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Old 01-25-2013, 04:01 PM   #271
Shady She-Penguin
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: In a far land beyond the Sea
Posts: 8,093
Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
End of Night3, night falls

When dawn broke, the wizards were angrier than ever. Yes, one more troll was dead, but their schemes had gone awry.

"The daytime is the time we can act, yet we came to naught! This cannot happen again!" said the first wizard.
"We have come to dark times," said the second wizard. "Perhaps it is not our fate succeed, but that of these evil creatures to roam the lands freely. The Dark Lord's hand has grown long - perhaps it already reaches these remote lands."
"Do not despair!" said the third wizard. "For there is one thing that always remains: hope."
"Fool's hope I name it now," said the second wizard bitterly.
"Nay, it would be folly to give up now. We still have each other, three of our high order, and together we may yet do great things," said the first wizard, and thus the second wizard's doubts were eased and he laughed.
"Time may prove our greatest ally," he said after a while.
"Indeed," said the third wizard. "So what shall we do with the time that is given to us?"

Long they debated again, both on which troll would they be the wisest to slay - and this did take time, for they all kept in mind that advice is a dangerous gift even when it is given by the wise to the wise and thus ended up saying nothing for a long time - and how to do it. But we have to remember that they were wizards, great spirits from the West, not mere mortals, so in the end, they again managed to make a plan.

Even more quietly than the day before, they crept into the cave where the trolls lay sleeping. The one they wanted to kill lay sleeping on his side in the middle of the cave. They surrounded the troll and the first wizard took his staff. Carefully, he drew runes on the sleeping troll's stomach and the picture of a great gate.

"Are you certain this will work?" the second wizard whispered. "I do not mean to be pessimistic, but..."
"I fail to see why a stone troll should be any different from some other kind of piece of stone," replied the first wizard.
"Worry not," said the third wizard to the second. "He knows what he is doing. Did he not study the secrets of door making with Narvi in Khazad-dûm?"
"Shh," said the first wizard, who was concentrating. They all looked at the troll and the markings that glowed blue on his stomach. Then the first wizard spoke in a commanding voice:

"Annon istarion, edro hi ammen! Lasto beth lammen!"

For a split second, they thought nothing happened.
"Edro!" they chanted in unison and lo! the troll groaned and his stomach parted in the middle. Caught between horror, fascination and self-congratulation, they wizards watched his guts spilling to the stone floor.
"Now back to sleep before that insomniac spots us!" whispered the third wizards, who was the quickest to recover his senses. They did as he bid them, and fell asleep again in their troll disguises.

When the sun set, they woke up alongside with the real trolls. There was a horrible clamor and noise in the cave, and some disbelieving howling and cursing, for none of the trolls could comprehend how Vol's intestines could have just exited his body during the day. What they comprehended even less, however, was what they found in his pocket. It was a note that said:



Dumb and Dead
Thinlómien, "Lom", dispatched by the Wizards as a threat on Night 1
Legate of Amon Lanc, "Leg", dispatched by the Wizards as a threat on Night 1
Pomegranate, "Pom", a Wizard, boiled and eaten on Day 1
Ozban, "Oz", an Ordinary Troll, crushed to death by a troll pyramid on Day 2
Volo, "Vol", Traitor Troll, magically opened up like a door on Night 3

Dumb and Walking
A Little Green, "Green"
Bane Mantra, "Bane"
Boromir88, "Bore"
Brinniel, "Brin"
Coppermirror, "Cop"
Gil-Galad, "Gil"
Inziladun, "Lad"
Kath, "Kat"
Loslote, "Lot"
McCaber, "Cab"
Morsul the Dark, "Mors"
Nerwen, "Nerve"
Nogrod, "Nog"
Rikae, "Rick"
satansaloser2005, "Sal"
Shastanis Althreduin, "Shaz"


Day 3 starts! Stop PMing and start talking.
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