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Old 05-18-2021, 02:25 AM   #462
Overshadowed Eagle
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I promise at some point I will get this animated! Tomorrow, maybe?

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Luthien's "who is this creature that just stumbled out of the thicket?" attitude is very fanficcy, and there... well, they take turns finding each other, I suppose.
I'm fairly forgiving of this, particularly in the musical, because although Beren does all the literal finding in the book, Luthien metaphorically finds and heals him.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
PS: Thank you on the comments on Temple! I appreciate the insights!
I'll try to do more at some point! Just got a lot of plates spinning at the moment.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Oh that's really lovely! I agree that a tempo shift would work best; I'd be inclined to keep it slow through Arrival, and then speed it up for the Appeal proper. (I noticed that the sample only had one stanza of Beren before Finrod comes in on the Appeal - have we accidentally got two translations of the same verse in the Libretto, or were you just sketching?)

Quite agree about not trying to give Finrod a theme-harp. I thought the harp sounded too sped-up at the start of the faster intro, so yeah, it works best as an atmospheric instrument.

This does make me want to make the Nargothrond backdrop prettier though! If I've got time for a slow fade-in, using it to reveal geometric-looking arches seems a bit of a waste. But I'm not sure what... one to think about in the final, full version, I guess.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
And, in entirely unrelated news, I did start translating the Wilwarin fanfic. That's what happens when I have several days off in a row and very few responsibilities. It will not last very long though, which means that I've basically committed myself to another year-long-or-more project on a weekend whim. When I get through the first chapter, I will post a link.
I certainly wouldn't know anything about that... ^_~

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
That is actually a very good argument, and I might be convinced over. At least I don't mind it nearly as much anymore. Both the boldness in giving advise to the king and the power vacuum are good points. Thank you very much for that perspective.
I think it partly hinges on how you view Orodreth. If he's an inherently weak person, then the Ten can be nobodies, because even an intact government of Nargothrond can't do anything if their Regent says "just give my cousins what they want, they're scary". Given that the two things he does are 1) give in to Cel'n'Cur, and 2) give in to Turin, that's a viable read. But... well, to quote the Script's Notes again:

Originally Posted by P@L
Very simply, Orodreth has to be the same person who on the one hand didn't argue strongly on his brother's behalf and who lost an undamaged command to the Enemy…yet who for centuries held a castle which was not simply a remote garrison but the capital of a province which controlled the only north-south corridor in Western Beleriand, through which all friendly traffic for much of the First Age was compelled to travel [...], who enjoyed a friendly relationship with the traitors prior to the coup, — and who, when presented a second time with the alternative of passive non-resistance to the status quo and cathartic violence, held against both strong influences...
You can see him as weak, but the complex version is much more interesting. P@L shows this in some of his scenes in Act III, and his appearance in the Enteract is just spot-on perfect for it.

A couple of notes in warning:

1) If you've not been reading Gower's narration, make sure you do for his closing speech in the Enteract; the ending is one of the most understated best bits of the Script.

2) Act IV is like... nothing else in Arda. I think she originally intended it to be a fairly short closure, but... it's split into six parts, and Word is telling me the first two are both 80K words. It's utterly incredible (in my opinion at least), but it's also very, very long.

And frustratingly not quite finished, though you can just about imagine that the ending would be another Gower speech. Basically all the plot threads get tied up, with just one left to the imagination.


Edit: Now I'm reading Act IV (again again), and I think I just found our theme song:

Originally Posted by Leithian Script
Beren: Of course. If you're sure. -- You know what happens to my projects.

Finrod: -- Expansion of scope far beyond any reasonable assessment, followed by utter chaos, culminating in divine intervention? -- I'm counting on it.
Have you burned the ships that could bear you back again? ~Finrod: The Rock Opera

Last edited by Huinesoron; 05-18-2021 at 07:17 AM.
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