Thread: ATM II RPG
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Old 10-05-2006, 10:54 PM   #257
Hauntress of the Havens
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Lhunardawen has been trapped in the Barrow!
Maika looked back in spite of herself, and turned into a pillar of salt. Er, she watched the raging werecreature, stunned yet altogether curious.

"Go, my lady!" cried Elrogorn, as though he had eyes at the back of his head. "This is not for kids!"

Maika was about to start on an icy response when she felt a strong grasp on her forearm forcing her away from the scene. It was Hyarmenwë, whose face was rather pale but otherwise set. The urgency in his eyes, though it might be there because of the wereduck, brought the thought of their own quest back to her. She nodded at him and suffered herself to be led into the inn.

"Quack! Quack!"

Maika rolled her eyes. Banters - even animals weren't spared. How thoroughly worthy of an old-school action film. Whatever witty (or otherwise) retort Elrogorn had for that, the two ambassadors no longer heard, for when the door closed behind them they were engulfed by the pleasant noise of scattered conversations around them. Maika was still amazed, even though she had been to the place a few times in the past. Everyone seemed to know everyone else. Typical Mordorian diners never felt this...this homey.

She realised that Hyarmenwë had let go of her arm and just begun to walk towards a vacant table in the distant corner of the room. She followed him, looking around, holding herself up importantly to disguise her interest.


The Mordorian ambassador swung instinctively towards the table she had just passed. An old woman was ducking under it.

"How many times have I told you not to wander off when we're eating?"

I really should change my name, fumed Maika, picturing a mischievous little girl with food-stained clothes and pigtails.


Maika the cat got out from under the table and jumped suddenly onto the old woman's arched back, causing the poor woman to hit her head. Maika the human, on the other hand, pretended that sharing her name with an animal did not bother her the least. She resumed walking after Hyarmenwë, got to the table after him, and sat down on the seat he indicated. He took the place in front of her.

"I figured you must be famished; we have had no short journey," he said.

Yes. I want a smoothie. "I'm fine," she replied, "let's just get down to business. We'll have to be back--"

"Lord Hyarmenwë!"

Oh dear, Maika silently groaned. Don't tell me it's a guy addressing an aristocratic dog.

The two ambassadors turned and saw a happy-looking couple waving at them - or at Hyarmenwë, rather; Maika had no idea who they were. So, Hyarmenwë had already socialised with the people here! It might make their task a bit easier. She was glad to see that they were making their way towards their table, and Hyarmenwë seemed equally grateful. He promptly offered the remaining seats when they arrived, the lady taking the seat beside Maika's.

"How wonderful to see you again," the Gondorian told the newcomers.

The couple smiled. "The pleasure is ours, my lord," said the man. "What brings you back to this place? And I see you have a new companion." He nodded towards Maika, still smiling. The lady with him also looked at her welcomingly. Not for long, Maika thought, and proceeded to introduce herself, but Hyarmenwë beat her to it.

"This is Lady Maikaelwen, a Mordorian ambassador."

There was no change in their expressions. Was she seeing things? Did she really need a smoothie?

"Lady Maika, this is Aleksandur, and his betrothed, Fíriel. I met them the first time I had been here."

Maika was still in a detached state of disbelief and only managed to nod politely.

"You ask what brings me back here," continued Hyarmenwë, addressing the couple. "Do you remember what I once told you, before we left?"

"I do, my lord. You have a daughter somewhere in these parts," said Aleksandur.

"Precisely. Maika here had consented to help me look for her, and suggested starting with this place. She is, you see, herself Gondorian-born."

"I would have guessed it," said Fíriel. "She certainly looks the part."

Maika maintained a poker face. But inside...inside...she was not sure what she thought, or felt, regarding the comment. "Perhaps you would like something to eat?" she offered instead, in order to divert the conversation from her.

The other three approved of this idea, to Maika's relief. Fíriel waved at an approaching young lady in an apron, who smiled at seeing her and hurried towards their table. As anyone in their position would, the two men turned around instinctively to see at whom Fíriel gestured...and Hyarmenwë drew a sharp gasp.

Last edited by Lhunardawen; 10-08-2006 at 06:55 PM.
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