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Old 09-12-2022, 06:03 AM   #591
Overshadowed Eagle
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I had a Zong dream the other day.
Yessss, it is a sign, Irmo Lorien wants us to continue. You don't want to argue with Irmo, do you?

Heart, half-way through. And the same thing sung, to demo the starting point.

Sung version didn't come through, but the instrumental sounds really good! I've just hummed it through at work, and I think it fits very well. The vast empty spaces between lines do stand out, but... that's how they wrote it!

The kids have been getting really into the "Matilda" musical this summer, and in the epilogue there's a moment where the cast pause mid-line so Miss Trunchbull can yell "Maggots!". I kind of feel like it would work here too, maybe if Ungoliant shows up or something. "Dawn in - maggots! - her splendour - maggots! - is rising over chasms - maggots! - of ice." Actually that's way too many gaps, it would be more maggot than lyric.

All of the new songs are kind of weird, musically. They seem to have no repeating structure at all, whereas a lot of the older ones are basically verse/chorus. I'm not surprised they keep giving you so much trouble!

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Nope! Duel would just be a touch-up of the music. Duet - I have to redo all my contributions regardless, but if you don't mind re-singing and re-animating that one we could do a full makeover or just a partial one. It's off in the future somewhere on the to-do-later list.
Perfectly happy; I have all the files still (but should really back them up... :-/).

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
The idea behind it to give all the characters a sort of resolution to their story, right? That gives Finrod, Beren/Luthien, Thingol/Melian, Cel/Cur, Amarie, Galadriel, Sauron in some order. Am I missing any?
That's the thought, and in roughly chronological order. I haven't drawn anything yet, but breaking it down:
  • "In the hour" - The empty throne of Nargothrond, fading to Finrod's cairn amid the ruins of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, with grass growing green upon it.
  • "Tell the truth" - Melian beside the body of Thingol. I think this would probably be a formal lying-in-state, a lot like the scene in Rings of Power where Galadriel nicks Finrod's dagger.
  • "Did he reach" - Beren and Luthien upon a green isle in the woods. Luthien wearing the Nauglamir-with-Silmaril, Huan at their heels. Maybe a young Dior? I'm not sure, he might clutter things up.
  • "An ancient Oath" - Cel'n'Cur at the Second Kinslaying. Either both of them lying dead, or if I'm up for an action scene, Celegorm dead and Curufin duelling Dior. If Dior is in this, he should also be in the previous shot, and recognisably the same character.
  • "But stronger is time" - Sauron, Ring-Lord, in Orodruin at the height of his power. Still in his bat outfit, with no spiky armour in sight.
  • "Ours - the havens grey" - Finrod and Amarie in Amarie's glade in Aman (her tree backdrop). Could also feature Finarfin, but again he would be clutter, and it's not like he's appeared before.
  • "Ours - the salt of sea-spray" - the Sea, looking into the sunset. A swan-ship glides past, with Galadriel visible on the deck (not having her armour removed by Nienna cosplayers, thanks very much). Over the rest of the song the ship sails off into the distance, and the clouds part to reveal the merest glimpse of the Undying Lands. Fade to white.

That brings the total characters shown in images but not singing up to 9: two unidentified Firstborn elf-maids, Feanor, Beor, Barahir, Morgoth, Huan, probably Dior, and maybe Finarfin.

"Truth", since I can't remember if I've ever written it down, I imagine as starting out completely white, with a slow reveal of Finrod-in-white with his emblem. Then bring in the scene from Galadriel's prologue, with the mountains and the sea, and actually fly through it and off into the sunset. Theoretically I can do that with the files I already have, though I haven't dared try it yet.

Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera
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