Thread: LotR2-TTT-Seq08
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Old 12-01-2006, 08:23 PM   #23
Delver in the Deep
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Pipe more on the Morannon

In general I liked the design of the Morannon and the Towers of the Teeth, taken as they were from Alan Lee's brilliant artwork. The fact that they gate required trolls to open it was a clever idea, I thought. But now that I reflect on it, I don't see why we needed to be shown how the mechanism operates. Surely this is preciouss screen time that could have been used for something else... like Shelob? Okay, we'll get into that debate later, but I can't resist taking a cheap shot.

Silly sausage Sam, falling down the slope. I didn't like that at all. Sam in the book may be a little simple, but he is no klutz. Although this did set up PJs use of the unearthly power of the elven cloak. I always pictured them as more subtle than that, blending in to the hues of the world around them, rather than such fantastic magic, but hey whatever, at least we got to see them in action. Although I would guess that viewers who had not read the book may be a little confused over what is happening here.

The soldiers were meant to be Easterlings, right? Then shouldn't they have been approaching from the east? That should mean that Sam and Frodo aren't in their path, as they are closer to the southern watchtower. I guess I'm just pouting because we didn't get to see the Haradrim as detailed in the book, with their gold and their red cloaks and facepaint.

Yeah, the growth of Merry and Pip due to ent draughts brings up a bunch of continuity errors, when we see that they have not grown at all. It would have been just as well to throw this one in the "too hard" basket and discard it completely, without bringing it back into play for the EE.

I'm in two minds about Old Man Willow and the words of Bombadil. It would have been great to have these things in the movies, but in their proper place. If PJ really desired to cut them from where they belonged, then it doesn't really make up for that by having them inserted later, in the wrong movie. I guess that he did so to set up the fact that some trees are dangerous. But then again, we don't get to see the huorns in action, do we? Crazy, man. So many losses in TTT...
But Gwindor answered: 'The doom lies in yourself, not in your name'.
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