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Old 08-07-2005, 06:38 PM   #28
Pile O'Bones
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Glofin has just left Hobbiton.
A movie warg or a book warg? The impression i got from the books was that a warg was just a really big and mean wolf.

Anyway, as far as tactics for stopping wargs go I have already posted in length my opinions. But as for tactics in middle earth, for anyone who knows a bit about history you realise that tactics develop where ever there is war-fare. No exceptions. What makes Middle Earth so wonderful, is that is very real. War-fare and tactics, (bad or good) go hand in hand... I imagine that after some of the first battle in middle earth, the elves against the orcs, the chief elven warriors would sit down together and say "You know when we had those archers behind the spear-men raining death down on the Glamhoth, then charged with our swordsmen, we slaughtered them... let's do that again."

As someone who has taken and studies swordsmanship, you realise very quick when you do something stupid you would get killed in a battle field. This automatically makes the good warriors make it through the battles (under good circumstances) and the less skilled are slain. This is a general rule, though in battle there are exceptions for rule. But better tactics, and better warriors sets the odds in their favour, and when they when they carry own their tactics or skills. There is absolutely no reason why the tactics in middle earth aren't as diverse (though sometimes very simple) as the ones in our own history. It is the nature of war that makes tactics evolve. Examine the nature warfare with medieval weapons and you will find the tactics there waiting to be found. The battle tactics that Tolkien gives us in his book, are only a glimsp, but then again tactics are not the main focus of the book, he is telling a story about a Ring not battle tactics.

Not all those who wander are lost
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