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Old 12-16-2022, 10:21 AM   #600
Overshadowed Eagle
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I think what I would object to is Finrod having any even remotely objective knowledge of Amarie... he is supposed to enter Prison Duet thinking his life was a worthless failure.
I have been thinking about this on and off. One thing that occurs to me is that the Zong harks back to an older version of the Legendarium. The various early tellings of the Leithian always make Luthien's journey to Mandos seem a bit of a trek - in BoLT it's "down those dark roads", in the Lay "her journey to Mandos" has a line in the notes, while in the first Quenta there's a possibility that she travelled there alive via eagle. So could it be that when Finrod is all mopey about having Ruined Everything, he's thinking in terms of the Ban being more absolute than we usually think: that when the renegade Noldor die, they're not going to go home and sit around for a while, but get taken North into the icy dark.

This was actually a fate Tolkien considered in BoLT, for evil men after death: "Some [Fui Nienna] drives forth beyond the hills and Melko siezes them and bears them to Angamandi, or the Hells of Iron, where they have evil days." If that's what Finrod thinks is the fate of the Exiles, then it doesn't matter that Amarie might still have feelings for him - he's going to Angband anyway, particularly when he's dying in the enemy's literal clutches.

That makes Amarie's lines in "Wind" a lot more significant: she's not just moping, she's weaving a spell to send the wind to carry her love away from the Dark and back to her. In "Heart" she uses a version of the same spell, but only to give him encouragement - not to actually save him. I'm not sure how well that lines up with "Truth", though - though it might. I was reading "Truth" as about throwing himself on Eru's mercy, but the theme of the Zong is Love Conquers All. Is Finrod's final realisation that if he and Amarie still love each other, then that love can take him home despite everything?

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
If you write some text, I will put it to music.
Not sure I should start writing lyrics. Sadly I don't think the description in LaCE is good enough to turn into a song, though there's a couple of lines in the old Fall of Gondolin...

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
The original was at 80 bmp. This recording is 70 bmp for the first half, and 60 for the second, to try both speeds. Let me know which works best.
Either of these works nicely, which means you should probably go with the faster one so it doesn't get too dirge-y.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I haven't really done much Zonging lately, but I did touch up Appeal again and rewrote portions of Beren's stanza that annoys me so much (Carefree is your life). I am calling it "Remastered 1" because I still don't feel quite satisfied with the result and have a sneaking suspicion that this piece won't let me rest until I get it right.
I will take a look at this. No "Heart" yet, because we've all come down with a cold that means we'd sound like Gollum trying to sing it!

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
PS: I did watch Matilda the Musical, as promised. Cool stuff! My favourite role, hands down, was Mr. Wormwood. The show was made for him. But Miss Trunchbull was a close second. Favourite song? The creepy alphabet one. I loved the concept, very cleverly written.
"Go and find out if that child is still alive!"

We watched it on opening... well, day. Very much enjoyed it! The alphabet song is utterly fantastic; I remember seeing it on the stage, and the moment they started throwing letters up onto the set was just this incredible "that's so clever!"

I think my favourite part of the movie specificially was Smell of Rebellion/Quiet, and not just because the latter is my favourite song in the musical. ^_^ I was also fascinated by the number of songs that were clearly staged like... well, a stage play! Anything with the desks sliding around, for starters. You don't normally see that in movies.

"Don't let them steal your horses... don't let them take them away..." ~The Trunchbull to Cel'n'Cur, probably

Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera
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