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Old 02-22-2003, 05:02 PM   #39
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Hello! I have just registered in order to write on this thread. I read it carefully from top to end finding the best descriptions being the ones of E.T. and even better perhaps, akhtene's. It's really true what these two girls are saying about Boromir. I can not be objective being the eldest prince of Gondor my favourite character of the book but I compliment akhtene and E.T. for the words they speak for me too. The special all feminine understanding of deep feelings seem to me's showing so brightly from their post. I might add few things. It's true Boromir is generally not very appreciated by the readers (I don't speak about the movie which is fairly good but can't satisfy a real fan of the unmatched atmospheres and flavours of the epic trilogy) but we are lead by Tolkien himself down to this feelings. You can clearly feel that the fellowship is usually harsh and ungrateful to Boromir. Aragorn and Gandalf above all but Frodo himself never really liked him. Tolkien's description of how the whole fellowship acts towards Boromir makes up only partly on the tragic end heroic end of the Gondor warrior. Superbly described even. It seems like Boromir has lived to be a pain for the fellowship and the readers and can just leave a good memory of himself by dying in one heroic battle. But Boromir is much more than that. It's not true that people like him just because he's "just human". Here I disagree a bit with the rest of the fans. The humans are often proved of being mean and evil (you all remember the hordes from the south supporting Sauron...). Boromir is a real hero and his qualities bring him above the common human race despite he belongs to it not having numenorean blood in his veins. But this is the paradox, perhaps. His birth is not as noble and as important as Aragorn but in my heart he is the only, real hero of the company. He gets himself to the extreme sacrifice. I am not english so you all will forgive me but I cannot find the right words to say what I'd like to. Thanks for your patience.
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