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Old 12-23-2003, 09:07 PM   #20
Posts: n/a

Earendur Seregon looked down the misted road of Bree. He spurred his horse forward and saw a waver of candle light and heard the faint sound of laughter coming from the direction. He galloped forward and saw a small in with a sign hanging over the door reading "Green Dragon". He went a little further and dismonted from his steed and handed the reigns to the stablemen and handed them a few coins to pay for his horses lodging and accomidations. He pulled the hood of his cloak down as he enter the inn. He enter the door and was greeted with a wave of smells of fresh bread and good ale. The place seems cherrie enough he thought with a smile to himself.

He walked into the inn and sat himself at a small table and surveyed the small inn. It was of course filled with hobbits. There were a good many eating and a few appeared drunk. He again chuckled to himself and hailed the serving maid. He ordered himself a pint of ale and sat back and relaxed to watch to goings and comings of the quaint inn.

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 2:35 PM December 24, 2003: Message edited by: piosenniel ]