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Old 03-05-2004, 01:23 AM   #123
Drummer in the Deep
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Oddwen is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.
Outtakes, mwahahahaha!!

Just wanted to say...I made a few avatars based on this parody.

Inspired by Meela:
Glad to be back? (64x64, 5k)
Cart (64x64, 16k)

Inspired by Nimrothiel:
Groovy (64x64, 2k)

So's you know.

Behind the scenes: Rivendell


Staffperson: But, ma'am...this is supposed to be a symbol of uneding love between you and your intended...


Aragorn: Please?


Aragorn: Pretty please?

Arw: Okay!

Staffperson: But...huh?

(rather lame)

[edit] Drat! I started to edit this, had a whole thing going, and IE crashed! Let's see if I can remember it...[/edit]
Scene: Rivendell, after Arwen telepathically kisses Aragorn

Agent Elrond: Arwen...skip to my Lou.

Arwen: What?

AE: Tormenting will sit in a chair all the way to Valinor. It's bad, so bite me!

A: Have you been talking elvish with Aragorn again?

AE: That's exactly my point! Aragorn is going to die, so why should he take you with him? BURN HIM, I SAY!

A: What?

AE: Err...I mean, he is not coming back. Why do you stay?

A: Because I've made my choice. And I'm 110% sure.

AE: Only 110%? Really?

A: Da-ad...

(the next day...)

AE: *too casually* Say, Arwen, how would you like to take a sailboat ride with your dear ol' Dad?

A: Hey, that sounds...suspiciously like you're trying to get me to go to Valinor!

AE: Who, me?

A: I tell you, I've made my choice!

AE: Curses. Foiled again.

(the next day...)

AE: *rushing in* Arwen, Arwen! Come quick, you've got to see! Cirdan says he's captured the biggest frog in the world! It's on his fastest ship, and he says you can have it for your wildlife swamp if you just come and get it!

A: Dad...I'm-not-going.

AE: Aww, it took me all day to think of that!

(the next evening...)

AE: *saaaaunters into his daughter's room* So, you've made your choice, huh?

A: Yup. I'm going to stay in Middle-earth, become mortal, marry Aragorn, bear his children, and then...die.

AE: *waaaanders to the window* If Aragorn survives this war, you will still be parted. If Sauron is defeated, and Aragorn made king and all that you hope for comes true, you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality. Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die.

(Arwen sees a vision...she is standing beside the embalmed body of Aragorn...who is still clutching that darn her satisfaction, she has still kept her figure, but her face is shadowed by a veil.)

AE: And it'll be too bad for you, 'cuz he'll be dead and you won't. Though I do agree, he makes a very handsome corpse.

A: *twitch*

AE:But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt, as nightfall in winter that comes without a star, here you will dwell, bound to your grief, under the fading trees, until all-the world-is-changed-and-the-long-years-of yourlifeareutterlyspent. *gasp*

(Arwen sees herself wandering in black through a deserted wood...cue music "Paint it Black" by Rolling Stones...)

AE: Arwen, there's nothing for you here...except a death-cream-cone for dessert.

A: *sobsobsobpause* ...a what-cream-cone?

AE: Uhh...death?

A: Hey, YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN! I'm NOT going TO VALINOR!!!!!!!!!!

AE: Fine!! See if I care! *sudden inspiration* But they do say that three-quarter-elven daughters start to resemble their half-elven fathers as they grow older...


AE: Jeez. Thanks a lot.

*Arwen is rushing about, packing.*


AE: You don't need to be...*sees Arwen fleeing the room* I didn't mean...*Arwen leaps onto a horse* Could you just...*The horse gallops off*

AE: Have a nice trip.

(Hey, Nilpaurion, I notice you're doing the same scene at almost the same time...freaky, huh?)
But all the while I sit and think of times there were before
I listen for returning feet and voices at the door

Last edited by Oddwen; 03-05-2004 at 02:14 AM.
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