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Old 12-27-2005, 07:35 PM   #4
Laconic Loreman
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White Tree

I took Frodo's "leading" the Fellowship out of Rivendell as kind of a symbolic thing. As in the torch runner at the olympics...the real journey has now "begun." I doubt anyone expected Frodo to know where the heck he was going, but him leading the first steps symbolizes he is the focus, the purpose, the beginning of this quest, as he will be the end of this quest.

I do find it rather funny of Gandalf's lack of direction so to say. He just seems rather lacksadaisical. Not that he doesn't know where he's going but, just a lack of leadership as he's like..."umm I'm just gonna go where people tell me to go." I'll yell at Gimli for suggesting Moria, and yell at Boromir for insisting the Gap of Rohan, but I'll just do what a Hobbit says who has no idea where we are at decide. I mean Frodo is the focus the Fellowship, but he admits himself at the Council he has no idea how to get to Mordor, or how to get passed Saruman, so why is it "his decision?" I guess Gandalf just wanted Frodo to chose so he couldn't be blamed if it turned out bad..."Frodo told us to come here! It wasn't my fault!"

No, Frodo grabs it back petulantly and gives Boromir a look of (hate?) distaste - he is not being passive, nor whiny or sobbing.~Essex
I happen to agree with alatar on this, Frodo does come off as babyish. He's standing there with a look like he's about to cry and Aragorn reassuringly grabs his his shoulder and takes him under his wing. I just get this picture of Frodo whining to Aragorn: "Aragorn! He took my ring! Tell him to give it back!"

Boromir does not see Aragorn's hand on his sword - He is not really answering to Aragorn as he comes out of his trance - Anyone, including Frodo, could have told him to give the Ring back.....
I don't think he notices Aragorn's hand on his sword, but he certainly does answer back to Aragorn.
Aragorn: Boromir! Boromir! (Boromir snaps out of trance)Give the ring to Frodo.
Boromir: (looks at Aragorn) As you wish. I care not.

I really don't understand this insertion into the movies at all. Not just because it wasn't in the books, but I think it just goes to beat an idea into our head that we already know. We see at the Council Boromir doesn't agree, Galadriel only later spells it right out for us in Lorien..."He will try to take the ring! You know of whom I speak." Thanks for the heads up and killing the suspense. I really see no purpose in the scene. I guess it's to show his "falling corruption" to the Ring, but I just think it's beat into our head enough in the movies that someone (and most likely this Gondorian) will take the ring. This scene could have been cut and the time could have been used much more wisely.

Which comes to maybe my biggest disappointments with the movies, the addition of needless scenes, that really serve no purpose in the movies. And it's valuable time that could be spent more wisely. A lot of people argue this is a long long movie, there's not enough time to add in everything. Which there isn't, Tolkien would agree, however if you cut out just some of the needless additions, that add nothing further to the development of the movie, then I'm sure plenty of time could be saved to fit in extra an explanation of why the Nazgul flee from the words "Elbereth." (I just got done reading the new Sequence 7 posts so this is what first popped into my head).

Umm, let's see what else did I want to say. Oh yea, I concur with alatar with the additions of Boromir teaching the Hobbits to sword fight. (See this addition I don't mind because it goes to set up and show Boromir's love for the two Hobbits and his attempt to save them at the end of the movie).
Fenris Penguin
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