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Old 09-15-2010, 05:58 PM   #155
the phantom
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the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.the phantom is wading through snowdrifts on Redhorn.
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Ah, well, you seem to have given part of my answer for me, Shasta. Since I did in fact promise protection to them, I do feel honor bound to give it this day. But the biggest reason for my defense is simply the number of people who thought it very telling. I mean, it's the sort of thing that logically is easy to wave off given the reasoning I have provided, and yet people have remained firm even after I've pointed out these things I never imagined I'd have to bother with.

Really, in a typical village I'd expect there to be far more people than me saying, "Bah, it's Day 1. It's a blind shot anyway, so why not go unconventional just this once?" Given past games and behaviors I would have expected a village to have a mix of reactions from "That's annoying!" to "What the heck?" to "Oh well, just being silly". I've been doing this long enough that I can see reactions come ahead of time quite often, and I can tell you the reactions to Sally and Lottie have surprised me, and makes me suspect something or other is off.
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