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Old 09-01-2021, 05:20 PM   #508
Blossom of Dwimordene
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Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Galadriel55 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.

(Actually, this is the happiest I've been today or in the last few days)

Originally Posted by Huinesoron View Post
I am unsure whether to describe those last few posts as a flurry, tide, or torrent of stuff, but apparently I'm clear that it's some form of meteorological phenomenon.
It's actually sad, but that phenomenon is simply a proper weekend. :/ But as I think I've said somewhere, I expect things will not be so bad in the coming few weeks.

Originally Posted by Hui
05 - Appeal

I've had to fudge in the Choir myself, so this isn't strictly final, but that's the only thing I expect to change. I wound up doing a full re-recording of the lyrics, because... I was in that sort of mood, I guess?

(Are we happy with just 'Appeal' here? The only alternatives I can think of wind up of a length with 'Of Tuor and His Coming to Gondolin', which would be a bit unwieldy.)
Your Beren is fantastic! If you ever do this as live action... oh, I would si love to see it. That was amazing.

The high voice part of Choir will be a long time coming, otherwise it will sound like the Elves' singing improved dramatically with a few days of torture in Sauron's dungeons. I want to make a recording of the full piece too, just for the fun of it, I've been waiting so long to sing this piece - but again, to avoid having everyone sound like Necromancee Sauron, I will do so when my voice is back.

Name - "Appeal" maybe sounds a little sharp. Maybe Beren's Appeal? Some part of my mind early on also nicknamed that song Nargothrond, or Beren In Nargothrond. A song with a thousand names and none. Just let's please not do Beren Arrives In Nargothrond And Appeals To Finrod, anything else goes.

Originally Posted by Hui
09 - Melian's Aria

This should be final, though in all the bustle I haven't actually rewatched to check nothing went wrong in adding the new recording.
Thank you for changing it. I watched it, I did not notice anything wrong. So, can I finally say it - hurray!...

Originally Posted by Hui
I haven't yet looked at the files you dug up for Minions - that's one for tomorrow maybe?
No rush. Plenty of time ahead.

Originally Posted by Hui
06 - Ballad to Amarie (hS recording)

I love that song. ^_^ Thank you so much for bringing the English version to life! I'll get the video done... soon? I think I know how I'm doing the backdrop, and at least there's only one singer!

(Any preferences on the title? I've had it as Ballad to Amarie, Ballad of Finrod, Finrod's Ballad, and just Amarie. I think the Libretto is at Amarie (Ballad of Finrod).)
Oh my... Varda's Stars. I swear I love this piece more and more the further along we get. This is so good. And it's very clearly your piece, it just all goes so well. I've listened to it three or four times just while writing this post. It's so good. And to think that my feelings for it were very lukewarm when I first watched the Zong!

How do you feel about the music? If you think that it's too tame in contrast with the surrounding stuff, I can redo it. I think this version balances well, and at least as a stand-alone I think it works nicely, but it's your song and your call. But if we change it, I would still want to save this recording as an alternative stand-alone, because it is just so good.

As for the title - I think the only one I would maybe vote against is "just Amarie". It confuses me because it makes me think of the Amarie songs. But "Ballad to Amarie" is very nice, just as the other two. I suppose "Finrod's Ballad to Amarie" combines all the options, but is it beginning to press on Of The Ballad Of Finrod To Amarie Where He [insert summary of song content]?

Originally Posted by Hui
I've also discovered... okay, I'm sure at some point I discussed the ancient SilmFilm project I was involved in, and I mentioned that I'd snuck a tiny reference into the Zong? I have no idea what, and can't find me saying it... anyway, whatever that reference was, I found another: Verse 2 of the Ballad uses the phrase "time and Sea", which is cribbed from lyrics I wrote for Silm Film: That world is lost forever / Cut off by Time and Sea... yeah, I'm homaging myself at this point, what a world.
...I cannot for the life of me remember either what the other reference was. But nothing wrong with a bit of self-homage. :P Besides, all projects and fanfics sort of serve as inspiration for the next generation of projects, so it's a rightful reference.

Originally Posted by Hui
Of the new recording, I've not yet taken more than a cursory look, but I'll get it listed in the Libretto soon. It's interesting that they have Meeting, but no hint of either of Amarie's pieces - it suggests they're doing a hybrid script maybe? Or maybe they just didn't feel like recording her. (And, naturally, nothing of the elusive Doriathrin Intelligence or whatever that's called.)
I wonder if they just didn't/couldn't cast her. In all else they are working with the newer script (and even the newer-newer Dream), but they do switch around the order of some songs. But these are only snatches of the concert, and I honestly have no idea if they've ever cast Amarie - or, as you say, either of the Doriath sovereigns.
You passed from under darkened dome, you enter now the secret land. - Take me to Finrod's fabled home!... ~ Finrod: The Rock Opera

Last edited by Galadriel55; 09-01-2021 at 05:28 PM.
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