) That spoken word is in union with the power of his loyalty; it is inseparable from his devotion to Frodo. Spoken Word and power (in this case, powerful devotion) are unified. Examples aboud, for instance Faramir's casual but binding word (Wouldn't pick it up by the roadside).

Power and Music are (re-)united throughout the legendarium, from Eru and the Valar singing the Ainulindale, Yavanna singing the trees into being; Melian, Luthien; Gildor's song driving the black rider away; Goldberry's songs, Arwen's hymn, Galadriel's songs ... etc.

Name and power: "More deadly to him was the name of Elbereth." Aragorn's litany of names. Treebeard's caution on teling just anybody your name. More can certainly be said on this one.

Language and allegiance are re-united, mostly in the ancient tongues (but not in Westron.) . Those who speak elvish are Good Guys. Those who use the black speech are Bad Guys. But both orcs and men speak Westron at need. Interesting that the language of men is useable by the corrupt while the language of elves resists use by corruption (or vice versa.)
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.

Last edited by mark12_30; 01-01-2005 at 11:15 PM.
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