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Old 07-22-2009, 01:01 PM   #118
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Mnemosyne is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Mnemosyne is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
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Boromir88 woke up with a start. Looking around him, he switched on his light and sighed with relief. Then he remembered where he was.

Without a warning, the room melted away around him and he was in a forest facing a wolf's snarl. Out of his periphery he saw another wolf. Turning his head, he had only a moment to see the bow drawn at him before a black arrow pierced his side.

"Oh, of all the screennames I could have chosen," he muttered, before the next arrow hit. He fell to the ground.

* * *

When Boromir woke up, the first thing that he noticed was that he was in pain. The second thing he noticed was that he was alive. The third thing was that he could not move.

Sunlight broke over his face. An eternity seemed to pass before he heard shouts from nearby, calling his name.

Then a face--Nessa's face--bent over him. "He's dead," she said.

And they did check to make sure--they clasped his wrist, listened to his heart. Someone even found a shield to hold to his lips to check for mist.

But at last they all, sorrowing, made the inevitable (to everyone's mind but Boro's) conclusion. "Well," said Nerwen, we do seem to have a boat and a river nearby..."

They pulled the arrows from him and combed his hair and laid him in the boat. They shut his eyes, too, and he could not open them.

"Does anyone remember the song they sang?" he heard someone say.

"I could find my copy, if you'd like..."

"No. It's too depressing."

He felt the boat being pushed into the water. "No!" he tried to say, but his lips would not move. The current pushed him along, until it settled and he simply drifted. He wondered faintly if maybe the wolves had not been able to find Parth Galen itself but some other river that opened out into a lake. Then he heard the roar of water, and a tugging at his back. He was pulled, faster and faster to the brink, until he fell...

* * *

"Well," said Nogrod, "at least we were able to send him off in a fitting fashion."


The Living:
Nessa Telrunya
Shastanis Athreduin

The Dead:
Feanor of the Peredhil (werewolf)
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Last edited by Mnemosyne; 07-23-2009 at 03:42 PM.
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