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Old 09-03-2021, 04:11 PM   #511
Overshadowed Eagle
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Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Huinesoron is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Song titles: I've got them in the Libretto as "Nargothrond" and "Ballad to Amarie" right now, which seem the least clumsy. (I believe the latter was originally just "Amarie" - when she didn't have any songs of her own!)

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I wonder if they just didn't/couldn't cast her. In all else they are working with the newer script (and even the newer-newer Dream), but they do switch around the order of some songs. But these are only snatches of the concert, and I honestly have no idea if they've ever cast Amarie - or, as you say, either of the Doriath sovereigns.
Re: song order - it occurs to me that putting Dream after Captivity actually brings it closer to the books!

'Nay, Lúthien my child, I fear
he lives indeed in bondage drear.
The Lord of Wolves hath prisons dark,
chains and enchantments cruel and stark,
there trapped and bound and languishing
now Beren dreams that thou dost sing.'

(Lay of Leithian, Canto VI, which I've only just noticed is a total sequence-break, because we haven't even seen Beren reach Nargothrond yet!)

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I looked through the sites, and got a little caught up in the actor drama. Long story of it short, apparently Sauron here is played by Seraphim (ie V2 Finrod), and Finrod specifically on the Sept 5th performance will be played by Roman Susalyov (V1 Finrod), and for some reason this amused me to no end when I first read it. The theatre group is Eterius, same as V2, but the cast I think is pretty different. I didn't look through the whole list of names though to see who else except for Finrod might be an old timer. But my do I wish I could be a fly on the wall of that theatre hall this Sunday!
Wait, what? Sauron is Seraphim? :O Cripes, that's a genre jump! They have an audio file from Maxim Rakovsky singing Finrod at - sigh - "Glastonberry" back in March, so he's probably the one on the videos; I feel like I slightly recognise the name? But I'm not sure of that.

It's weird to me that almost every performance of the play drops one or more of the female roles. There's already fewer of them than the male roles; is there just a major shortage of women in Russian musical theatre?

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
They look absolutely lovely! And they all have a very different "personality", it doesn't look monochrome green at all. It was a great idea. ^.^
What I forgot was that my phone tends to wash out photos, so all of these have their saturation upped. It really has made all the difference. What am I, about halfway through? Summat like that.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Meanwhile, I got a bit distracted...
This, I need to revisit when I have my microphone handy.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
All I have to offer on the Zong front after that torrent of stuff is a sketch for Dream. It's in a good range for me, and I could go up or down a few tones without issue once I can actually sing. Tone test for you?
It seems good to me. I got a bit lost towards the end, but I think I just wasn't paying attention. Possibly because I was focussed on:

06 - Ballad to Amarie - The Video

I actually really loved the simplicity of Finrod here - he basically just sits there in full colour the entire song. It let me focus on the rest of the scene more than I would otherwise. I also appreciated the structure of the song - every set of four lines is exactly the same length! I could move things around with no trouble at all to get it all sorted.

So now we have a run of nine. ^_^ I was going to put up the spliced-together video - it comes to 42 minutes! - but, like, you've already sketched most of Dream; at this point I might as well wait and do the whole of Act I!

On which note: while I would love to do a duet with Celebestel, there's no evidence that the "Heart Duet" has ever existed; it's probably sensible just to make it a solo at this point. If they ever sing it as a duet we can revisit.

Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera
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