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Old 10-29-2010, 08:05 AM   #162
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Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin View Post
My light, I see your point - if Agan is a wolf, she'd know that Nog couldn't be the Seer. However, the theory I was following was that the wolves attacked Nog because he was sure that Agan was a cobbler. The point I made about Agan (and Pitch and Greenie and Wilwa) was just an aside that popped into my head as I perused Nog's post. I think my theory still stands, though, doesn't it?

Anyway, I should move on to Assumption 2 - that the wolves attacked someone who would leave no trace (not an uncommon first night kill for wolves in this day and age). I'll look in on that once I've had a shower, but for a start, the names that come to mind off the top of my head are Eomer, Sally, Kath, and Form.
Regarding your first 'Assumption', I don't know why you seem to think that Nog is the only possible person that could have looked Seerish, but honestly I'm weary of pursuing the idea that Seer hints were the reason for their kill, because in trying to figure out who looked Seerish yesterDay, we could draw attention to the actual Seer. So I say we leave that one be.

So we could look at possible trailless kills, but Lottie has a point, this is a good lead but we still don't have a lot of information and if we start making all these assumptions we could get very side tracked with this BW business instead of looking for the wolves. And I don't see how figuring out who the kill was could possibly lead us to the wolves (maybe we could go the other way, when we know who a wolf is we could come back and then try to figure out the kill), so I say we let it be, put it on the list of info we have about the BW, and wait til we have more pieces. Going on about this could be a terrible waste of time, and if we follow the Seer hint track we could uncover the real one, which is bad. Tom could always look more closely at all that and maybe figure out some suspects (any unlikely kill choices are unlikely to be the BW, that's a great way to narrow down), and maybe he'll get lucky.

edit: x'd with Form
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