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Old 12-05-2015, 07:38 PM   #117
Shade of Carn Dûm
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Originally Posted by Morthoron View Post
Do you think the Silmaril's migration was annual? Like the albatross? You also didn't take into account that, perhaps, the Balrog was on a skiing trip to Mount Gundabad at that point in time. Maybe Balrogs liked to ski. It could be a possibility. Tolkien never said Balrogs didn't ski. Or luge. Or take up needlepoint in their old age. I always think of Balrogs in tutus and pointe shoes doing ballet manuevers when I hear The Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. I'm sorry, I seem to be wandering. Random even.
I had to laugh out loud at this one. It was spontaneous and I couldn't stop it once the hilarity of the post struck me.....perhaps, Morothon, it wasn't a ski trip. Perhaps Balrogs enjoyed the equivalent (with lava flow) of our waterslides in Fun Parks. Perhaps they dropped the Silmaril from moving through too narrow a channel of lava flow on one of their 'fun rides'.

@Landrovel and the other ***awesomely brave*** posters who are tackling an unorthodox theory. I love youZ for it, and I'm going to - for the total sake of fun, take the 'side' in Debate with Landrovel's team.


1. Lava flows in subterranean conduits, do indeed, transport items, for many, many kilometres.
2. When Maedhros hurled the Silmaril (the silly MAN woops ELF for all the kinslaying) he couldn't even touch his father's 'precious' Silmaril -- at all -- by end of FA.
3. Morgoth COULD touch it. Somehow, it seems, that Evil (c.f. evil) beings could bear the 'heat' of the touch of the Silmaril, if their Evil power was MAXED past, I dunno, 'exactly' what setting, but some 'thermostat' control seemed to apply.
4. Gothmog was pretty amped up, in terms of, ya know, Evil zshoo zshoo.
5. UNGOLIANT. hahahaha, DRANK all that fluid from the Trees and seemed to quite enjoy it.
6. Ergo, obviously, SPIDERS and possibly DRAGONS and BALROGS are all candidates for a 'Migrating Silmaril'....and I'll be cheeky, HYPOTHESIS.
7. I wonder what happens when, say, Balrogs, (between big battles) get BORED while their Dark Lord does this and that, and Dagor This and That readying. Perhaps, they found (was it Maedhros???Hahaha) Silmaril....thing....and said to each other (ya know lads, when I touch that darned thing, it hurts, and so, I peddle faster in our lava boat race).

Thus, in conclusion, perhaps a Balrog of lesser stature than Gothmog (e.g. the one in the Misty Mountains) used the Silmaril in a "Balrog Lava Race" and got into really big trouble, coz he dropped it, when he overshot, and popped up in Erebor, before smelling Dwaves in Khazad Dum.

And the more serious version - there are indeed, a number of ways a Silmaril can migrate through subterranean routes. And Master Tolkien was very good at giving us all Temporal Causality Loop headaches. That is, by the time he finished every darned one chapter at a time, poor Chris has a very big headache, trying to give dates, times, and annotations to emendations in the various headaches he must have had releasing post LotR works.

It's not -- entirely -- out of the question that the prof could have varied his story about the Silmarils, to say, allow for A SECOND one to be found, as the precursor to the Last Battle and Remaking of Arda. (that aweseome time when Teleperion and Laurelin are REKINDLED!)

AND Morothon, actually to use one of your own prior arguments (see the Bilbo thread), wait, I'll go get it and see for yourself.


Last edited by Ivriniel; 12-05-2015 at 07:45 PM.
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