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Old 03-04-2010, 10:23 PM   #127
Energetic Essence
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So one thing I'm noticing right off the bat here is the constant Lottie versus Nerwen posts. Really eyebrow raising for me. Perhaps Wolf on Wolf? However, I do not believe that either of them would be that blatant about it. Yet we cannot count out the fact that they might like us to think this way and thus avoid detection....Hmm.....


Originally Posted by Sallycakes
Well, that's not entirely true. I found a knife under his pillow. Worried? A bit.
That's funny as I found a blowtorch in YOUR room!

Originally Posted by Boro
Why is it always me at the focus of controversy on Day 1s!? Why!?
Certainly not because of your comedic timing cuz you don't have any. I for one was actually just being a nuisance and felt like stirring things up a bit seeing as there was nothing but in character posting (with the odd few here and there).

Originally Posted by Sallycakes
Nice commentary on the logistics of the game, but it seems a bit too much of a "ra ra village we can do this" post to me. I'm just sayin'.
Which is typical innocent Wilwa (still don't trust you though )

To help prove my point a little further about the Lottie versus Nerwen debacle, highlighting the points I find most interesting:

Originally Posted by Pitch
#8 Glirdan makes a typical Day1 banteresque remark that Boro likes to see Batman killed + posted first -> is guilty.
#9 Lottie comments on Glirdan's post that if there's anything at all in Boro's post, it could be a cobbler hint; then immediately cautions against taking that too seriously.
#10 Nerwen replies with what could be seen as a hint of her own and says Boro could be wolf hinting to cobbler.
#11 Lottie takes notice of Nerwen's maybe-hint and cautions further against taking apparent hints too seriously; "don't think we should automatically assume Boro's evil."
#13 Nerwen points out that obvious hints from baddies early in game are rare and continues with maybe/maybe not.

#16 Glirdan is starting to get unnerved by Lottie and Nerwen making more of his remark than he intended. I don't know how serious he was about the unnerving - could be overreaction.
#18 Kit comments on Lottie's ambiguity about the hint question.
#20 Pitch (that's me) questions Glirdan on his reaction.
#21 wilwa doesn't see anything cobblerish in Boro.
#22 Neither does Nog.
#29 Pitch (see above) comments on Nerwen's wolf-cheer and Lottie's ambiguity, is wishy-washy himself.
And thus it goes on with nothing really new, apart from sally's knife joke, which made me coin the metaphor Kit objects to.
The next four posts after my typical Day 1 banter were by none other then the two in question. Bandwagon forming, or am I just delirious?

Originally Posted by Nog
Glirdan - Confused about him, like I tend to be...
Good to know that some things never change.

Originally Posted by Lottie
Ooh. Nice theory, but it raises a point: I don't think wolves are going to be very close to each other at all, since there's only two. I would think we should be looking more for people studiously ignoring each other and maybe saying "oh, I don't know, maybe they're evil..." than "ooh they're so awesome/evil!!!"
Or perhaps you're just saying this to throw us off because in actuality you and Nerwen are the Wolves and you just don't want us to catch onto it?

Originally Posted by Pitch
Seriously though, I think we should let Glirdan be for toDay, as he's got a RL time issue and may not be able to speak for himself in time.
FINALLY someone who reads the posts in the Admin threads! Thank you!

Originally Posted by Wilwa
Nog, again, I love you.
The fact that this is the second time that she said this unsettles me. Her and Nog are usually at each other's throats....Hmmm.....And after reading all of these points brought up about her constant "We have enough time" schpeals, I'm really actually starting to question her motives.

Originally Posted by Nerwen
[B]Ye-es.... only it'll be harder then usual for the wolves to control the lynch this early, and if one dies and leaves a clear trail to the other– game over. (Poor widdle fings )
This post makes me leary. I am still quite adamant that she is no ordinary villager...but this makes me lean towards her being a Cobbler and not a Wolf...Thanks for possibly shooting a hole in my Wolf on Wolf theory.

Originally Posted by Dury
I'm not going to explaining myself this time. No one ever listens anyway.

Too many people... (I know, there's really not as many as usual...)

I'll try to come up with something.
Originally Posted by Dury
Aw, I have to double post? I want to give you guys something before people go to bed.

So the reasons for my groupings: the voices in my head? It's like gut feeling. It tells me things. Indigestion does make the voices more talkative.

Basically, Nogrod's first couple posts gave me a vibe of some vague sort. Loslote is annoyingly agree-able and like 'im going to be helpful!' But so is Sally.

Glirdan seemed like low-radar wolf somehow, and Kitanna seemed like 'I'm going to be the sense in this chaos and skate through silly Day 1 mwaha.'

But Pitchwife could be the same thing.

And Isabel is low-radar skater wolf.

Okay, these two posts make me uneasy, but more of "Look at me, I'm the Cobbler" sort of way. No explanation of any sorts from the first post and the second just seems like a "I'm going to just be a menace and make no sense but try to seem helpful" kinda thing...Or maybe that's the delirium again.

Another post to throw me off kilter with Wilwa:

Boro's first post, I don't see anything wrong with it, just a fun story he wanted to share. But afterwards he defended it, then again, then just some little comments here and there and not really much more than that. So I find he spent too much time focusing on something that was not really that big of a deal, and really it's not like someone was gonna vote him just for that, so it didn't really merit the defence. Just seems like he could have said something more pertinent.
And then later, in the EXACT same post (highlighting the important bit):

*breaths* Anyways. So Pitch and Lottie do look a bit off to me, but I think Boro is the worst. I just find he made a big deal about people making a big deal out of something little he said. And then there wasn't much else (RL, I know, but he did make some random comments here and there, if he knew he couldn't come back he *should* have said something substantial instead). So. My vote could very well go here.
Why go out of your way to defend him and then do a complete 180 to discredit him? This post is too flip-floppy for me (which is hilarious considering that I'M usually the flip-floppy one!)

Originally Posted by Dury
I didn't vote for you, Loslote.

But I'm glad you fear me.
Too obvious to be an outright Wolf confession....and perhaps even a little too outright as a Cobbler...But something just isn't sitting right with me when I see her posts.

Originally Posted by Wilwa
No, not because he wants to vote for me, but because he plans to vote for me if I vote for him. There's a difference.
No, no there really is no difference at all. Hmmm......

And that brings me to the end of my extremely long post rummaging....Now for a list of suspects.



Inclined to Trust

Mod God

Will vote shortly.
I'm going to buy you a kitty, I'm going to let you fall in love with the kitty, and one cold, winter night, I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face!
Fenris Wolf
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