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Old 11-12-2005, 05:05 PM   #41
Eomer of the Rohirrim
Auspicious Wraith
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 4,859
Eomer of the Rohirrim is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Eomer of the Rohirrim is a guest at the Prancing Pony.
Shield I can't resist this...

Name: I have many names. My current favourite is Hansel.

Quest: To find the Queen of Elves.

Favourite colour: Either black or white.

Most beloved Tolkien character: Treebeard.

Least beloved Tolkien character: If I were in the story it would be Saruman; as a reader it's probably Aldarion or Erendis for forcing me to read about their boring lives.

Worst habit: I don't have bad habits.

Best habit: Proofreading? Or generally taking some care and pride in what I do.

Unlikeliest celebrity crush: Rachel Weisz. No-one ever talks about her, despite the fact that she's lovely. Plus, we share the same birthday. Not that that makes her lovelier; I just thought I'd mention it. Oh, and every member of The Strokes. Didn't expect that, did you?

Weirdest hobby: Daydreaming about what I'd do if I were omnipotent. Not particularly weird in itself, but I do it a lot.

Best place in Middle-earth: Rivendell.

Best place outside of Middle-earth: Anywhere in which I'm completely alone.

Most embarrassing moment: When I foolishly volunteer to contribute in class discussion despite my not being prepared. It happens often, and the entire room thinks I'm very unintelligent. Not particularly embarrassing I'll grant, but then I generally don't care what other people think of me.

Most daring moment: I don't think I've ever done anything really daring.

Favourite 'LotR' actor: Viggo or Sir Ian.

Least favourite 'LotR' actor: Maybe David Wenham: he was inappropriate for the role, in my view.

Theme song: Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Style guru: Tim Burton, apparently.

Most crucial accessory: Tissues. They are probably the most useful things ever. Never leave the house without them.

Greatest weakness: It has to be love. Don't get me wrong, it's brought me great joy; but nothing else clouds my logical faculties in such a way. You know those villains who are mesmerized by the hot secret agent, but before they execute her they instead try it on with her, despite the fact that she's an enemy, and she exploits this lapse in judgment and manages to slay them? Yea.

Greatest strength: An open mind.

Favourite place to visit on the Downs: My PM box.

Best Downer buddy: SamwiseGamgee. And I'll throw in the obligatory I love so many of you.

Parting shot: Biff wants some attention.
Los Ingobernables de Harlond
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