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Old 08-20-2021, 07:16 AM   #257
Michael Murry
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 85
Michael Murry is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
"Tolkien"-brand Game of Thrones?

In a link that I posted to another thread about "LOTR"-brand television production shifting from New Zealand to the British Isles, I came upon the following quote that I thought also applies to this thread, as well:

After Amazon founder Jeff Bezos demanded a ‘Game of Thrones’-style program [emphasis added] to boost his company’s streaming service, the retail giant paid $250 million to secure the television rights to the franchise four years ago ...
How do we reconcile the treatment of nudity -- let alone, sex -- in Game of Thrones versus the treatment of such subjects by J. R. R. Tolkien in The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings? I haven't read The Silmarillion, but I don't suppose one could find much explicit sexuality in this collection of unpublished (in his lifetime) writings. I haven't seen a single episode of The Game of Thrones, either, so I went looking on the Interwebs for something on the subject. I got the following back, right off the top:

The Ultimate Ranking of 'Game of Thrones' Sex Scenes
Rated on a scale of dracarys. 🔥

Even though it's over, if there's one thing Game of Thrones remains notorious for—aside from that divisive and disappointing ending, of course—it's the sex scenes that littered the series. From season one, episode one, Game of Thrones proved that it was a show that was not afraid to show plenty of sex scenes, from young hotties Daenerys and Jon Snow to the incestuous pairing that were Cersei and Jamie. Yes, there was plenty of death in Game of Thrones (some would say a depressing and unnecessary amount of death), including many of the people above—it's been over for a while, guys, I'm not going to apologize for the spoiler—but those heartbreaking death scenes were far outweighed by a long list of scorching hot (and, okay, if we're being totally honest here, some not as hot) sex scenes.

Game of Thrones wasn't shy about exploring sex in many different forms and between many different characters. Some of the show's love scenes were hard to watch (but some real-life sex is not the greatest either, so who are we to judge), but many of them were flaming hot like dragon fire. That's why we think it's appropriate that we've utilized a very scientific, very official fire emoji 🔥 -based system to rank the best Game of Thrones sex scenes. Below, we count down Game of Thrones' best and most iconic sexy time moments, from the not-at-all sexy to the ones that might as well have had characters literally screaming "DRACARYS" in ecstasy.
As opposed to this, I searched for some comments by J. R. R. Tolkien relative to this subject and found the following from an interview with him in 1964:

[16:36] Denys Gueroult: “Now, women play very little part indeed in the Lord of the Rings. Eowyn is almost the only woman in the book who shows any sign of sexual awareness at all. Did you deliberately exclude sex from the book?

J. R. R. Tolkien: “No, but after all, these are wars and a terrible expedition to the North Pole, so to speak.”
[For the complete interview, see: J.R.R. Tolkien 1964 interview (Subtitles)
J.R.R. Tolkien interviewed by Denys Gueroult for BBC in 1964 (released 1971).]

Now, does anyone who has read The Silmarillion and seen Game of Thrones have any idea if the richest man on earth will get what he wants out of this television series and whether the "discriminating" television audience will swallow it as J. R. R. Tolkien's work without gagging?
"If it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." -- Tweedledee
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