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Old 06-17-2003, 08:05 PM   #94
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: With Gambit, ambushing VanimaEdhel, most likely
Posts: 117
DayVampyre has just left Hobbiton.
The Eye

Avery always had liked the high places of the world. She remembered the time, back in the city, when she and a friend had climbed to the top of the wooden ramparts on the far side of the city. They had spent the night burglaring some of the city's houses and the sun was just coming up.

Avery sat down on one of the rocks, not noticing the company beginning to move on. She was tranfixed by the view, but a few minutes later she noticed they were some ways off, but not too far that she couldn't catch up. She was just getting up to follow them when she felt a tickle down in the back of her throat. It made her want to cough or clear her throat.


Avery sucked in a deep breath and went for her water.


She grabbed the leather bound bottle and took a long drink from it. She paused for a minute, and the odd cough seemed to go away.

She grabbed her coat off the rock and began to catch up with the rest. She noticed something wet running into her eyes. She stopped and swept her hand across her forehead. She frowned, it was sweat. She must be more tired than she thought. With a coat sleeve she patted her face dry, took another drink from her bottle and went on.

The higher they went, the colder it seemed to get. Just when she was getting worried that she had lost them, she caught a glimpse of the ever familar LinGalad. She increased her step to catch up to him.

"Tryin' to lose me?" She asked with a friendly smile.
~~Your finger hired the crew?
~No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew, Mr. Bimbol.
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