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Old 02-13-2011, 12:10 PM   #17
Pilgrim Soul
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Awesome, Nogrod. I'm excited about having you.

Inzil, I'm glad you've joined as well, I just haven't gotten around to saying so.

Shasta and Mith, can I take your interest and your questions to be an indication of you joining, too? I hope? Maybe?

Mith, you are right - the King's Dwarf will be an extraordinarily difficult role to play and win with. And you are also right that for the KD to send in a wrong name would pin him and get him killed. That's another reason why I wasn't worried about it at all.

I was thinking that the Forge needs more members than just 1 member per 4 villgaers. Possibly 1 to 3. That is, if we had 12 players, 4 would be Forge members. Does that sound fair?

Foley, yes I think I would like to play this one. Really fascinating concept but not too complicated.

As to fairness.. well while the Kings Dwarf will know all the others he will have to play his hand subtly to avoid being killed. Since if he helps his supposed fellows get lynched too much he is again on dangerous ground. Right if The Sweetheart is lynched then the KD dies but the game goes on. If KD is wolf killed - game over. If KD is lynched? Does the game carry on?

If so you could end up with a game with a lot of wolves and only one gifted who has lost the benefit of the KD's tips although being allowed ot protect twice in a row has that psych weapon of makingthe wolves guess if the double protect is used or not.

All my games have ended up being quite one sided however much I tried to make it fair. Bear in mind that in any game you are liable to have at least one drop out and a couple of players whose attendance is limited - even with the best will in the world RL can get in the way. Now obviously you should keep your role selection method private but you may want to think about what happens if KD is up for modfiring or what ever.

Classic WW was 1in4 players was a wolf. With 1 seer. If you felt that was too low you could have a cursed (bear in mind that a night killed player is often a strong player esp late in the game..) or a cobbler or..well I forget the other less used roles. If you think it is a bit high you could add a gifted.. A lot will depend on how many bods you get to sign up.
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